sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2016

Outgoing Obama's outrageous outrecuidance...

O to go...

Battling for position as current number one threat to world peace? IMHO Obama must be in with a chance: just WTF is he on? Crazy lame duck domestic policies [like putting between 1.5 and 2 million MORE acres under federal control in Utah and Nevada - remember they own most of Nevada anyway and over half of Utah (expect rebellious locals NOT to be happy...again), no vote, no debate] are almost expected of this most petulant of POTUS but on Israel (no surprise?) and on Russia (sassed) he is playing a very odd and dangerous game. He is also bringing thousands more Muslims at the same time as dismantling the post 9/11 registry for Muslims.

Jan 20th can't come soon enough.

outrecuidancen. - egomania; gross conceit (as ever, from Luciferous Logolepsy: "dragging obscure words into the light of day".

Update: "I’m a former lifelong Democrat, stating here a clear and incontestable fact: Barack Obama is a failed President." [LINK]; lots of detail.

Outgoing Obama's outrageous outrecuidance...

O to go...
Battling for position as current number one threat to world peace? IMHO Obama must be in with a chance: just WTF is he on? Crazy lame duck domestic policies [like putting between 1.5 and 2 million MORE acres under federal control in Utah and Nevada - remember they own most of Nevada anyway and over half of Utah (expect rebellious locals NOT to be happy...again), no vote, no debate] are almost expected of this most petulant of POTUS but on Israel (no surprise?) and on Russia (sassed) he is playing a very odd and dangerous game. He is also bringing thousands more Muslims at the same time as dismantling the post 9/11 registry for Muslims.

Jan 20th can't come soon enough.

outrecuidancen. - egomania; gross conceit (as ever, from Luciferous Logolepsy: "dragging obscure words into the light of day".

Update: "I’m a former lifelong Democrat, stating here a clear and incontestable fact: Barack Obama is a failed President." [LINK]; lots of detail.

jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2016


Un-fucking-believable. Steerpike's column at The Spectator reveals more BBC chronic lefty bias, after their nauseating Castro Love-in last month I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. There is so much wrong there on a par with how the BBC teaches youngsters how it was nasty Western Europeans attacked those loving Muslims in The Crusades.

"On the BBC’s Bitesize study site, there is a revision guide on Stalin’s Five Year plans. It turns out that — as far as the Beeb is concerned — they were, broadly speaking, a ‘success’ that brought ‘great improvements’"

This is truly even beyond a joke; Pythonesque satire. Worth reading the comments at the Spectator. 


Un-fucking-believable. Steerpike's column at The Spectator reveals more BBC chronic lefty bias, after their nauseating Castro Love-in last month I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. There is so much wrong there on a par with how the BBC teaches youngsters how it was nasty Western Europeans attacked those loving Muslims in The Crusades.
"On the BBC’s Bitesize study site, there is a revision guide on Stalin’s Five Year plans. It turns out that — as far as the Beeb is concerned — they were, broadly speaking, a ‘success’ that brought ‘great improvements’"

This is truly even beyond a joke; Pythonesque satire. Worth reading the comments at the Spectator. 

miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2016

Owe-zone (2011) debt web: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-15748696

Eurozone debt web: Who owes what to whom?

martes, 20 de diciembre de 2016

Obama's outbreak obsession...

Before the Obama news, I thought it worth pointing out a couple of really interesting things: to me anyway :-)

1. Trump as POTUS elect has finally been confirmed by the Electoral College and despite the surge and outcry of undemocratic lefty whingers, wasters, slebs and crybabies to change the minds of the electors, more Democrats than Republicans went rogue [Reuters]. So funny.

2. The Clinton Archipelago. Amazing but on the voting map theme there is plenty of interesting and revealing info; the 3rd map on that last link is crazy: the Democrats have 'total control' in only 5 (FIVE) states. [Update: those previous two links now moved behind Washington Post paywall]

OK, Obama: it seems he is set on doing as much as he can to make a name for himself before leaving office (well he needs to do something, so far the negative side is far away in credit). Yesterday he pardoned 231 criminals"the most individual acts of clemency granted in a single day by any president in this nation’s history."... ..."the President has now commuted the sentences of 1,176 individuals".

