martes, 29 de septiembre de 2020

Ongoing official obnubilation...

Amazing the constant fear-mongering. The casedemic continues apace. Lockdown Skeptics have the video (also seen a Guido's) of "the stand out contribution to the debate" on The Coronavirus Act, which is due to be renewed on Wednesday; it came from Sir Desmond Swayne: "It was project fear, it was an attempt to terrify the British people, as if they haven’t been terrified enough." The real 'Project Fear' has been going on for years but the COVID one is over 6 months old already. With luck, and if the pertinent ammendment passes, "it will mean that no additional Covid
restrictions can be imposed by the Government without being approved by

Richard on Twitter (@RP131) has the graphic comparison [quoted and linked as he is pissed off that that others don't seem to want to link to his work after showing his graphs!] has the numbers showing what really happened against what the government scientists were showing on TV last week. "Projections in red; actuals in blue."

Richard says take with a pinch of salt..[update: here's his index Tweet with the four headings of the 'usual 4 daily threads']

Just seen this cartoon - a week late - but it is so appropriate (cartoon credit: Pat Blower LINK)

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