domingo, 23 de octubre de 2005

Onomatopoeic oeuvre...

(Dedicated to the BBC Radio 5 UK News Board posters)

13 comentarios:

  1. I guess it's fair enough Span. The boards are not a patch on when I started posting

  2. Hi Six, I wasn't really saying the board was plop...but I guess it has fallen a lot since 'the good old days'!!!

    No, the other week on some word thread or other a long time but occasional poster put plop as a perfect word known by all and used by children and exactly the 'right length' for good words etc...OK...this loses a lot in transaltion but the dedication was because I couldn't remember who posted it not because I think it's all plop....shit would be a much better word for that!!!...:-)

  3. But it is plop! And I'm still in pre-mod!

  4. Lol fair enough.

    I've taken a decision to try and start decent threads again and try and get the essence of the board back. It's descended in to an unseemly, haters haven and in reaction the rest of the board is now filled with drivel.

    Don't get me wrong drivel's good but there's only so much you can banter about. So, as I said I'm going to get back to why i actually started posting there.

  5. By the way is it a good idea to have the site feed as one of your links doesn't it leave you open to hacking?

  6. gulps....don`t know Six, we'll have to get Gavin the maestro to tell us. it`s for ease of republishing if someone wants to publish/ report7 quote etc from the blog so i guess it would make it easier to hack.....thinks....thinks....thinks...Don't know!!...doh!

  7. It's like RSS so that conetent on your site can be machine read and used as a "news feed" on someone else's site. It merely converts the publicly available content into a different format - it doesn't make it any less secure.

    Naturally I live in hope that someone might actually WANT to syndicate my content...

  8. Blimey Gavin, have you swallowed a technical manual?

  9. Span,

    You link to Kate is broken it goes off to

    Mind you it's quite a good site


  10. Six, thanks for that! All sorted now..., that Gav knows a thing or two dun 'e?
