The image came from THIS article by David Alton on Geopolitical Intelligence Services last May: "Authorities could prove unwilling to relinquish new powers". We'd said it even before then but it is certainly proving true.
Not much input from me again because it is all so adequately and completely said already:
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheTwo must-reads from the Conservative Woman blog: 1. "Lockdown – the Big Lie that will never end" [LINK] by Daniel Miller: "...there can no longer be any doubt that the position in Britain and elsewhere has nothing to do with any medical emergency, and probably never did.
"This is not to claim there was never a pandemic, but that the policies enacted in response cannot be explained or justified by any reasonable concern for public health. Every element of the justification for the lockdowns that have been imposed across the world is baseless scientifically, without exception.""Further, the deception and repression which the implementation of lockdown has involved cannot be accounted for as honest errors or incompetence. Censorship of alternative perspectives, the creation of a legal framework for installing a police state, and now the roll-out of experimental vaccines with questionable health benefits and seemingly zero political or social benefits (given that mask mandates and lockdown still persists) all indicate a conscious intention to deceive.
"Again, lockdown has absolutely no relation to any medical emergency. The policy is based entirely on political criteria and implemented in the service of political objectives."2. "A dark day for democracy" [LINK] by Michael Curzon; a brief article about the very sad fact that fewer than 12% of our 'elected representatives' voted against the "unnecessary, excessive and dangerous powers" when the Coronavirus Act was renewed until September (In fact of the 76 MPs, only 35 are members of the so called Conservative Party). Here however it is the comments that really stand out and I hope the commentator Jingleballix doesn't mind me copying and pasting his excellent words:
"A dark day for democracy" Yes it is. Twelve months ago, this government lied... lied to parliament by stating that a 'catastrophic emergency' had occurred - 'emergency powers' can only be invoked on those grounds.
It ignored its obligation to utilise the Civil Contingencies Act - which would see 'emergency powers' scrutinised by parliament on a MONTHLY basis.
It lied to parliament to secure the passing of the Coronavirus Act - saying lockdown would only be to safeguard NHS capacity.
It lied to the British people. It has dealt in falsehoods every single step of the way - claiming there was a scientific basis for every measure: social distancing, masks, lockdown itself and vaccination; all of which do far, far more harm than good.
It handed control of public health policy to platoons of narrow-minded, unelected academic-scientific odd-balls and blackguards, most of whom have no interest in public service or welfare - they have been pursuing the agendas on behalf of globalists, they have attempted to preserve their own reputations or they have enjoyed working on this mass experiment.
It has misrepresented deaths and death certification It has manipulated language to term asymptomatic people 'cases' or 'infections'... ...all on the basis of the scandalously inaccurate PCR-tests... ...any doctor knows that a 'case' means illness; and in fact that statistic is also being collected officially as 'notifiable illness'.
It has thrown peoples' rights, freedoms, livings, businesses, education and indeed their lives into a pit of destruction and despair - thousands have committed suicide.
It has halted or denied proper medical treatment - treatment that the people have paid for - to people who badly needed it. Consequently, many thousands have died at home instead of getting treatment, and many, many thousands more will have missed life-saving diagnoses.
It has allowed rampant venal corruption, enabling the theft of £billions of the public's money.
It is hobbled the courts to prevent legal challenge. It has sought to terrify, bully, brow-beat and bribe the British people into accepting all of the monstrous things it has done - what kind of government does that to its people?
It has put our freedoms and democracy in danger of being permanently extinguished... ...and it has bribed the media to NOT look into their litany of falsehoods and anti-democratic behaviour... would not be unreasonable to believe that it has not done the same with its own MPs.
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