martes, 20 de diciembre de 2005

Ornamental offering...

Estimados amigos del 'blogosphere'. Estoy mirando con optimismo el 2006 y quiero hacer llegar los mejores augurios para el año entrante, deseando que puedan festejar en familia con amor y paz estas fiestas. I'm off back to England on Thursday and I'm not sure whether I'll be posting much over the holiday period so I wish everyone the very best for Christmas and the New Year. Good health and good luck.

Season's greetings one and all;
enjoy yourselves and have a ball.

(Here's two to get you started)
Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by

(video deleted due to broken link at least twice!) Mariah Carey: All I want for Christmas is you [YouTube

Ornamental offering...

Estimados amigos del 'blogosphere'

Estoy mirando con optimismo el 2006 y quiero hacer llegar los mejores augurios para el año entrante, deseando que puedan festejar en familia con amor y paz estas fiestas.

Image hosted by

Season's greetings one and all;
enjoy yourselves and have a ball.
(Here's two to get you started)
Image hosted by
Image hosted by
I'm off back to England on Thursday and I'm not sure whether I'll be posting much over the holiday period so I wish everyone the very best for Christmas and the New Year. Good health and good luck.
S.O. with _music

Free music video codes by

Mariah Carey – All I Want For Christmas Is You
Don't forget what I said about the spam fest!!
S.O. with _music

sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2005

Ows's outré...

Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine

Updated with YouTube.

¡OJO! Important note: I’ve changed the code and the source site as the other one doesn’t work any more but there are still pop-up ads every time you change page. Press play, boys are into Guns N' Roses now (they've converted me!...I was never a fan 'back in the day'...could have posted Paradise City, Welcome to the Jungle or Civil War...equally good), which explains my choice but number one son is really retro and is now Dave Bowie (Ziggy Stardust period) crazy...good lad!

Funny how today's teenagers are with music - it seems to me - they just aren't into the boom di ti boom house, dance, techno stuff. Anyway, I was blog hopping and found a blog with an inset Bon Jovi video so, intrigued, I followed the link to the advertised site (one of several similar sites I now realise!) that has literally thousands of tracks and hundreds of bands...pop, rock, dance, trance, country, rapcrap and presumably every other genre...enjoy!

S.O...sadly older? but with music...
Update August 2010:...reading this post now sounds so ancient! Only 5 years ago!

Ows's outré...

Free music video codes by

Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
¡OJO! Important note: I’ve changed the code and the source site as the other one doesn’t work any more but there are still pop-up ads every time you change page.
Press play, boys are into Guns N' Roses now (they've converted me!...I was never a fan 'back in the day'...could have postedParadise City, Welcome to the Jungle or Civil War...equally good), which explains my choice but number 1 son is really retro and is now Dave Bowie (Ziggy Stardust period) crazy...good lad!
Funny how today's teenagers are with _music - it seems to me - they just aren't into the boom di ti boom house, dance, techno stuff. Anyway, I was blog hopping and found a blog with an inset Bon Jovi video so, intrigued, I followed the link to the advertised site (one of several similar sites I now realise!) that has literally thousands of tracks and hundreds of bands...pop, rock, dance, trance, country, rapcrap and presumably every other genre...enjoy!
S.O...sadly older? but with _music...

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2005

Oinoπoieio (or oivonoiεío)

Μιλάτε Ελληνικά…? Όχι…?

Did I taste the ‘Evinos’ of Ouranos? OK…Oenology…you know it makes sense. Last week, although I was working (yes, I WAS!) I was pleasantly surprised to find that my contact has branched out into wines and although this is ‘just’ a cellar of his own with a retail outlet, I was surprised by the quality available…surprised because I just did not know!

“And I ask myself why? Why were those cheap wines on Cyprus so good? I thought maybe one reason was that perhaps Cypriots would not drink them if they were not good, and maybe they only produce enough for domestic consumption and a small amount of export”…not my words but those of Michael Spice; do you ever find that someone has written exactly what you want to say!  The point re ‘not knowing’ is summed up nicely by Antony Haggipavlu of the Olympus Oinoπoieio – that’s ‘winery’, in case you were wondering…;-)

From the site: - In an article in the British wine journal Harpers two years ago, he is quoted as saying, "we have tried spending money on marketing Cypriot wines overseas, and we have tried blending indigenous varieties with international ones. But it doesn't work, simply because if consumers don't know something, they don't buy it. The only solution is to use known varieties and to produce high-quality wines at the lowest cost possible."Cyprus wines were praised by Dionysus, the god of wine in Greek mythology and whom the Romans called Bacchus; also, worshipers of Aphrodite - the Goddess of Love - celebrated with 'Cyprus Nama', allegedly the oldest wine known in history; strangely enough one of the best sites I have found on the subject uses the name of the Roman God (Bacchus) and not the Greek - this in no way detracts from the site, which suggests, amongst other things, routes for ‘wine’ tours and succinct first-steps in a wine-tasting guide -‘not another wine buff’…I don't mean me! Accreditation for the picture also goes to their site (Cyprus wineries).


