martes, 9 de abril de 2019

Oncoming Orwellian online outrage...

No comment from me but full agreement with Raedwald, 'Censorship and Repression - May's Ceauscescu moves' :
"Oh boy - so it's blogs that damage our trust in Parliament - not Parliament's betrayal of democracy or corrupt MPs as I previously described them as denizens of Dante's eighth malbolge - pimps, seducers, flatterers dipped in human shit, liars, fornicators, barrators, perjurers, corrupt office-holders, half-wit frauds and peculators. And I can name at least three of each. And have candid photos of one (widely circulated on the net) who importuned another pervert to shit on him."
Re the proposals contained in the Online Harms White Paper "for widespread government censorship of the internet". At least the tame MSM are jumping on this too. Their master bites them.

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