domingo, 3 de septiembre de 2006

¡OJO! Overt omission; owsblog overshoots...

Beta Blogger Buzz booboo! OJO is a spanish word meaning eye but also with the exclamation marks means attention...WARNING! This morning I had a link on the dashboard, wasn't there before and you may not have it yet (or you may have had it there for days/weeks!)...the link tells you about the beta set-up - don't change until you read this:
"Note that, even if your blog is eligible to switch, you may not have the link to do so on your dashboard. We are starting out by just switching over a limited number of accounts, but we'll add more and more as time goes on. However, if you still want to try out Blogger in beta, what you can do is to visit and create a new account. Later on, you'll be able to merge this account with your original Blogger account. Thanks for your patience, and we promise it will be worth the wait!"

So I changed to the Blogger beta set-up: it's newer looks nicer and has many improvements as far as playing with the look etc of your blog. All my education with html could have been avoided...HOWEVER...having gone through the very quick and easy change-over (you need a Google account, which is also easy or unnecessary if you already have one or a gmail account) I cannot comment on other blogs that are normal Blogger...when I tried a page comes up saying the following:
"Unfortunately, you cannot post a comment on a non-beta blog or claim a mobile blog using your Google Account. These features are coming soon."

There you have it: change if you want but be aware that as yet you cannot post on non-beta blogs!!! Which means I'm out in the wilderness a bit and I'll have to comment as a 'non-blogger'...I'll try to avoid being anonymous after what happened on Six's blog beach-paraphernalia post the other day (23rd Aug)...

Now you know. Message to Blogger:

28 comentarios:

  1. OK...I take most of that back...I can post as "other" and still put my blogger address so it links back...

    ...panic over!

  2. UPDATE: I can post on blogs that allow anonymous comments because there are 3 choices: 'Blogger', 'Other' or 'Anon'

    However on those that have anon comments blocked the only choice is 'Blogger' so with the need to log in I cannot comment on those blogs...Haven't seen who's who yet but on Baldinio's I could comment but on Mags' I couldn' here's what I posted to Mags...(ahem)

    ..."Yowm a bostin wench yow am"

    ..."funnily enough I had similar advice from my first boss in Venezuela - he was 'famous' as being a incorrigible womaniser (despite having a gorgeous wife)...he said - this is almost word for word - Walk up to the bird and tell them they're lovely and do they want to fuck...he said more often than not he'd get a slap/ pushed away/get in a fight/get ignored...BUT 1 or 2 times out of ten they'd agree...good enough odds, case closed"

    "Needless to say I never did take that advice and don't think I ever could, even when pissed: 'I'm much more a flirty/play the game/ take them out working up to it kinda guy'"...:-)

  3. LOL!

    I still giggle when I remember a similar comment made to me (a few years ago). Shall I elaborate or would it be too shocking for inclusion on your blog?

  4. no no no...YES yes yes...Sarnia I'm so gald you've posted...was there anything different when you posted? I ask because Gavin and curmy seem to be having problems

  5. I'm testing...I tried earlier using my official name and my comment would not appear.

  6. It's slightly different and a box comes up about insecure something or rather - I just clicked on 'yes'.

    OK - I'll elaborate:

    Was when I was living in Bermuda. Was in a nightclub one night and a friend of a friend asked me to dance. I'd met him a few times and thought he was nice. ANYWAY - there we were and he suddenly said to me: "If it wasn't for the fact that I'm getting married next week I would really love to fuck you".

    I fell about laughing (and still do to this day whenever I remember it).

    He's a big cheese in the city now, I think!

  7. I cannot comment in the normal way at all...

    You better see if you can over at my place...

    In case it doesn't work as you found over on Mags' blog...

  8. OK Gildy...Gavin's trying, did you have to log out or did you just log in as other...your name links back to your blog so that's OK.

    Sarnia...I'm glad you laughed (confirms my 'idea' of you)

    Big cheese eh?...

  9. I get that box and have to click yes but still cannot sign in the normal way...

    Thanks for trying to help Sarnia xx

    On second thoughts...I can write my usual name by signing is as other and writing my name in the first box and then adding my webpage.

    The only problem is that under thois new idea perhaps anyone could sign in as someone else?

  10. The Great Gildersleeve9/03/2006 6:52 p. m.

    Span, its not so bad after your explanation, I can live with writing my name in and being classed "Other" and if it links back to my blog account I can stop writing in the web page address every time.

    But it still does not allow me just to use the first option...

    I'm away for evening meal but lets hope you can get onto everyone else's blogs as before.

