sábado, 16 de noviembre de 2013


...the BBC! Oh the irony! This would be the BBC that in it's efforts to help OWS (not me!) and other Occupy protests not look bad have lied, censored and omitted news? The BBC that had blanket favourable coverage of the Occupy London protests at St Paul's Cathedral etc? Hmmmm... Occupy's reasons state that "Because issues that deeply affect the British public are either under reported or not reported at all"...I agree entirely! Of course they mention a few things that get their goat, including the Million Mask March but of course the main event was in Washington D.C., how to report this ("Obama. Come out. We've got some shit to talk about") without reflecting badly on their Obamessiah? Another goat-getter: the secret EU-US trade agreement, so secret it's in the news every day; or the completely debunked BBC Breadth of Opinion Review on Content Analysis [pdf] to which they link to George Monbiot who says "The BBC puts a match to its principles every day". Yes, yes they do; however it is over real world issues such as The EU, Climate Change, US News and on Israel they they really need to sort out the warped and documented bias. Hey, maybe the BBC have infiltrated Occupy London and are instigating this event today so they can say we get accusations of bias from right and left so "we got it about right". PAH!

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