sábado, 14 de enero de 2012

Osborne option...

He puts a brave face on it but essentially Balls has changed his tune: he may try to disguise what he is saying with comments about GO's plan failing and DC's vacuousness but it is still quite an admission: "My starting point is, I am afraid, we are going to have keep all these cuts."..."It is now inevitable that public sector pay restraint will have to continue through this parliament..."I know there will be some people in the trade union movement and the Labour party who will think, of course, Labour has got to oppose that pay restraint in 2014 and 2015. That's something we cannot do, should not do and will not do".

Ed Balls: "Labour cannot duck reality".

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3 comentarios:

  1. How many times I have said the differences between the major parties is miniscule. I knew that Labour will complain as to what the coalition is doing but when/if they get back in again they will continue the same policies and just keep saying we did not bring them in so don't blame us...

    Many people are unhappy with British politics and though many parties that are started fail or have to join existing political to survive(Remember the SDP?)

    Now is the time probably for anyone serious about trying to challenge the establishment to do so...It's now or never...

  2. I agree, there's a cigarette paper between the big three and the smaller ones like UKIP, Green etc are poor on specifics except their core issue so will never "break through".

    Cometh the hour cometh the man (woman?)"...nobody on view yet and it is almost impossible for an unknown to "break through" either.

  3. Most changes in the political scene will be in fighting between members in their own parties and most trying to get a job in Government or the part of a party where decisions are made and trying to improve their career prospects.

    And of course Clegg and Milliband will be watching over their shoulders in case someone tries to oust them as leader.

    Even "Sunny" Dave will have to careful but he's probably safe for the time being.
