domingo, 8 de enero de 2012

Orpington obscurantism...

"What is the point of journalists? Increasingly in this country we see reporters publishing stories they have not written, and to which they add virtually nothing." I agree, many are just becoming like the news gathering websites that simple supply a list of links and two or three lines of the original newswire. In this case, to me there is no surprise, the BBC misinform the public again. How long before blatant lies become the norm? Oh, they are. Autonomous Mind has a damning article on the MSM:

"This is yet another example of our media being lazy, derivative and unfit for purpose , therefore ill-serving the public audience."
Taken up with the addition of the BBC's unique twist on Biased BBC blog: "This isn't factual news reporting, it is opportunist speculation mixed with personal opinion, pushed on viewers without any supporting evidence whatsoever."

P.S. It is worth reading all the comments on that first link including Bruce in defence of the journalist's lot.

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