Alone again although not quite: we are open for business with the world. I still am not 100 percent convinced by BoJo but by God it makes a hell of a differnece to have an overtly optimistic and patriotic Prime Minister again.
Today his written statement is promising: "The Government remains committed in all circumstances to securing all those benefits for the whole of the UK and to strengthening our Union."..."In its negotiations with the EU, the Government will be acting on behalf of the UK Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories: the whole UK family. The UK proposes to agree similar arrangements with the EFTA states."'s speech is outstanding.
"And - you know where this is going - today if we get it right, if we have the courage to follow the instincts and the instructions of the British people, this can be another such moment on the launching pad.""We are re-emerging after decades of hibernation as a campaigner for global free trade.
"And frankly it is not a moment too soon because the argument for this fundamental liberty is now not being made...
...And since these notions were born here in this country, it has been free trade that has done more than any other single economic idea to raise billions out of poverty and incredibly fast." We do extraordinary things as I never tire of telling you. Tea to China, cake to France, TV aerials to South Korea and so on. Boomerangs to Australia - Nigel Farage to America. Then he came back of course. [Ows: Thank God!]
We are embarked now on a great voyage, a project that no one thought in the international community that this country would have the guts to undertake, but if we are brave and if we truly commit to the logic of our mission - open, outward-looking - generous, welcoming, engaged with the world championing global free trade now when global free trade needs a global champion, I believe we can make a huge success of this venture, for Britain, for our European friends, and for the world.Very well worth a read of the whole thing, or a watch and listen (speech begins @3:25, don't miss Q&A at the end, LOL).
Plus another good read: Leaving the EU is a joyous expression of national self-confidence. For that, we have Thatcher to thank. (Conservative Home): "However, Thatcher changed everything. Her radical reforms, unapologetic patriotism, uncompromising will and remarkable character lifted the nation out of its post-war torpor and restored its self-confidence...
"A British ‘economic miracle’ was being enviously mooted on the continent – a truly remarkable turnaround from the stagnation and misery afflicting the nation just 10 years earlier...
"Most important, though, was the national pride restored by Thatcher’s indomitable spirit and sense of moral purpose."For this, we have Thatcher to thank. And as a delicious accompaniment, she posthumously drove a stake through the heart of her vampiric nemesis, Michael Heseltine. Victory has never been sweeter."
"If Britain joined what was to become the EU in a moment of disorientation and self-doubt, it voted out as a confident, self-assured, optimistic, outward-looking and independent nation state.
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