Cooool, as Eric Cartman would [not] say, but that is more than the last ELEVEN presidents put together, some would call that obsessive.

Obama's outbreak obsession...

Before the Obama news, I thought it worth pointing out a couple of really interesting things: to me anyway :-)
1. Trump as POTUS elect has finally been confirmed by the Electoral College and despite the surge and outcry of undemocratic lefty whingers, wasters, slebs and crybabies to change the minds of the electors, more Democrats than Republicans went rogue [Reuters]. So funny.
2. The Clinton Archipelago. Amazing but on the voting map theme there is plenty of interesting and revealing info; the 3rd map on that last link is crazy: the Democrats have 'total control' in only 5 (FIVE) states. [Update: those previous two links now moved behind Washington Post paywall]

OK, Obama: it seems he is set on doing as much as he can to make a name for himself before leaving office (well he needs to do something, so far the negative side is far away in credit). Yesterday he pardoned 231 criminals"the most individual acts of clemency granted in a single day by any president in this nation’s history."... ..."the President has now commuted the sentences of 1,176 individuals". Cooool, as Eric Cartman would [not] say, but that is more than the last ELEVEN presidents put together, some would call that obsessive.

Obama's outbreak obsession...

Before the Obama news, I thought it worth pointing out a couple of really interesting things: to me anyway :-)
1. Trump as POTUS elect has finally been confirmed by the Electoral College and despite the surge and outcry of undemocratic lefty whingers, wasters, slebs and crybabies to change the minds of the electors, more Democrats than Republicans went rogue [Reuters]. So funny.
2. The Clinton Archipelago. Amazing but on the voting map theme there is plenty of interesting and revealing info; the 3rd map on that last link is crazy: the Democrats have 'total control' in only 5 (FIVE) states.

OK, Obama: it seems he is set on doing as much as he can to make a name for himself before leaving office (well he needs to do something, so far the negative side is far away in credit). Yesterday he pardoned 231 criminals"the most individual acts of clemency granted in a single day by any president in this nation’s history."... ..."the President has now commuted the sentences of 1,176 individuals". Cooool, as Eric Cartman would [not] say, but that is more than the last ELEVEN presidents put together, some would call that obsessive.

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016


So funny. The bad news is that the mainstream media just can't stop their bias leftie shit: apparently on some BBC news reports they said "Previous winners include Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, and Vladimir Putin."...of course they said the same when Obama won, right?....right?

Image: Hat-tip: Zero Hedge and Morris Cabrioli (Twitter: insidegame)


So funny. The bad news is that the mainstream media just can't stop their bias leftie shit: apparently on some BBC news reports they said "Previous winners include Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, and Vladimir Putin."...of course they said the same when Obama won, right?....right?

Image: Hat-tip: Zero Hedge and Morris Cabrioli (Twitter: insidegame)

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

Owner operator obituary...

Earlier this week Michael 'Jim' Delligatti died. How many know that name? Well, what he did played a big part in my life. Jim and his family are the owner operators of various Pittsburgh-area McDonald's restaurants. However, this franchisee created the Big Mac, McDonald's 'signature' hamburger. He was 98 and came up with the idea for the Big Mac in 1965; introduced it to his own restaurants in 1967 (against McDonald's wishes) and went national in 1968 (they saw the light).

""It wasn’t like discovering the lightbulb," Delligatti told John F Love, the author of McDonald’s: Behind the Arches (1986). "The bulb was already there. All I did was screw it in the socket.""

Not only am I a McDonald's fan, the Golden Arches being a constant in my much traveled life since the early 70s and in the UK from 1974 (yep, since it started). I have tasted their meals in over 40 countries (intentionally testing, and also referring to the Economist's Big Mac Index [Patty-purchasing parity] since its inception). I am also a McDonald's-slagger slaughterer (I mow down the pretentious twits that claim they don't know what it is or have never had one or won't let their children near the place...details on request :-) ).

Owner operator obituary...

