I am hoping the successful launch of another Venezuelan satellite this week will not overshadow the coming main event. I doubt it and in fact the launch - from China's Jiuquan launch center near Mongolia - been a bit of a damp squib. The better news is following Capriles round the country and today "Llegó el turno de Caracas!", It's Caracas' turn; if early photos and news are anything to go by it's going to be big. The coming 7-O isn't a shocking football score but possibly the most important date in Venezuelan elections for decades. I'm hoping Krusty Gets Kancelled.
domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012
Other orbits...
I am hoping the successful launch of another Venezuelan satellite this week will not overshadow the coming main event. I doubt it and in fact the launch - from China's Jiuquan launch center near Mongolia - been a bit of a damp squib. The better news is following Capriles round the country and today "Llegó el turno de Caracas!", It's Caracas' turn; if early photos and news are anything to go by it's going to be big. The coming 7-O isn't a shocking football score but possibly the most important date in Venezuelan elections for decades. I'm hoping Krusty Gets Kancelled.
Other orbits...
I am hoping the successful launch of another Venezuelan satellite this week will not overshadow the coming main event. I doubt it and in fact the launch - from China's Jiuquan launch center near Mongolia - been a bit of a damp squib. The better news is following Capriles round the country and today "Llegó el turno de Caracas!", It's Caracas' turn; if early photos and news are anything to go by it's going to be big. The coming 7-O isn't a shocking football score but possibly the most important date in Venezuelan elections for decades. I'm hoping Krusty Gets Kancelled.
jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012
Obvious objurgation...
LOL! Guido reports on how the 'rare Midas touch' of Crash Gordon mentioned on Tuesday lasted very little time indeed - no surprise. There will be no 'tranquillity': "Europe and Spain will continue down this autopista of economic tears until they are both willing to make the tough sacrifices that come with establishing a more coherent political and economic union." [Link]
Talking about tranquil Spain (NOT!) "When things go wrong, they really go wrong. Cuidado, Querida España", [Link] Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in the Telegraph, hat-tip Raedwald; while your there Raedwald has had several interesting things to say about Spain recently.
Obvious objurgation...
LOL! Guido reports on how the 'rare Midas touch' of Crash Gordon mentioned on Tuesday lasted very little time indeed - no surprise. There will be no 'tranquillity': "Europe and Spain will continue down this autopista of economic tears until they are both willing to make the tough sacrifices that come with establishing a more coherent political and economic union." [Link]
Talking about tranquil Spain (NOT!) "When things go wrong, they really go wrong. Cuidado, Querida España", [Link] Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in the Telegraph, hat-tip Raedwald; while your there Raedwald has had several interesting things to say about Spain recently.
Don't be evil. Well this is scary...or maybe not, maybe it's just me: I can remember doing computer courses in Word, Excel, setting up an email account and sending an e-mail etc, using the internet (ooooh!); even back then the tutor had us put Google as the home page - something I still always do - but it seems so last century...oh, it was! The Google doodle today is for the fourteenth birthday of Google...14! It seems forever.
Don't be evil. Well this is scary...or maybe not, maybe it's just me: I can remember doing computer courses in Word, Excel, setting up an email account and sending an e-mail etc, using the internet (ooooh!); even back then the tutor had us put Google as the home page - something I still always do - but it seems so last century...oh, it was! The Google doodle today is for the fourteenth birthday of Google...14! It seems forever.
martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012
Ormolu occamy...
"There is much discussion these days as to whether the price of gold is being manipulated. The answer is simply 'yes.'" Says Jeff Thomas, International Man [Link]. If you have it, not on paper, if you have physical gold, hide it. The same greedy disaster that has befallen the money market is happening to gold as well (and probably everything else) much as banks never have cash anywhere near the amount of money they lend, so too bullion banks hold only a tiny proportion of the gold they sell.
"Of course, this charade cannot go on forever. Eventually, the buyers realise what is being done and will then demand delivery of their gold. This will bring about two major events: a crash in the paper gold market and a dramatic increase in the price of physical gold."
