domingo, 2 de febrero de 2020

Official observance...

...of Octoraro Orphie? Or is it Phil? Anyhoo, today is Groundhog Day: "The first reported news of a Groundhog Day observance was arguably made by the Punxsutawney Spirit newspaper of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, in 1886"...not that we in the UK celebrate it, but we know about it. The only real reason I'm posting about it is the cartoon below, LOL.

Although I also notice the date and time and feel oddly excited. Plus today is the 33rd day in this, a Leap year, with 333 days to go...

Update 3 a.m.: Talking of The Donald, I thought this was interesting from The Last Refuge (CTH); I wonder whether the US media will ignore - much the same way as UK media have studiously ignored any good news re Brexit - the State of The Union address as they have done previously for Trump. The SOTU is on Tuesday: the 1111th day of the Donald's administration. The numbers again.

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