Earlier this week Michael 'Jim' Delligatti died. How many know that name? Well, what he did played a big part in my life. Jim and his family are the owner operators of various Pittsburgh-area McDonald's restaurants. However, this franchisee created the Big Mac, McDonald's 'signature' hamburger. He was 98 and came up with the idea for the Big Mac in 1965; introduced it to his own restaurants in 1967 (against McDonald's wishes) and went national in 1968 (they saw the light).
""It wasn’t like discovering the lightbulb," Delligatti told John F Love, the author of McDonald’s: Behind the Arches (1986). "The bulb was already there. All I did was screw it in the socket.""
Not only am I a McDonald's fan, the Golden Arches being a constant in my much traveled life since the early 70s and in the UK from 1974 (yep, since it started). I have tasted their meals in over 40 countries (intentionally testing, and also referring to the Economist's Big Mac Index [Patty-purchasing parity] since its inception). I am also a McDonald's-slagger slaughterer (I mow down the pretentious twits that claim they don't know what it is or have never had one or won't let their children near the place...details on request :-) ).

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

Overpricing oranges...

"Can we have faith that the EU Customs Union is moving in the right direction and try to retain our membership? I would argue no and nothing better illustrates this than the latest sorry tale over oranges. Last month, the EU quietly increased eight tariffs on imported oranges from third party countries from 3.2% to 16.0% – a staggering fivefold increase..."

Writes Dan Lewis at 'The leading Hub of the UK Economics Community' (Economic Policy Centre).

"Staying in the Customs Union is emphatically not a vote for the status quo. If we must have tariffs in the post-Brexit world, supply chains need tariff level stability. But as this latest change shows, the Customs Union doesn’t give you that. Clearly with dozens of tariffs like these changing and even being added every month, that is not on the agenda. All of which make it much harder for both suppliers and importers to build a trade business case with this kind of unpredictable, ever-changing tariff wall."

Indeed. Ows opines: Out means Out. No to the EU; no to Single Market; no to Customs Union.

Hat-tip: Brexit Central

Overpricing oranges...

"Can we have faith that the EU Customs Union is moving in the right direction and try to retain our membership? I would argue no and nothing better illustrates this than the latest sorry tale over oranges. Last month, the EU quietly increased eight tariffs on imported oranges from third party countries from 3.2% to 16.0% – a staggering fivefold increase..." Writes Dan Lewis at 'The leading Hub of the UK Economics Community' (Economic Policy Centre).
"Staying in the Customs Union is emphatically not a vote for the status quo. If we must have tariffs in the post-Brexit world, supply chains need tariff level stability. But as this latest change shows, the Customs Union doesn’t give you that. Clearly with dozens of tariffs like these changing and even being added every month, that is not on the agenda. All of which make it much harder for both suppliers and importers to build a trade business case with this kind of unpredictable, ever-changing tariff wall."
Indeed. Ows opines: Out means Out. No to the EU; no to Single Market; no to Customs Union.

Hat-tip: Brexit Central

martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

Ongoing overt omissions...

They are really so corrupt and bias it's getting to be a joke. Many people are just beginning to realise: the constant anti-Brexit juggernaut has opened many people's eyes to what some of us have known for years/decades: the BBC news gathering/broadcast and political content is bias, follows several agendas, omits facts, omits many stories altogether, stealth edits and lies. Every single day it breaks its Charter. How many times now have they been caught inventing news or accidentally on purpose rebroadcasting fake news. Then the story becomes obscured and the facts unnecessary. The current case in point: a commercial push by accountants becomes the news because it was reported by The Times as a government memo.* The Times can print what it likes; the BBC should be impartial (ha!)

I wish they'd have reported Theresa May's speech last night [LINK to text of speech in full]. Actions speak louder than words Theresa, get on with it. Some may be worried by her support for Liberalism and globalisation [but which Liberalism...and which globalisation! See seemingly contradictory article and comments HERE] etc but I'm not:

"When you fail to see that the liberal consensus that has held sway for decades has failed to maintain the consent of many people, you’re not the champion of liberalism but the enemy of it.

