One's opprobrium offers opportunity…
Is she now the top paid model? In only one year she has gone from being Cocaine Kate, with many kicking her hard while she was down, to Kate the Great, in the latest Vanity Fair (Style Issue: click on the furry, Russian Hat picture...). We all know what followed but reportedly she made no admissions, and she was not arrested (photographs of alleged drug-taking are not admissible evidence in British courts). On 16 June 2006, British police finally dropped the charges for lack of evidence…
"However, in the absence of any forensic evidence, or direct eye witness evidence about the substance in question, its precise nature could not be established."
what a blow!… (sorry)
This opportunity from adversity…what a crisis…the Chinese word for “crisis” is so apt: it combines two different characters: danger and opportunity…and hence is exactly what has happened.
Her current contracts (for the Fall/Winter 2006 season) include: Rimmel, Belstaff, Beymen, Dior, Louis Vuitton, Roberto Cavalli, Longchamp, Stella McCartney, Bulgari, Chanel, Nikon, David Yurman, Versace, Mia Shvili, Calvin Klein Jeans and Burberry (this last being one of thos etaht dumped her last year). Kate Moss will also be doing some work for Virgin Mobile (she signed a $1.8 million deal for the rights to her autobiography a short while back after the Virgin mogul himself, Sir Richard Branson, convinced her she should set the record straight on various things….AND…Moss wants to become the first supermodel in space, and has signed up with Sir Richard's Virgin Galactic space flight.
Not mentioned in the list above but very important (to me…) is her being a major part of Agent Provocateur’s new range plus “The Dreams of MissX”…you can log in see these dreams if you’re a member ;-)
Not withstanding Kate in still 77th in Forbes Top 100 Celebrities just being pipped as top model by Brazilian beauty Gisele Bundchen (71st place)...OK, that's not her at her best but it was a flash ;-)
[Any viewing/commenting problems please tell me; read the same post HERE.]
I can't believe how she's made such a come back, AND she's got bandy legs , Miaow !
ResponderEliminarwhoa...steady girl! hehehe, but there is something strnagely and alluringly 'not perfect' about her.
ResponderEliminarstrngely ? Span .Don't you mean Strangly ie hands round throat !
ResponderEliminar...we both seem to have caught Augustus' mispelling disease!
ResponderEliminarI would love to get my hands round her...
Your other blog, you know, the classy one, over the way, the one where you post the whole post so that it looks nice on the page without the 'read the rest' link that no-one wants to click, that one? Yeah well... The post a coment page comes up page not found! Doh!
ResponderEliminarwell I read your comment and just posted tehre...sure your browser wasn't just a bit tired?
ResponderEliminarSpan, have you heard her speak? as my mother would say common as muck and a voice like a circular saw drill. Not pleasant.
ResponderEliminarBTW have I ever told you that I am a godmother to a world famous super model? I don't mean some animal or airfix kit either.
She's from Croydon. Enuf said.
ResponderEliminarWell I'm afraid I can't see the Kate is beautiful deal and I have certificates for my enduring heterosexuality.
ResponderEliminarShe's a bit skank - a bit of a minger and she has the worst teeth seen in public since the Queen Mum's and hers were based on monolithic drawings of Stonehenge before the crusties arrived and knocked bits of it down.
Yours Baldinio
I undrstand she is a bit smelly.
ResponderEliminarYou'd think with all that money, she could afford a dentist and a bar of soap !
ResponderEliminarWell I think you're all very cruel and I shall refrain from comment until I've actually met her...mind you all that would explain the rather strange, ungl, talentless, stupid wanker of a boyfriend she seems not able to dump...he can put up with her so she can put up with him...oh well, I just commented after saying I wouldn't!!!
ResponderEliminarP.S. Mags...really? I see you tried to prevent thee "who, Lassie?" type comments :-)
ResponderEliminarmust be a man thing ...can't see it myself .
ResponderEliminar.....span, for a sexy model ...think Helena Christensen in the video for Wicked Game my OH tells me.