EU and UK version (** I have previously posted on Venezuela, Iran and others using this blog title)
'Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power' – Benito Mussolini"Will Italy lead the way once more, as politicians in Europe and the US watch to see what oppressive policies they may get away with?" wrote IanPJ last week, writing about 'draconian' financial measures in Italy, "including making cash transactions of more than Euro 1,000 illegal (not subject to reporting – just plain illegal").
OK, that was bad enough but he has followed up with an astounding article today with info which - I am pretty sure - 99.99% of the population didn't know: "that Police already have the power in the UK to seize amounts in excess of £1000, using the slightest of suspicions as an excuse, for which you have to prove whose money it is, what it is for and where it came from." Ok, a thousand quid is a lot of cash you say, but under this legislation 'cash' refers to: all and any currency, Postal Orders, cheques of any kind, Bankers Drafts, Bearer Bonds etc, in other words, anything.
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