When you dismiss the very real and deeply felt concerns of ordinary people, whether here at home or abroad, you are not acting to defend your world view but to undermine it." ... ..."So let us seize the moment. And let us do so together."

Indeed, and now we have a Trump card.

 *One wonders if the memo news was an intentional distraction...

Ongoing overt omissions...

They are really so corrupt and bias it's getting to be a joke. Many people are just beginning to realise: the constant anti-Brexit juggernaut has opened many people's eyes to what some of us have known for years/decades: the BBC news gathering/broadcast and political content is bias, follows several agendas, omits facts, omits many stories altogether, stealth edits and lies. Every single day it breaks its Charter. How many times now have they been caught inventing news or accidentally on purpose rebroadcasting fake news. Then the story becomes obscured and the facts unnecessary. The current case in point: a commercial push by accountants becomes the news because it was reported by The Times as a government memo.* The Times can print what it likes; the BBC should be impartial (ha!)

I wish they'd have reported Theresa May's speech last night [LINK to text of speech in full]. Actions speak louder than words Theresa, get on with it. Some may be worried by her support for Liberalism and globalisation [but which Liberalism...and which globalisation! See seemingly contradictory article and comments HERE] etc but I'm not:
"When you fail to see that the liberal consensus that has held sway for decades has failed to maintain the consent of many people, you’re not the champion of liberalism but the enemy of it. When you dismiss the very real and deeply felt concerns of ordinary people, whether here at home or abroad, you are not acting to defend your world view but to undermine it." ... ..."So let us seize the moment. And let us do so together."
Indeed, and now we have a Trump card.

 *One wonders if the memo news was an intentional distraction...

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

Orban's overture on ondoyant Oval Office occurrence...

The USA has elected its next President. Ows delayed reaction: crazy week for me in work and play; trying to sort slight problems in Colombia, Chile and Spain.  What a job! Hardly read any news so far (reams to get through!) re the fantastic and hoped for election of a POTUS to break the mould (not mold). The Donald may not be your cup of tea but I get the feeling he will do a great job: a la Ronald Reagan. This will be VERY good for the UK and Brexit. 2016: the year the worm turned.

A message to POTUS-elect Trump and VP Pence: be all you can be. Make the USA* great again.

[edit] 2:15 pm : Highlighting and concurring with Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán [in London] who said "The world has always benefited whenever it has managed to release itself from the captivity of currently dominant ideological trends"...

..."This also gives the rest of the Western world the chance to free itself from the captivity of ideologies, of political correctness, and of modes of thought and expression which are remote from reality: the chance to come back down to earth and see the world as it really is."

 [*there are others in 'America' you know]

Orban's overture on ondoyant Oval Office occurrence...

The USA has elected its next President. Ows delayed reaction: crazy week for me in work and play; trying to sort slight problems in Colombia, Chile and Spain.  What a job! Hardly read any news so far (reams to get through!) re the fantastic and hoped for election of a POTUS to break the mould (not mold). The Donald may not be your cup of tea but I get the feeling he will do a great job: a la Ronald Reagan. This will be VERY good for the UK and Brexit. 2016: the year the worm turned.

A message to POTUS-elect Trump and VP Pence: be all you can be. Make the USA* great again.

[edit] 2:15 pm : Highlighting and concurring with Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán [in London] who said "The world has always benefited whenever it has managed to release itself from the captivity of currently dominant ideological trends"...
..."This also gives the rest of the Western world the chance to free itself from the captivity of ideologies, of political correctness, and of modes of thought and expression which are remote from reality: the chance to come back down to earth and see the world as it really is."
 [*there are others in 'America' you know]

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016

Opacity of ogling onomatomania II...

Hat-tip Zero Hedge. We knew about Google; we knew about Facebook (who are trying to blame algorithms [must be Al Gore Rhythms]: "Even though the math part of the data is unbiased, if the data encodes these social biases, it's hard to get away from that") but now pretty much all the major social networks (Google, Facebook, Buzzfeed, Instagram, Snapchat) are "fixing" their feeds...and I don't mean repairing.

How is it possible they missed (not slightly corrected) the biggest story in the USA* for so long?

