domingo, 31 de diciembre de 2017

Omisoka osechi...

May your special box be bountiful...and beautiful. I like the cut of the Japanese jib: they traditionally (or did) spend the year end with, as one might expect, activities considered important for the year-end: a clean start, house cleaning and tidying, repaying debts (ha!), "purification" (such as driving out evil spirits and bad luck) [Wiki], and personal hygiene/bathing. This chimes exactly with what me and my OCD like to do. That and light a candle. Clean, clear, rest, relax, welcome. best wishes for 2018; totally off topic a couple of quotes from the mighty Albert to end the year:  "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."... ..."Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." Or an even better quote from Muse: "Don't Waste your Time or Time Will Waste You." It will anyway but don't let it be for nothing!

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