  11. OK another go

    Gav as Anonymous

    Nope and again

    Gav as Other

  12. Span, why do you have to make things so blinking difficult by mucking about with your blog, you know I'm a Bear with very little brain !

  13. At least you got through Curmy ;-)
    I think I understand what's going on...just about.

    Span has managed to leave comments on my blog since the change and I can over here but as he's pointed out, one way I show up in blue and that links to my blog account,another way my name is black and I do wonder if that is a way to decide if a comment left is from the genuine person ie blue genuine, black maybe not.

    But I am trying to understand the explanation as to why three of the blogs Span visits still block him out(it all comes down to the settings)

    I have the word verification thing on to avoid spam affecting my blog but still had one get through today that had about 8 links to gambling sites(I deleted it of course)

  14. curmy! at least you amde it!!! I'm sorry, I was doing something taht I thought would be easier and better (beta!!!) It probably will be and i guess I'm a guines pig for them...hence my post and I've complained.

    However, if starting from scratch or with a blog with few adjustments (i.e. NOT ME!!!) It would be better to start with the new stylea sit is very much easier to 'play about' with the blog.

    Gildy, the ones I cannot post on are those that only allow comments from Blogger i.e. those with a blog and/or profile, which means that curmy couldn't post there anyway...I think. It is one of the options in the comments part of the settings (or thereabouts)

  15. Span, those sort of sites are definately too much for me, I was hesitating as your blog kept asking me to click buttons marked "Yes" and my OH is paranoid about getting viruses on his computer.
    Good thing I don't try anything too ambitious, I'd probably crash the whole caboodle !

  16. Hmm that is why I could not post here yesterday then, most annoying what!
    And I keep getting warnings about secure and non secure stuff pop up...

  17. Span, further to email, I have tried the google account route and the above test and this is the result. It will not let me use my blogger account. Plus I am getting the sercure non-secure pop ups too! Bloody nightmare. Can't you go back to being a normal blogger instead of a betablogger?

    Now my connundrum, do I allow anonymous comments on my blog? If I don't then you cannot comment and that would make me sad.


  18. Lucy, why are you called links back to your blog so you must have put in the link but why call yourself anonymous?

    Mags...!!! Test worked :-)

    curmy, the security thing is only for the comments window and allows nothing to enter your system, it's only so the window looks like it should do...I think :-/

  19. Hello again Mags, I can't go back but I think it a very temporary measure as I'm sure they can't allow this glitch to go on for long. Some of the other issues get dealt with fairly quickly so I'm confident this will be OK soon.

    Re the pop-ups I think that is only so you view the comment window as it should look and isn't a 'dangerous option' as it would be with some sites that...othe rpeople may visit :-/
    ...I might try a test clicking 'no' and see if I can still post.

  20. OK all..the pop-up window is asking you re unsecure items...these are the pictures we all have...if you click NO you can still post but the photos don't show no danger whatsoever...albeit another button to click whether yes ir no!...I'll ahve a look at my security settings because I get teh same pop-up.

  21. I've tried my blogger account agian and got nowhere. It recognises the name and password but says it is unable to process! So I'm stuck with this.

  22. OK Mags...sorry for the bother but don't do the "allow all comments" settings if you don't feel OK with it: if you got some nasty comments it would be my fault and I don't want that...however that means that the likes of curmy can't post there either (I think)

  23. I don't mind nasty comments if I know who has posted them! It's a cowards way to post anon and I don't wish to encourage cowards!

    My real reason is because I was the subject of two cyber stalking idiots and it took a lot of effort on my part to be rid of them. I don't think I could cope with all that again.

    Still thinking about it.

  24. Span I simply forgot to add my name and by default it went to anon...
    Nothing sinister about it honest :)

  25. It's Baldinio here - can't get in as myself.

  26. Mags, don't do it...I trust Google to sort it quick.

    Baldy...sorry, my fault. You mat have gathered by the hooha ...and the reason i posted this post...thought it was ace and found the sting in the tail (no offence...Respect Steve Irwin!!!) afterwards!!!

    One way round it for posting here is to have a google account (nothing special) or their gmail (Google email address) but I stress don't do this on my account...fucking twats (and impatient mugs like me!!!)

  27. LUCY! Sorry missed you out :-(

    I didn't think it was sisnister it was just interesting the way the system works!

  28. Span why can't you log out of beta blogger and into your old account so yuo can post on our olde worldefully functional blogs? n the same way that we must log into beta blogger to post on your silly new beta buggered bloggins!
