jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

Ouch! III...

The Times tells us that voters trust Gordon Brown more than Ed Miliband! Even worse when you consider that at least Red Ed has some benefit of the doubt as he hasn't been tried and tested (and failed) like Crash Gordon has: "Ed Miliband is viewed by voters as less trustworthy, decisive or competent than Gordon Brown, according to a new poll." [Link £££]. And there's still the question of Balls.

Guido has done the favour of making it all very clear in graph form.

Ouch! III...

The Times tells us that voters trust Gordon Brown more than Ed Miliband! Even worse when you consider that at least Red Ed has some benefit of the doubt as he hasn't been tried and tested (and failed) like Crash Gordon has: "Ed Miliband is viewed by voters as less trustworthy, decisive or competent than Gordon Brown, according to a new poll." [Link £££]. And there's still the question of Balls.

Guido has done the favour of making it all very clear in graph form.

martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

One objicient's outstanding oration...

Pat Condell saying everything that I wanted to say HERE; I may have got the point across but he does it so well.

One objicient's outstanding oration...

Pat Condell saying everything that I wanted to say HERE; I may have got the point across but he does it so well.

sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

Objurgating obscurantism II...

I have been very angry this week, I could have done people harm with probably very little provocation. I like to think I am extremely tolerant, maybe a secret person. I have read many articles, watched myriad reports, listened to many weak and cowardly politicians and heard once again the same excuses still being used.

The debate hasn't been had, is still not being had and isn't being allowed to be had. David, Boris, John et al were right about one thing: British foreign policy is not the problem; if it were how could they explain the atrocities all over the world, in about 25 countries on 4 continents only in the last month! (including sect on sect attacks).

However, our leaders and politicians are wrong about something else: I have a surprise for you, Islam IS the problem. By denying this or adding ifs and buts and caveats and excuses nothing will ever change. Islam needs reform. An ex near-neighbour of mine Ali Miraj writes that the atrocious and heinous event in Woolwich is "only the latest act of barbarism: Muslims, we must take on this cancer in our midst". He suggests there are two key issues: the first was influenced by his experience of radical Muslim groups as long ago as 1993: first, "the historic failure to clamp down on those inciting hatred"; secondly "the ineptitude and utter failure of self-proclaimed Muslim leaders to tackle these extremists head-on with intellectual argument." However, this 2nd point will not work when, as Raewald says, [edit] Islam provides/provided [young jihadists] "with what they imagined was justification for their barbarism remains the real problem; with no recognised spiritual hierarchy to definitively interpret the Koran otherwise, Islam will always provide the enemies of our peoples with an excuse for violence against us" (my emphasis). In many Muslim countries radical and extreme interpretations of the Koran would not be allowed, the Imams would be punished and imprisoned...or worse; probably because of this many have gravitated to the welcoming arms of liberal Europe and especially Britain, Londistan, a rich and fertile hunting ground to spread their bile and poison.

For how long must the appeasement continue? Just as the serious and chronic and widespread Muslim grooming scandals were ignored because of the fear of accusations of racism and/or they didn't like the messenger so too the revelations of hate-preaching in some Mosques was turned on it's head so that the messenger became investigated. Judges, police, CPS, politicians sort it out, stop the pandering and appeasement! Why can one man get arrested immediately for a few online comments whereas Muslim hate-preachers get away with constant and regular death threats and inciting hatred on a daily basis. And Muslims, no ifs, no buts, expose the haters, expose the extremists, open the Mosques, heal thyselves. 

Objurgating obscurantism II...

I have been very angry this week, I could have done people harm with probably very little provocation. I like to think I am extremely tolerant, maybe a secret person. I have read many articles, watched myriad reports, listened to many weak and cowardly politicians and heard once again the same excuses still being used.

The debate hasn't been had, is still not being had and isn't being allowed to be had. David, Boris, John et al were right about one thing: British foreign policy is not the problem; if it were how could they explain the atrocities all over the world, in about 25 countries on 4 continents only in the last month! (including sect on sect attacks).

