sábado, 13 de mayo de 2023

Open obloquy obfuscating ovines...

Disgracefully misleading the sheeple: almost every single line in the following US Gov COVID jab info is wrong - and demonstrably so. Evil abounds: DEMONStrably...

Source: CDC government website 
"The fact the CDC continues to recommend these modified mRNA injections for infants as young as six months old, pregnant and breastfeeding women, when there is a preponderance of evidence, which shows they are neither safe nor effective, is profoundly troubling. This report discusses the potential reason why this government agency’s position has been so resolute and delves into what the public really needs to know!..." 
Source and hat-tip: Sonia Elijah investigates "The CDC's catastrophic failures: What the public needs to know". Always worth a read and subscribe to the Substack if you wish. 

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