miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Oxygenating onkos...

Yesterday was the 20th anniversary of the 1992 Venezuelan coup attempts and also Military Aviation Day: Krusty failed to attend and is now on his way to Cuba - for the 11th time in 17 months - to get specialist oxygen treatment: hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT...sorry, but that makes me giggle a bit - not in a nasty way but in a totally childish way - only because of what I think was wrong with Chavez, third paragraph, here). Anyway, he hasn't been attending a lot of things lately, Caracas Chronicles have been keeping tabs. It's not hard to see a pattern in his lack of appearances (image left: click to enlarge, from El Universal, it shows minutes that Chavez has appeared/been heard etc in public). Now, admittedly the presidential election was over at the beginning of last month so there would be fewer campaign events (orange bar on graph; although there are regional elections on 16 December: state governors etc) but since then there's been some government events (blue), but no interviews, no telephone contact, no Twitter, and no press conferences...

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