sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012

Ohm's ovoid offensive...

Hilarious and so true: James Delingpole (he of Watermelons fame amongst other things) in the DT on "The great wind terror: we name the guilty man"...go on, you knew didn't you? JD is talking about "the North London Marxist trustafarian ovoid who was, as Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, more responsible than any man or weird egg-creature alive for establishing the framework for Britain's disastrous wind policy." The very same; the one that is responsible for "One of the best-kept secrets of British politics" (well not so secret these days): the most expensive piece of legislation ever - by far - put through Parliament. Anyway, the Business Green website's article highlights 'Ed Miliband's blistering attack on the government's green record'; Ohm's comment below that article is quoted in JD's blog. Miliband now seeks to draw a clear green line between red and blue (and I don't man the current watered down blue with yellow). Would that be popular?

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