However, our leaders and politicians are wrong about something else: I have a surprise for you, Islam IS the problem. By denying this or adding ifs and buts and caveats and excuses nothing will ever change. Islam needs reform. An ex near-neighbour of mine Ali Miraj writes that the atrocious and heinous event in Woolwich is "only the latest act of barbarism: Muslims, we must take on this cancer in our midst". He suggests there are two key issues: the first was influenced by his experience of radical Muslim groups as long ago as 1993: first, "the historic failure to clamp down on those inciting hatred"; secondly "the ineptitude and utter failure of self-proclaimed Muslim leaders to tackle these extremists head-on with intellectual argument." However, this 2nd point will not work when, as Raewald says, [edit] Islam provides/provided [young jihadists] "with what they imagined was justification for their barbarism remains the real problem; with no recognised spiritual hierarchy to definitively interpret the Koran otherwise, Islam will always provide the enemies of our peoples with an excuse for violence against us" (my emphasis). In many Muslim countries radical and extreme interpretations of the Koran would not be allowed, the Imams would be punished and imprisoned...or worse; probably because of this many have gravitated to the welcoming arms of liberal Europe and especially Britain, Londistan, a rich and fertile hunting ground to spread their bile and poison.

For how long must the appeasement continue? Just as the serious and chronic and widespread Muslim grooming scandals were ignored because of the fear of accusations of racism and/or they didn't like the messenger so too the revelations of hate-preaching in some Mosques was turned on it's head so that the messenger became investigated. Judges, police, CPS, politicians sort it out, stop the pandering and appeasement! Why can one man get arrested immediately for a few online comments whereas Muslim hate-preachers get away with constant and regular death threats and inciting hatred on a daily basis. And Muslims, no ifs, no buts, expose the haters, expose the extremists, open the Mosques, heal thyselves. 

domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

Odium of others...

Click on map for Max Fisher at the Washington Post, World Views: "A fascinating map of the world’s most and least racially tolerant countries". The Anglosphere, Nordic and Latin American countries leading the way. Worth reading the updates too and Steve Saideman's comments.

Odium of others...

Click on map for Max Fisher at the Washington Post, World Views: "A fascinating map of the world’s most and least racially tolerant countries". The Anglosphere, Nordic and Latin American countries leading the way. Worth reading the updates too and Steve Saideman's comments.

sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013

Olive oil options...

One option soon not allowed in the EU is jugs and refillable bottles of olive oil...you know, the stuff on every single restaurant table throughout the continent: "From 1 January 2014, restaurants may only serve olive oil in tamper-proof packaging, labelled to EU standards" [BBC]. I can only think this is a ploy to help the economies of the the PIGS: although the "spectacular surge in demand for olive oil in developed and emerging markets" [OOT] should help too. Oliver (yes, honestly) Bailly the European Commission spokesman said the olive oil regulation would benefit consumers because they are only "making clear that when you want to have olive oil of a certain quality in a restaurant, you get exactly the one you are paying for", what about rip-off wine? What about the 'fresh' bread in an open basket? the meat? the fish? How often does one really get 'exactly the one you are paying for'? Anyway, just like to mention that earlier this year the EU codified marketing standards for olive oil and I am in favour because reading the regulation [PDF] I don't think it's as bad as everyone is making out (no change there then!) and as early readers of Owsblog will know, I like olives...but also I am always pissed off by the obvious dodgy olive oil (I mean restaurant owners saving a few bob, not the multi-billion pound scam) passed off as super-pure cold-pressed extra-virgin.

Olive oil options...

One option soon not allowed in the EU is jugs and refillable bottles of olive oil...you know, the stuff on every single restaurant table throughout the continent: "From 1 January 2014, restaurants may only serve olive oil in tamper-proof packaging, labelled to EU standards" [BBC]. I can only think this is a ploy to help the economies of the the PIGS: although the "spectacular surge in demand for olive oil in developed and emerging markets" [OOT] should help too. Oliver (yes, honestly) Bailly the European Commission spokesman said the olive oil regulation would benefit consumers because they are only "making clear that when you want to have olive oil of a certain quality in a restaurant, you get exactly the one you are paying for", what about rip-off wine? What about the 'fresh' bread in an open basket? the meat? the fish? How often does one really get 'exactly the one you are paying for'? Anyway, just like to mention that earlier this year the EU codified marketing standards for olive oil and I am in favour because reading the regulation [PDF] I don't think it's as bad as everyone is making out (no change there then!) and as early readers of Owsblog will know, I like olives...but also I am always pissed off by the obvious dodgy olive oil (I mean restaurant owners saving a few bob, not the multi-billion pound scam) passed off as super-pure cold-pressed extra-virgin.

