"No British government has been in a stronger position"...David Blackburn in The Spectator quoting one official aide. Will it make the slightest bit of difference? Do you care? The European Union's budget of one trillion Euros was called 'relatively small': I'd be happier with about 9 fewer zeros; will David Cameron really secure a consensus to reject anything but a "0 per cent real terms rise for the 2013-2020 Budget round"?
Also, worth commenting on the news [deserves a post to itself really] that George Osborne objected to Britain's involvement in the eurozone bail-out and specifically asked "[Mr Darling] to be careful not to commit the UK to proposals that have a lasting effect on UK public finances"; nevertheless, later the same day Darling did the opposite and tied UK tax-payers' money into the bail-out fund. The following day Darling left office. Remember, the money being shovelled by various routes to the insatiable, greedy, gaping maw of the EU is SEVERAL TIMES the amount being "cut" by the Coalition: so, where is the outrage? Yes I know I've said it before; where are the marches? Where are the Unions? Where are the raving looney scraggly-bearded dodo Marxist Archbishops and hypocitical Polly Trots? I can't hear them. The current scene of the saga isn't a tragedy, it's a farce.
The Osborne-Darling thing is old news and I'm surprised why it's resurfaced this week.
ResponderEliminarBack to Greece it's beyond our grasp. The Coalition said they could do a better job than Labour so they are being given their chance.
Of course Greece will default, as will Ireland, Portugal and Spain - all economies suffering from low growth and high inflation having to service loans set by richer nations who assume that everybody's means of settlement are the same because they are all within one union. As I've said before debt is not the problem, servicing the debt is. Greece has the highest state pensions in the EU, three times the level of British state pensions as a percentage of average pay, all financed by the political dream of the EU. Everybody could see it coming ages ago but nobody believed it would happen and now it is what can ordinary people do? A lot of people didn't want the banks bailed out in this country and their voices weren't heard.
I know it's old news and I am pretty sure I have blogged it before too, not sure why it's cropped up...maybe to boost Cameron before the Euro budget meeting and boost even more Osborne's kudos.
ResponderEliminarDebt, indeed, that's why the UK isn't in "as much" trouble, we have more debt but it's also 'worth' more because the UK is seen as a decent bet.
"back in" 2008/09 I remember on the R5LMB bringing up the subject of countries leaving/being kicked out and was "laughed" off the thread.
It's times like these you might wish you were a Chinese banker.
ResponderEliminarThe future's bright; the future's orange...or maybe Mandarin.
ResponderEliminarWe probably could afford most of our costs regarding, Welfare, The NHS and other things you can think of if we were still not borrowing as much as we are giving away as foreign aid(ringfenced)towards the cost of running the EU, getting involved in further wars and so on.
ResponderEliminarThe other main problem is that most jobs are unable to or do not pay a decent living wage and so many in work or out of work struggle but both thanks to spin and the media at each other's throats instead of working together and many who work still need financial help from the Government in tax breaks or credits of some kind.