jueves, 28 de febrero de 2013

Overly overcast...

"Germany Weathers Darkest Winter in 43 Years" from Speigel Online. Is it just me or is the UK going through something similar? "The days may be getting longer, but there’s still not a hint of springtime sunshine in Germany. Weather data shows that this winter has been the gloomiest in 43 years. If the sun doesn't start shining soon, it will be the darkest winter on record". Now, I'm not typically a sad bastard (bitter and twisted yes, sad no) and we know that 'light deprivation can have a serious effect on the human body, leading to what is known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD)' but at the moment it seems overcast all day every day...light grey, not sun, snow or rain...just grey. More from Speigel: "To make matters worse, the weather has become progressively gloomier since winter began. While sunshine levels nationwide were 10 percent below average in December, they dropped to 50 percent in December and are between 60 and 70 percent so far for February." Hat-tip to WUWT.

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