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Opposition opportunities...

[LINK] Wow, just wow. It is sure to hold for the European elections in 2014, and by then we will presumably have other indicators as to whether it will hold for the General Election 2015...

Opposition opportunities...

[LINK] Wow, just wow. It is sure to hold for the European elections in 2014, and by then we will presumably have other indicators as to whether it will hold for the General Election 2015...

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

Opaque Obamastan Oversight...

Benghazigate: Obama was outed last year before the elections: the lies continued but now the chickens are coming home to roost with "fresh evidence emerged that senior Obama administration officials knowingly misled the country about what had happened in the days following the assaults" writes Stephen F. Hayes at The Weekly Standard. CIA officials identified Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda-linked Islamic terrorists as the culprits behind the murder of four Americans "clearly and repeatedly". Why the lies to hide this, why was the news suppressed? Well we know don't we?

Melanie Philips: Obamastan, "The Obama administration is playing down the Islamist threat to the US and the free world, empowering Islamists at home and abroad, endangering America and betraying its allies"

Jason Chaffetz, Special to CNN: Obama has explaining to do on Benghazi: "These concerted efforts by the State Department to conceal information from Congress should raise red flags."

Bloomberg: Obama Administration Defends Changing Benghazi Account "Obama administration officials insisted that the White House and State Department had a minor role in altering an erroneous account of a deadly attack on a U.S. compound in Libya last year, after internal e-mails surfaced indicating it was shaped by political concerns."

Karl Rove on Fox News (yeah, yeah): Team Obama desperate to distract Americans from Benghazi truth.

Ron Fournier, National Journal: Why Benghazi is a Blow to Obama and Clinton: "The administration’s response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on U.S. installations in eastern Libya was inaccurate, irresponsible and shrouded by campaign-style spin."

Don't laugh at the sources I link to, find others; the word is certainly out and spreading.

Update: interesting take from David Preiser at BiasedBBC on how the BBC got it wrong thinking it was just pre-election partisan shenanigans...got it wrong accidentally on purpose?

Opaque Obamastan Oversight...

Benghazigate: Obama was outed last year before the elections: the lies continued but now the chickens are coming home to roost with "fresh evidence emerged that senior Obama administration officials knowingly misled the country about what had happened in the days following the assaults" writes Stephen F. Hayes at The Weekly Standard. CIA officials identified Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda-linked Islamic terrorists as the culprits behind the murder of four Americans "clearly and repeatedly". Why the lies to hide this, why was the news suppressed? Well we know don't we? Melanie Philips: Obamastan, "The Obama administration is playing down the Islamist threat to the US and the free world, empowering Islamists at home and abroad, endangering America and betraying its allies" Jason Chaffetz, Special to CNN: Obama has explaining to do on Benghazi: "These concerted efforts by the State Department to conceal information from Congress should raise red flags." Bloomberg: Obama Administration Defends Changing Benghazi Account "Obama administration officials insisted that the White House and State Department had a minor role in altering an erroneous account of a deadly attack on a U.S. compound in Libya last year, after internal e-mails surfaced indicating it was shaped by political concerns." Karl Rove on Fox News (yeah, yeah): Team Obama desperate to distract Americans from Benghazi truth. Ron Fournier, National Journal: Why Benghazi is a Blow to Obama and Clinton: "The administration’s response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on U.S. installations in eastern Libya was inaccurate, irresponsible and shrouded by campaign-style spin."

Don't laugh at the sources I link to, find others; the word is certainly out and spreading.

Update: interesting take from David Preiser at BiasedBBC on how the BBC got it wrong thinking it was just pre-election partisan shenanigans...got it wrong accidentally on purpose?

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

O or odium...

