lunes, 29 de mayo de 2023

Opulent opus omnifying our oneirodynia...

Spiritual war [BOB]
'Spiritual war' an A3 framed print of which will soon on its way to yours truly. A masterpiece "most influenced by Bruegel’s ‘The Fall of the Rebel Angels’, which was originally thought to have been painted by Bosch. So obviously, there’s a lot of him in there too." [Twitter]
Original artwork: £125,000.00

Original artwork painted on 300gsm Saunders Waterford watercolour paper and rendered in Indian ink and watercolours.

Measures 470mm x 330mm on 510mm x 360mm paper.

From BOB. [Website]

For more information and to arrange a direct payment please email

sábado, 20 de mayo de 2023

Outed Obama (re)outed...

Well well. "In response to new sanctions by the Biden administration" [Human Events] Russia has banned ex POTUS Barack Obama (among 500 Americans banned from going to Russia, LINK: AP). This is:
"On the heels of the release of the Durham Report showing Obama’s involvement in election interference and the Russian collusion hoax in 2016, Russia has banned the disgraced president from entering the country."
[@Amuse Twitter]. 

Had to laugh. The Durham report shows what we knew back in 2016 and was just part of Outgoing Obama's outrageous outrecuidance...him and Hillary were up to their eyeballs in sleaze and corruption and international and intentional murder of US citizens. As usual, Russia's official response to Biden's sanctions - although not "pretty damn sassy" like their response to Obama's lame duck shenanigans, is with more reason. Why? Because the Obama administration, Clinton and the DNC's direct involvement in Russian collusion has brought the world to the failing situation it is now in, they stole the 2020 election; if The Donald had become POTUS 46 do you really think we'd be where we are today?

Update: Always worth a read Mark Steyn told us too, also back in 2016 and reviewed last year: "As I think most persons paying attention now realize, the investigation into foreign interference with the 2016 election was created as a cover for domestic interference with the 2016 election."

jueves, 18 de mayo de 2023


Well it was obvious before the first day of the first lockdown that the idea of 'lockdowns' (prison riot term) would kill more than the virus. Now the data is showing it loud and clear: not just the murder rate (image below) but also drug use, suicide, road deaths (yes! weird huh?) suicide, fertility down more than before, pregnancy issue, stllbirth not just the 'straight-forward' vax deaths and clear heart problems on the increase, but almost everything is worse.

Source PLC on Twitter (@Humble_Analysis)
Hat-Tip: The Naked Emperor Substack.

sábado, 13 de mayo de 2023

Open obloquy obfuscating ovines...

Disgracefully misleading the sheeple: almost every single line in the following US Gov COVID jab info is wrong - and demonstrably so. Evil abounds: DEMONStrably...

Source: CDC government website 
"The fact the CDC continues to recommend these modified mRNA injections for infants as young as six months old, pregnant and breastfeeding women, when there is a preponderance of evidence, which shows they are neither safe nor effective, is profoundly troubling. This report discusses the potential reason why this government agency’s position has been so resolute and delves into what the public really needs to know!..." 
Source and hat-tip: Sonia Elijah investigates "The CDC's catastrophic failures: What the public needs to know". Always worth a read and subscribe to the Substack if you wish.