lunes, 31 de octubre de 2005

October's over...

Halloween special....a Sexy Witch...

Continuing on this theme, the following is taken from 'The Tools of the Craft', by Lee Thurmond.
"The sacred tools of the Witch have been around for thousands of years and we present the basics here. There are many books that go into further detail and always remember that Witchcraft is truly a Life's Quest. As we all know there are numerous tools that are used world over by Witches on a daily basis. Some of these tools are a considered essential to certain individuals/or traditions and others may consider these same tools a hindrance or unnecessary."

The following is just a very brief snippet of what can be found in this 'Witchraft Basics' from
The Witches' League For Public Awareness:

ATHAME: The next tool I would like to discuss briefly is the athame. The athame is usually a black handle, double edge knife [blogger's note: that's woken Gavin up!] and is strictly a ritual tool. It is a symbolic representative of the element of fire. It can be used as a tool for laying down a circle and also as a symbol representing the male aspect. Athames can be used to invoke the quarters, release the quarters, and are customarily used to assist with blessing the waters of life inside of the chalice, this blessing being symbolic of the Great Rite.

CAULDRON: The cauldron represents the gift of birth, death and rebirth, also knowledge and inspiration. The cauldron is a female aspect and is a symbolic representative of water, and it may also be used as a representation of fire. It is often referred to in connection with Cerridwen.

WAND: The wand has been known as a tool that is gentle in nature and has the male aspect, it is the symbolic representative of air. It is another tool that can be used for casting circle, invoking and releasing the quarters, and casting of spells, and some have used this in place of the athame or sword in the performance of the symbolic ritual of the Great Rite.


It does scare me though...


6 comentarios:

  1. Hello Gavin, I knew you'd be the first 'in'...have you got ESP? After all I did mention you in the post.

  2. Very informative Mr. Ows. Thank you muchly

  3. Thank you Six, there is so much info out there it's a temtation to post great long tracts of links and many good sites...the Internet has changed the world for the better...sorry...waffling

  4. What a little hottie Span!

    She'd have been one for the fire, and no miSTAKE.

    see what I did there?

    K x
