'24 hours to save the NHS'...how did that work out for you? ...Oops. In 2007the writing was on the wall; as in education, it was the introduction of 'high visibility' targets that could be 'easily' reached and then ticked off and waved triumphantly at the public as major achievements that sowed the seeds for the current unfolding" NHS disaster. Those government targets - including those for waiting and A&E treatment - were and are attacked for 'distorting clinical priorities'. Maybe you'll think it in poor taste and too partisan but if the Conservatives had been in power the Beeb would be screaming with every minute of news on every channel and radio station yet nowhere - at least in the BBC entire online coverage - is any mention of Labour, New Labour, Frank Dobson, Alan Milburn, John Reid, Patricia Hewitt, Alan Johnson and Andy Burnham* (in case you didn't know this is the motley crew who were all Secretary of State for Health between 1997 and 2010. No mention of Blair or Brown either (well they never mention Brown anyway, funny that).
*This prime twat is Shadow Department for Health, looking forward to his grilling on the BBC political programmes... ...tumbleweed...
Update 2pm: unbelievably there is now, already, barely any mention or links to the stories about the NHS on the BBC webpages for News, UK news, England News etc. The only link is the features sidebar with such heavyweight news issues as "How you can make lunch at your desk that bit nicer". Do NOT trust the BBC,
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