* That the Hillary Clinton email-server investigation will be re-opened. The Director of the FBI (independently i.e. ignoring Attorney General Loretta Lynch [I wonder why?!!]) sent a letter to Congress saying that they had discovered e-mails that were relevant to the investigation. All this was ignored and stories with forty or more times fewer mentions getting preference. Wow, that data encoding social biases sure is effective.

Some say it could be payback; the whining Democratic supporters and Clinton shills and HRC herself are being very hypocritical; this is certainly not unprecedented...oh, against a Democrat nominee maybe it is.

Anyway, what we have here is...a popcorn overload!

Update 21:30 GMT: Ex CIA: "Nobody uses a private email server for official business. Period. Full stop."...[Link] "Anyone else who did such things in the government would long ago have been tried, convicted and sent to jail."


Opacity of ogling onomatomania II...

Hat-tip Zero Hedge. We knew about Google; we knew about Facebook (who are trying to blame algorithms [must be Al Gore Rhythms]: "Even though the math part of the data is unbiased, if the data encodes these social biases, it's hard to get away from that") but now pretty much all the major social networks (Google, Facebook, Buzzfeed, Instagram, Snapchat) are "fixing" their feeds...and I don't mean repairing.

How is it possible they missed (not slightly corrected) the biggest story in the USA* for so long? * That the Hillary Clinton email-server investigation will be re-opened. The Director of the FBI (independently i.e. ignoring Attorney General Loretta Lynch [I wonder why?!!]) sent a letter to Congress saying that they had discovered e-mails that were relevant to the investigation. All this was ignored and stories with forty or more times fewer mentions getting preference. Wow, that data encoding social biases sure is effective.

Some say it could be payback; the whining Democratic supporters and Clinton shills and HRC herself are being very hypocritical; this is certainly not unprecedented...oh, against a Democrat nominee maybe it is.

Anyway, what we have here is...a popcorn overload!

Update 21:30 GMT: Ex CIA: "Nobody uses a private email server for official business. Period. Full stop."...[Link] "Anyone else who did such things in the government would long ago have been tried, convicted and sent to jail."


viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

Odious open obscurantism...

They're right: "The Clintons are perhaps the most corrupt political family in American history. The Bushes may be second, but even they maintained a certain decorum in the White House. Neither Bush president would think of cussing out a secret service man or angrily hurl a White House antique at a spouse. The Clintons are at heart common grifters. They’re lying, vulgar confidence tricksters who continue to enjoy pushing the criminal envelope because they’re used to getting away with their crimes. Both should be in prison. Right now."

Source: Ben Garrison at GrrrGraphics.com, more in the store.

Yep; both should be in prison for various different things too. [edit] The cartoon mentions 'corrupt media' and CNN but to be honest it should have also named and shamed NBC, CBS and especially MSNBC too. Disgracefully biased - such blatant omission distortion and sometimes downright lies should be criminal acts. Almost on a par with the BBC!

Odious open obscurantism...

They're right: "The Clintons are perhaps the most corrupt political family in American history. The Bushes may be second, but even they maintained a certain decorum in the White House. Neither Bush president would think of cussing out a secret service man or angrily hurl a White House antique at a spouse. The Clintons are at heart common grifters. They’re lying, vulgar confidence tricksters who continue to enjoy pushing the criminal envelope because they’re used to getting away with their crimes. Both should be in prison. Right now."
Source: Ben Garrison at GrrrGraphics.com, more in the store.
Yep; both should be in prison for various different things too. [edit] The cartoon mentions 'corrupt media' and CNN but to be honest it should have also named and shamed NBC, CBS and especially MSNBC too. Disgracefully biased - such blatant omission distortion and sometimes downright lies should be criminal acts. Almost on a par with the BBC!

miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2016

Overt omissions III...

The current tranche* of deeply disturbing and highly incriminating emails from Wikileaks about Hillary Clinton (and the Obama administration in general) is just so massive that ignoring it should be a criminal act. Current MSM reporting...almost zilch. The below for instance:

Hat-tip: Weasel Zippers. For interest, HERE and HERE my previous thoughts on the Benghazi disgrace. Again: "Trump needs to blow this thing up."

