viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

Odd orations III...

Something is afoot? And I don't mean that funny shaped thing on the end of your leg (hat-tip Carry On) - bad things come in threes and Red Ken is the third this week: Ken Livingstone has criticised Labour's (and Crash Gordon's) 'moral cowardice' for "borrowing through the boom rather than take difficult decisions with the public finances". This follows hard on the heels of Jack Straw admitting what we all know (that Labour made a spectacular mistake over immigration) and David Blunkett's 'Romaphobia'...imagine had anyone from the Conservatives said that! They'd be BBC headlines for weeks! What is going on? ([edit] I doubt it's Falkirk, which isn't going away). Is Red Ed so bad that the old guard need to draw attention away from him and his crazy schemes that get ripped to shreds as soon as they are uttered (or at least after a few days of BBC blanket promotion of his 'policy' ideas)? Or are they clearing the field preparing for a pre-election 'we have recognised all our mistakes' speech?...

Update: and Alan makes four (hat-tip Teddy Bear)

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