viernes, 14 de octubre de 2005

You know it makes sense...

"Sugen un etusdio de una uenivrsdiad ilnglsa, no ipmotra el odren en el que las ltears etsan ersciats, la uicna csoa ipormtnate es que la pmrirea y la utlima ltera etsen ecsritas en la psiocoin cocrrtea. El rsteo peuden etsar ttaolmntee mal y aun pordas lerelo sin pobrleams. Etso es pquore no lemeos cada ltera por si msima snio la paalrba cmoo un tdoo. Pesornamelnte me perace icrneilbe..."

Indeed...and as I know many of you (but by no means ALL of you) will have a torrid time trying to understand what I have written - because no translation site will have a clue what I have posted - I include the correct rearrangement of the letters and their translation below...underneath an example of what mosquitos can do to help us...or is it that I fancied posting a gratuitous display of lovely flesh...

"According to a study from an English university the order in which you write the letters of a word does not matter: as long as the first and last letter are written in the correct positions the rest can be totally wrong and you will still be able to read the message with no problem at all. The reason for this is because we do not read each letter individually but the word as a whole. Personally I find this incredible..."


5 comentarios:

  1. This post was NOT here when I looked about midnight. You've been dickering with the time haven't you?

  2. I did change the time you think I boo-booed? Let's is now 14:35 pm by my coputer, watch and the lovely new clock on my blog that you have failed to congartulate me on (boo hoo...I put 'sob' as in cry but it could be misleading SOB...ooops...hehehe), let's see what time it is...

  3. ...nope, all OK, I posted at about 9 or 10pm last night...are you sure you weren't so plastered you couldn't focus....;-)