Love or hate. The Year of the Snake started on February 10th and should really be renamed year of Marmite ("Love it or hate it."); not because you hate the year or because it has any similarity to the sticky, salty, brown, beer by-product yeast extract but by our calendar so far each month we have a had a 'Marmite' moment: the end of the line or the end of an era for 'divisive' characters. First Chavez died. A month later Maggie died (no O that day) and now, another month later, Ferguson has retired! To quote Austin Barry commenting at The Spectator (I hope he doesn't mind) whose comment has caused a tea and toast crumb splattered Ows laptop:

"So farewell, Sir Alex, you have been one of the most successful care-in-the-community probation officers we have ever known."


O or odium...

Love or hate. The Year of the Snake started on February 10th and should really be renamed year of Marmite ("Love it or hate it."); not because you hate the year or because it has any similarity to the sticky, salty, brown, beer by-product yeast extract but by our calendar so far each month we have a had a 'Marmite' moment: the end of the line or the end of an era for 'divisive' characters. First Chavez died. A month later Maggie died (no O that day) and now, another month later, Ferguson has retired! To quote Austin Barry commenting at The Spectator (I hope he doesn't mind) whose comment has caused a tea and toast crumb splattered Ows laptop:
"So farewell, Sir Alex, you have been one of the most successful care-in-the-community probation officers we have ever known."

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Omnibus oldies...

London 1927, a video posted by Tim Sparke on Vimeo. "Incredible colour footage of 1920s London shot by an early British pioneer of film named Claude Frisse-Greene, who made a series of travelogues using the colour process his father William - a noted cinematographer - was experimenting with. It's like a beautifully dusty old postcard you'd find in a junk store, but moving." (hat-tip Mice Height on BBBC).  Just made my day and it's only 8 a.m.

Omnibus oldies...

London 1927, a video posted by Tim Sparke on Vimeo. "Incredible colour footage of 1920s London shot by an early British pioneer of film named Claude Frisse-Greene, who made a series of travelogues using the colour process his father William - a noted cinematographer - was experimenting with. It's like a beautifully dusty old postcard you'd find in a junk store, but moving." (hat-tip Mice Height on BBBC).  Just made my day and it's only 8 a.m.

domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013

Officers outstanding...

...when yesterday's news is worth repeating: "4 year old boy holds up local police"; good sports in Surrey Police get Vadered but I hope the lad didn't find their lack of faith disturbing.

Officers outstanding...

...when yesterday's news is worth repeating: "4 year old boy holds up local police"; good sports in Surrey Police get Vadered but I hope the lad didn't find their lack of faith disturbing.

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013

Observing oddities III...

Nothing much to say about the local elections except perhaps I was very surprised that the 'council' country is still largely black and blue. The South Shields by-election however had a few interesting points: hardly a surprise that Labour won: with only one non-Labour MP since 1929 and no Conservative EVER it was a foregone conclusion. They say turn-out was low but that doesn't tell the whole story: it was 39% turnout but actual real people visiting the polling booth was a mere 25%: postal votes boosted the turnout massively: 58% of the total vote were postal votes! I have called the graph double dip because Labour polled just over double UKIP (2nd) who polled just over double Conservative (3rd) who polled just over double Ahmed Khan (Independent, 4th) who polled just under double the votes of Independent Socialist (5th) and BNP (6th) who polled just over double the Lib Dems (7th)... 

Observing oddities III...

Nothing much to say about the local elections except perhaps I was very surprised that the 'council' country is still largely black and blue. The South Shields by-election however had a few interesting points: hardly a surprise that Labour won: with only one non-Labour MP since 1929 and no Conservative EVER it was a foregone conclusion. They say turn-out was low but that doesn't tell the whole story: it was 39% turnout but actual real people visiting the polling booth was a mere 25%: postal votes boosted the turnout massively: 58% of the total vote were postal votes! I have called the graph double dip because Labour polled just over double UKIP (2nd) who polled just over double Conservative (3rd) who polled just over double Ahmed Khan (Independent, 4th) who polled just under double the votes of Independent Socialist (5th) and BNP (6th) who polled just over double the Lib Dems (7th)...