Oinoπoieio (or oivonoiεío)

Μιλάτε Ελληνικά…? Όχι…?

Did I taste the ‘Evinos’ of Ouranos?

OK…Oenology…you know it makes sense.

Last week, although I was working (yes, I WAS!) I was pleasantly surprised to find that my contact has branched out into wines and although this is ‘just’ a cellar of his own with a retail outlet, I was surprised by the quality available…surprised because I just did not know!

“And I ask myself why? Why were those cheap wines on Cyprus so good? I thought maybe one reason was that perhaps Cypriots would not drink them if they were not good, and maybe they only produce enough for domestic consumption and a small amount of export”…not my words but those of Michael Spice; do you ever find that someone has written exactly what you want to say!

The point re ‘not knowing’ is summed up nicely by Antony Haggipavlu of the Olympus Oinoπoieio – that’s ‘winery’, in case you were wondering…;-)

From the site: - In an article in the British wine journal Harpers two years ago, he is quoted as saying, "we have tried spending money on marketing Cypriot wines overseas, and we have tried blending indigenous varieties with international ones. But it doesn't work, simply because if consumers don't know something, they don't buy it. The only solution is to use known varieties and to produce high-quality wines at the lowest cost possible."

Cyprus wines were praised by Dionysus, the god of wine in Greek mythology and whom the Romans called Bacchus; also, worshippers of Aphrodite - the Goddess of Love - celebrated with 'Cyprus Nama', allegedly the oldest wine known in history; strangely enough one of the best sites I have found on the subject uses the name of the Roman God (Bacchus) and not the Greek - this in no way detracts from the site, which suggests, amongst other things, routes for ‘wine’ tours and succinct first-steps in a wine-tasting guide -‘not another wine buff’…I don't mean me! Accreditation for the picture also goes to their site (Cyprus wineries).




lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2005

Optical illusions...

Optical illusions have always fascinated me; especially the ones that Nature herself can spring on us, anyone who has been to Electric Brae in Ayshire, Scotland will know what I mean but no picture can do it justice: you have to see it and 'feel it' to know what I mean.

There is a great sight [sic] for man-made optical illusions, Michael Bach, University of Freiburg, Germany; the image below is from the site...¡OJO!...that means 'beware' in Spanish - the word ojo i.e. without the exclamation marks, means 'eye' - which is quite appropriate because on the website there are a pair of eyes that follow your cursor around the's fun at first but after a bit I found it quite spooky!

Image hosted by

On a similar theme, my favourite tongue-twister, which in my experience has never been successfully 'spoken', is very simple really: quickly say, ten times, the following words:

"Red leather, yellow leather" fact forget the ten times, I doubt you'll manage more than 3!


P.S. All new R5L poster/bloggers' links will be 'up' soon.

Optical illusions...

Optical illusions have always fascinated me; especially the ones that Nature herself can spring on us, anyone who has been to Electric Brae in Ayshire, Scotland will know what I mean but no picture can do it justice: you have to see it and 'feel it' to know what I mean.

There is a great sight [sic] for man-made optical illusions, Michael Bach, University of Freiburg, Germany; the image below is from the site...¡OJO!...that means 'beware' in Spanish - the word ojo i.e. without the exclamation marks, means 'eye' - which is quite appropriate because on the website there are a pair of eyes that follow your cursor around the's fun at first but after a bit I found it quite spooky!

Image hosted by

On a similar theme, my favourite tongue-twister, which in my experience has never been successfully 'spoken', is very simple really: quickly say, ten times, the following words:

"Red leather, yellow leather" fact forget the ten times, I doubt you'll manage more than 3!


P.S. All new R5L poster/bloggers' links will be 'up' soon.

domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2005

Off again...Days we love travelling...

I'm away this week, travelling again...for WORK!...but before I go I thought I would post re the political test, which I got from Gavin Corder's blog; I post it here because I think his version may be lost under several posts trying to get his non-commenting blog-stalker to comment!

You [Ows] scored as Anarchism:


What Political Party Do Your Beliefs Put You In?
created with

Well, it seems I'm all things: equal parts Republican, Democrat and Green but with a high anarchistic streak...that could go in my profile (top of blog by the pumping 'O'...hey, that anarchy logo ia a bit 'O' ish as well...) and I guess I'm living in the most appropriate country as far as Anarchism goes!...I feel a history post coming on...did I just say coming? ;-)


Off again...Days we love travelling...

