sábado, 16 de febrero de 2013

Obvious omerta...

Harrow Road, London, 1953 Photo: Press Association

Is a human life worth more than horse meat? Clearly not. What everyone has been saying all week: Peter Oborne asks "How to explain, then, the contrast between the recent, obsessive interest in horse meat and the near omertà surrounding Stafford?" You know...the people, the ones that politicians are elected to serve (pah!): we've been asking "Why the silence, why the omission, why the cover-up"? Horse meat, horse meat...hey, look over there another horse meat story, you'll Findus in the freezer, it's nothing new 'this sordid trade'! Irony of ironies, Staffordshire County Council has been among those shouting first and loudest (plus Labour twats of course).

"What we have here, I believe, is a conspiracy of silence, just as we had a conspiracy of silence over phone hacking and over MPs’ expenses. None of the mainstream parties want to admit the blindingly obvious fact that there is something very wrong with the NHS, as Stafford demonstrates in the most tragic and horrifying way."

One shining light - on the horse meat side at least - is Owen Paterson; as Christopher Booker writes, [hat-tip EU Referendum] "What Mr Paterson recognised from the start, unlike any other politician in Britain, was that the root of the problem lay in what had followed when, a decade ago, the EU took over all “competence” to make food law from national governments." Good, this puts the blame firmly where it belongs: Labour and the EU. Now, what about all those dead? BBC are you going to tell us? As there's going to be no blame, no scapegoats, no prosecutions, no fines, no sackings no press-pillorying over all those NHS deaths surely we can at least get a good tarring and feathering over the horse-meat hoohah? Start with Miliband minor and Ms. aghh Creagh as they seem so out of touch with what has happened and why.

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