By coincidence, the UK's famous alchemist and instigator of the Brown Bottom was visiting the New York Stock Exchange today: "He showed a rare Midas touch", a new habit that would be: golden Brown texture like sun...
Ormolu occamy...
"There is much discussion these days as to whether the price of gold is being manipulated. The answer is simply 'yes.'" Says Jeff Thomas, International Man [Link]. If you have it, not on paper, if you have physical gold, hide it. The same greedy disaster that has befallen the money market is happening to gold as well (and probably everything else) much as banks never have cash anywhere near the amount of money they lend, so too bullion banks hold only a tiny proportion of the gold they sell.
"Of course, this charade cannot go on forever. Eventually, the buyers realise what is being done and will then demand delivery of their gold. This will bring about two major events: a crash in the paper gold market and a dramatic increase in the price of physical gold."By coincidence, the UK's famous alchemist and instigator of the Brown Bottom was visiting the New York Stock Exchange today: "He showed a rare Midas touch", a new habit that would be: golden Brown texture like sun...
lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012
Orinoco opposition obloquy...
The image (click to enlarge) is of the ballot paper to be used in the Venezuelan presidential election that takes place in 2 weeks; the fact that Krusty fills the top two rows ISN'T the point of the post; the point is that the Unidad Democrática, Manos por Venezuela, Piedra y Cambio Pana parties have withdrawn their support for Henrique Capriles, the main opposition candidate. For reasons of time the change cannot be made to the nominations card and...it has been ruled that if a voter marks one of those four parties their vote will be void! The image shown is for reference and on ballot day the word 'NULO' (null) won't be there. Who knows what actual advantage this will give for or against but as an hypothetical estimate, if all parties are given similar support then as much as 10% of the total vote will be null and void!
Orinoco opposition obloquy...
The image (click to enlarge) is of the ballot paper to be used in the Venezuelan presidential election that takes place in 2 weeks; the fact that Krusty fills the top two rows ISN'T the point of the post; the point is that the Unidad Democrática, Manos por Venezuela, Piedra y Cambio Pana parties have withdrawn their support for Henrique Capriles, the main opposition candidate. For reasons of time the change cannot be made to the nominations card and...it has been ruled that if a voter marks one of those four parties their vote will be void! The image shown is for reference and on ballot day the word 'NULO' (null) won't be there. Who knows what actual advantage this will give for or against but as an hypothetical estimate, if all parties are given similar support then as much as 10% of the total vote will be null and void!
viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012
October opinions...
...opinion polls that is, more of that below. Firstly however I was surprised to hear that foreign observation missions will not be present during the Venezuelan presidential election on 7th October and that UNASUR's role (Union of South American Nations) "will not be either supervise, nor to arbitrate" the election.
Re the polls in Venezuela: the latest from polling firm Datanalisis shows Krusty the clown Chavez on route to remain destroying Venezuela; however, the image left (click to enlarge) shows 'couldn't be clearer' tendencies from a few weeks back. What's shown is the simple average - without any correction - of 10 polls, including one blatantly biased (from an ex Chavez government minister's company), guide: Chavez rojo rojito, Capriles royal blue. Now we all know polls are mostly complete pants and in Venezuela all sorts of 'electioneering' has been happening: Chavez crying (near my old home btw); violence against the opposition; necessary damage control; but we can live in hope...Luis Vicente Leon (not a Chavez fan) head of Datanalisis, says that Chavez seems to have peaked in the polls and the gap is closing and agrees that (Ows translation) "it is very clear that there is a major difference between the intensity of both campaigns". "President Chavez has a rhythm which, obviously, must be attributed to his illness...I don't know the magnitude, if it's severe or life threatening, but what I do know is that at the climax of an election campaign campaign it's not normal for a candidate to be in a 'Pope-mobile' one day and then disappear for two".
October opinions...
...opinion polls that is, more of that below. Firstly however I was surprised to hear that foreign observation missions will not be present during the Venezuelan presidential election on 7th October and that UNASUR's role (Union of South American Nations) "will not be either supervise, nor to arbitrate" the election.
