domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012

Only one observation...

Only one observation about the paedomania that has engulfed the whole of the UK media in the past few weeks: the latest furore that is causing debilitating tremors throughout the BBC was started 'innocently' by Labour MP Tom Watson at PMQs a few weeks ago. This seemingly 'brave' revelation - surely not just partisan muck-raking...surely not - turned into an orgy of 'Tory bashing' when Newsnight decided it couldn't resist the headlines that included the words 'Tory' and 'paedophile' and 'Thatcher' so threw journalistic integrity competence and due-diligence out the window; enough of that though, we all know where that has led them. No, my observation is to ask if this revelation could have been one of those alluded to in the sordid sex smear scandal (known as Smeargate) involving Damian McBride, Derek Draper and, it was suggested at the time, Tom Watson (all closely linked to Gordon Brown), the latter was "looking at other stories for Labour List" (later rebutted); certainly fits the bill and modus operandi of how to smear senior Conservatives. Could come back to bite them in the bum though, considering many of the names on 'that list' - somewhere on the Internet apparently - are much closer to home for Tom.

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