viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2006

'Orthodox' options...

Seems we may have a choice as to the next global conflict: it could be Holy War, with the Pope seemingly trying to reignite the Christian anti-Islamic fire.
"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."
OK, that may seem a bit rough on old Moh but he was a warrior and his 'word' wasn't quite the love and peace message that JC preached, mind you that didn't stop myriad Christain offshoots slaughtering to their hearts content.

Or the option could be nuclear, with Chavez the clown forever stirring and poking a stick at the USA: I've mentioned this before [link] but now this:
He told Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad "under any scenario, we are with you just like we are with Cuba".
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has pledged to defend Iran from attack as the summit of the Non-Aligned Movement gets under way in Havana, Cuba.

All a bit depressing; I hope to post something more pleasant for my blog birthday (and Gavin's...David must have just had his or it's due this week). I've been away this week and will be for most of the time betweeen now and end of October, so don't expect much...OK, you weren't... :-)

P.S....this is the whole post ;-)

P.P.S. Also on

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