I'm away this week, travelling again...for WORK!...but before I go I thought I would post re the political test, which I got from Gavin Corder's blog; I post it here because I think his version may be lost under several posts trying to get his non-commenting blog-stalker to comment!

You [Ows] scored as Anarchism:


What Political Party Do Your Beliefs Put You In?
created with

Well, it seems I'm all things: equal parts Republican, Democrat and Green but with a high anarchistic streak...that could go in my profile (top of blog by the pumping 'O'...hey, that anarchy logo ia a bit 'O' ish as well...) and I guess I'm living in the most appropriate country as far as Anarchism goes!...I feel a history post coming on...did I just say coming? ;-)


viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2005

Orgasms…come again?

As promised here is another orgasmic post; this is the third, “The Triple Tickle”; the other two - just in case you missed them - were very well received:

Orgasms... did you see this coming?
Orgasms... the second coming.

The triple tickle is appropriate not just as this is the third ‘instalment’; it also refers to that Holy Trinity of simultaneous stimulation of the clitoris, the vagina and the anus (if you can manage it that is…it is very manageable!).

This would usually involve fingers of both hands and definitely the tongue; if any of you guys (or girls!) out there aren’t keen on using this wondrous mouth organ (well it’s an instrument!) to give your girl pleasure then…err…get the fuck off my blog you Goddam weirdos!…;-) …ahem, to continue: of course, this can lead to positional problems so finding the ideal juxtaposition of bodies is essential for comfort and efficacy. It need not be fingers, those cute little ‘finger’ shaped vibrators (you know the ones I mean!) would be even better plus gel/ baby oil/ other sex play lubricants or similar textured edible materials (honey, cream…) could also be employed to great effect...apparently.

Below is an image that doesn’t demonstrate the aforementioned positioning and may not demonstrate any of what I have referred to either, but hey, who cares if it does or not: it turns me on...and could be very loosely connected with a ‘triple tickle’! You will note the right-hand 'bud' is closed and the left-hand one is open revealing the outer, supporting tendrils which, when closed-up, protect the 3 inner, sentient, manipulating tentacles…you can just get a glimpse of supporting tendrils of the third bud which is positioned for maximum pleasure, those outer tendrils are supporting the “victim’s” weight while the inner, probing tentacles stimulate…well you can imagine what they’re doing…you can imagine that, can’t you? If not I’m wasting my time!

The above image is, as before, borrowed from the erotic sketches and stories of

Marjorie Baldwin Greene... it is called "Pollination"...oooeer.

If you crave for more sperm, seeds, ovaries, fertilisation, embryos and male and female bits, in simple picture form,
go here


Orgasms…come again?

As promised here is another orgasmic post; this is the third, “The Triple Tickle”; the other two - just in case you missed them - were very well received:

Orgasms... did you see this coming?
Orgasms... the second coming.

The triple tickle is appropriate not just as this is the third ‘instalment’; it also refers to that Holy Trinity of simultaneous stimulation of the clitoris, the vagina and the anus (if you can manage it that is…it is very manageable!).

This would usually involve fingers of both hands and definitely the tongue; if any of you guys (or girls!) out there aren’t keen on using this wondrous mouth organ (well it’s an instrument!) to give your girl pleasure then…err…get the fuck off my blog you Goddam weirdos!…;-) …ahem, to continue: of course, this can lead to positional problems so finding the ideal juxtaposition of bodies is essential for comfort and efficacy. It need not be fingers, those cute little ‘finger’ shaped vibrators (you know the ones I mean!) would be even better plus gel/ baby oil/ other sex play lubricants or similar textured edible materials (honey, cream…) could also be employed to great effect...apparently.

Below is an image that doesn’t demonstrate the aforementioned positioning and may not demonstrate any of what I have referred to either, but hey, who cares if it does or not: it turns me on...and could be very loosely connected with a ‘triple tickle’! You will note the right-hand 'bud' is closed and the left-hand one is open revealing the outer, supporting tendrils which, when closed-up, protect the 3 inner, sentient, manipulating tentacles…you can just get a glimpse of supporting tendrils of the third bud which is positioned for maximum pleasure, those outer tendrils are supporting the “victim’s” weight while the inner, probing tentacles stimulate…well you can imagine what they’re doing…you can imagine that, can’t you? If not I’m wasting my time!

The above image is, as before, borrowed from the erotic sketches and stories of

Marjorie Baldwin Greene... it is called "Pollination"...oooeer.
If you crave for more sperm, seeds, ovaries, fertilisation, embryos and male and female bits, in simple picture form,
go here