miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

One outing...

BOO: WTO MFN (pdf) UK > EU, OK? [Link]

Update: and who bloody cares if we're called the nasty country?! Mr. Laszlo Andor please just fuck off! Look at the graph opposite and tell us where you think the blue line will be heading come January 2014? "The point is that the British public has not been told all the truth" you say; too bloody right we haven't! And you compound that by spouting utter shit. "We would need a more accurate presentation of the reality, not under pressure, not under hysteria, as sometimes happens in the UK. I would insist on presenting the truth, not false assumptions."...look at the graph (just Eastern European arrivals) Laszlo, ask anyone in the country, read how nobody could/can believe we're such a bloody pushover: "In 2004, the Home Office absurdly claimed just 13,000 would arrive. As it turned out, more than one million settled here over subsequent years".

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