20/11/2011, a nice looking number and the date that Mr. Bean has announced will be the next Spanish General Election, a few months earlier than expected. This date may not mean much to many but Zapatero's government quickly dismissed the ‘coincidence’ as just another day; it is the date on which General Franco died in 1975 AND when José Antonio Primo de Rivera was shot by firing squad in 20th November 1936. The latter was founder of the Falange Española and son of Spanish dictator General Miguel Primo de Rivera. After José Antonio's execution the date "immediately became a day of remembrance for the Spanish Far Right". Ironically he wasn't 'Far Right' at all and the party - until the Spanish Civil War when it was absorbed into the National faction - could have been considered "republican, modernist, championed the lower classes and opposed both oligarchy and communism".
Worth a read if your interested: 'Franco, Fascism and the Falange - Not One and the Same Thing', by Norman Berdichevsky.
The picture is Dali's 'Soft Construction with Boiled Beans (Premonition of Civil War)'. For more info click on image.
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