Re the polls in Venezuela: the latest from polling firm Datanalisis shows Krusty the clown Chavez on route to remain destroying Venezuela; however, the image left (click to enlarge) shows 'couldn't be clearer' tendencies from a few weeks back. What's shown is the simple average - without any correction - of 10 polls, including one blatantly biased (from an ex Chavez government minister's company), guide: Chavez rojo rojito, Capriles royal blue. Now we all know polls are mostly complete pants and in Venezuela all sorts of 'electioneering' has been happening: Chavez crying (near my old home btw); violence against the opposition; necessary damage control; but we can live in hope...Luis Vicente Leon (not a Chavez fan) head of Datanalisis, says that Chavez seems to have peaked in the polls and the gap is closing and agrees that (Ows translation) "it is very clear that there is a major difference between the intensity of both campaigns". "President Chavez has a rhythm which, obviously, must be attributed to his illness...I don't know the magnitude, if it's severe or life threatening, but what I do know is that at the climax of an election campaign campaign it's not normal for a candidate to be in a 'Pope-mobile' one day and then disappear for two".
miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012
Onus of outgoings...
Who earns what and who pays what in taxes is always worth remembering and I thought this image very interesting and clear from ZeroHedge: the top 10% earners pay about 70% of the tax; it's for the USA but in the UK the split is similar. The great unwashed and OWS (not Ows) please take note.
[Edited: 'dead' image/video removed]
Onus of outgoings...
Who earns what and who pays what in taxes is always worth remembering and I thought this image very interesting and clear from ZeroHedge: the top 10% earners pay about 70% of the tax; it's for the USA but in the UK the split is similar. The great unwashed and OWS (not Ows) please take note.
[Edited: 'dead' image/video removed]
Onus of outgoings...
Who earns what and who pays what in taxes is always worth remembering and I thought this image very interesting and clear from ZeroHedge: the top 10% earners pay about 70% of the tax; it's for the USA but in the UK the split is similar. The great unwashed and OWS (not Ows) please take note.
martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012
Optimistic observations...
- Unemployment has fallen for the 5th successive month.
- Industrial output rose by 2.9% in June - fastest rise for 25 years.
- Manufacturing output rose by 3.3% in June - fastest rise for 10 years.
- Business start-ups in 2011 were the highest for decades: 471,466 new private sector businesses started last year.
- UK Exports reached £39.2 billion in June (close to all-time record levels; the record level being set in November 2011) Key markets: China up 74% in the past year; India up 94%; Russia up over 100%. There's more, ten in fact, from Lord Bates [Conservative Home] who also reminds us that "Sir John Major gave an excellent interview on the Andrew Marr programme yesterday" [Link]. Now, all the points have a flip-side but things do seem to be improving.
Optimistic observations...
- Unemployment has fallen for the 5th successive month.
- Industrial output rose by 2.9% in June - fastest rise for 25 years.
- Manufacturing output rose by 3.3% in June - fastest rise for 10 years.
- Business start-ups in 2011 were the highest for decades: 471,466 new private sector businesses started last year.
- UK Exports reached £39.2 billion in June (close to all-time record levels; the record level being set in November 2011) Key markets: China up 74% in the past year; India up 94%; Russia up over 100%. There's more, ten in fact, from Lord Bates [Conservative Home] who also reminds us that "Sir John Major gave an excellent interview on the Andrew Marr programme yesterday" [Link]. Now, all the points have a flip-side but things do seem to be improving.
lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012
Ows on Ossario...
Ows is in Mexico still and yesterday (today as I write this) was their Independence Day and I spent it crossing off another 'must visit' from my list: in the Yucatan Peninsula are the wonderful and amazing (and very well looked after) ruins of Chichen Itza, one of the largest Maya cities and also one of the new 7 Wonders of the World. I thought I'd better see it before 21.12.12, you know, when it all ends, and at 11:11pm no less: the eleventh minute of the eleventh hour...or maybe not; interesting to note though, that on 'the winter solstice in 2012, the sun will be aligned with the center of the Milky Way for the first time in about 26,000 years.' The image on the left is of the Ossario, a step-pyramid temple on a smaller scale to the more famous El Castillo.
Ows on Ossario...
Ows is in Mexico still and yesterday (today as I write this) was their Independence Day and I spent it crossing off another 'must visit' from my list: in the Yucatan Peninsula are the wonderful and amazing (and very well looked after) ruins of Chichen Itza, one of the largest Maya cities and also one of the new 7 Wonders of the World. I thought I'd better see it before 21.12.12, you know, when it all ends, and at 11:11pm no less: the eleventh minute of the eleventh hour...or maybe not; interesting to note though, that on 'the winter solstice in 2012, the sun will be aligned with the center of the Milky Way for the first time in about 26,000 years.' The image on the left is of the Ossario, a step-pyramid temple on a smaller scale to the more famous El Castillo.
sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2012
Odd obnubilation...
I can't help but feel there is something very odd (protecting Obama?) about the 'non' reporting of the 'Disgrace in Benghazi': all the news about a
Update 17/09/12: at last a challenge [Link] An intelligence source has challenged 'the Obama administration's claims that the assault grew out of a "spontaneous" protest against an anti-Islam film.'
Odd obnubilation...
I can't help but feel there is something very odd (protecting Obama?) about the 'non' reporting of the 'Disgrace in Benghazi': all the news about a
Update 17/09/12: at last a challenge [Link] An intelligence source has challenged 'the Obama administration's claims that the assault grew out of a "spontaneous" protest against an anti-Islam film.'
martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012
Out outers...
Nuts didn't wait long, nor the rest. I think all that is needed is full and fair disclosure of all pay and expenses/pay benefits/bonuses etc, why there need to be cuts/freeze/pension adjustments etc and who it actually effects and by how much and suddenly they will lose any non-aligned support, just as with the housing benefit there were cries of 'thousands of families will be turfed onto the streets' was turned into cries of "how much?!!" as soon as hoi polloi got to know the facts suddenly all the union and Labour rhetoric and spin falls flat on its face. P.S. and many of them are indeed true small-minded cunts. "It shows an ugly side to the hard left who cannot move on from their utter defeat at the hands of this remarkable, but now frail, lady."
Out outers...
Nuts didn't wait long, nor the rest. I think all that is needed is full and fair disclosure of all pay and expenses/pay benefits/bonuses etc, why there need to be cuts/freeze/pension adjustments etc and who it actually effects and by how much and suddenly they will lose any non-aligned support, just as with the housing benefit there were cries of 'thousands of families will be turfed onto the streets' was turned into cries of "how much?!!" as soon as hoi polloi got to know the facts suddenly all the union and Labour rhetoric and spin falls flat on its face. P.S. and many of them are indeed true small-minded cunts. "It shows an ugly side to the hard left who cannot move on from their utter defeat at the hands of this remarkable, but now frail, lady."
sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012
Outside operator...
[Edited: 'dead' image/video removed]
I presume Gordon Brown must be working 24/7 for his constituents, no time for debate or parliamentary work...that must be the reason...hat-tip Guido: "The jet-setting former Prime Mentalist claims eighteen times the amount of expenses asked for by value-for-money lowest claiming MP, despite the fact that he never turns up for work"...what are his expenses going on? (don't forget the 50 grand per month he's been getting outside either)
Outside operator...
[Edited: 'dead' image/video removed] I presume Gordon Brown must be working 24/7 for his constituents, no time for debate or parliamentary work...that must be the reason...hat-tip Guido: "The jet-setting former Prime Mentalist claims eighteen times the amount of expenses asked for by value-for-money lowest claiming MP, despite the fact that he never turns up for work"...what are his expenses going on? (don't forget the 50 grand per month he's been getting outside either)
Outside operator...
I presume Gordon Brown must be working 24/7 for his constituents, no time for debate or parliamentary work...that must be the reason...hat-tip Guido: "The jet-setting former Prime Mentalist claims eighteen times the amount of expenses asked for by value-for-money lowest claiming MP, despite the fact that he never turns up for work"...what are his expenses going on? (don't forget the 50 grand per month he's been getting outside either)
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