* from John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign Chairman and former President Clinton's ex Chief of Staff

Overt omissions III...

The current tranche* of deeply disturbing and highly incriminating emails from Wikileaks about Hillary Clinton (and the Obama administration in general) is just so massive that ignoring it should be a criminal act. Current MSM reporting...almost zilch. The below for instance:
Hat-tip: Weasel Zippers. For interest, HERE and HERE my previous thoughts on the Benghazi disgrace. Again: "Trump needs to blow this thing up."

* from John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign Chairman and former President Clinton's ex Chief of Staff

domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2016

Outstanding Olympics over III...

Ows's words from August 2012: "I don't want to end what has been a fantastic Olympics - especially for for Great Britain - on a sour note but...this is as good as it gets, as good as it will get: the Rio 2016 table may well have a similar top ten but we won't be third (and first or second is simply not going to happen)" [sic]. Well blow me...down with a feather. Great Britain and Northern Ireland came 2nd in the Olympic Games last month and the just completed Paralympics this month. A truly magnificent effort from everyone. Tokyo 2020...surely this is as good as it will get? :-)

Outstanding Olympics over III...

Ows's words from August 2012: "I don't want to end what has been a fantastic Olympics - especially for for Great Britain - on a sour note but...this is as good as it gets, as good as it will get: the Rio 2016 table may well have a similar top ten but we won't be third (and first or second is simply not going to happen)" [sic]. Well blow me...down with a feather. Great Britain and Northern Ireland came 2nd in the Olympic Games last month and the just completed Paralympics this month. A truly magnificent effort from everyone. Tokyo 2020...surely this is as good as it will get? :-)

lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2016

Optimus "outing"...

Just received this (after asking for it!) : "Welcome to the first daily Brexit Briefing from me and the team at BrexitCentral - and thank you to the thousands of you who have already signed up to receive this email each morning. I hope you like it and find it of interest and use - and if you do, please encourage friends and colleagues to sign up to receive it too by clicking here."

Sign up: looks like it's going to be good! [LINK]

Optimus "outing"...

Just received this (after asking for it!) : "Welcome to the first daily Brexit Briefing from me and the team at BrexitCentral - and thank you to the thousands of you who have already signed up to receive this email each morning. I hope you like it and find it of interest and use - and if you do, please encourage friends and colleagues to sign up to receive it too by clicking here."

Sign up: looks like it's going to be good! [LINK]

jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2016

Obvious oppression...

Another excellent post from Raedwald this morning about UK opinions on a burka ban: "The ban would enjoy wider support if it were not portrayed as a racist assault on Moslems rather than a measure to ensure equity, justice and fairness."

"The Hijab and Chadoor (1 and 2 above) are really no different to a nun's wimple - or to the sight of all women in a catholic church wearing headscarves to cover their hair, a sight I remember well from youth. However, it is the Niqab and the Burka (3 and 4) that cause real problems.

What is the biggest cohort of unemployed persons in Britain? Moslem women. The unemployment rate - and therefore poverty, disadvantage, poor health, disease, deprivation and exclusion - amongst Moslem women is sky-high."

Interestingly - from the Telegraph link in Raedwald's post - the poll findings were almost along Brexit lines: "The only age group to oppose a ban was the 18-24-year-olds, while all others were in favour, with the oldest 65+ group backing the prohibition by an overwhelming 78 per cent to 12".  Yet another reason to keep those under 25 years old from being allowed to vote. :-)

Obvious oppression...

Another excellent post from Raedwald this morning about UK opinions on a burka ban: "The ban would enjoy wider support if it were not portrayed as a racist assault on Moslems rather than a measure to ensure equity, justice and fairness."

"The Hijab and Chadoor (1 and 2 above) are really no different to a nun's wimple - or to the sight of all women in a catholic church wearing headscarves to cover their hair, a sight I remember well from youth. However, it is the Niqab and the Burka (3 and 4) that cause real problems. What is the biggest cohort of unemployed persons in Britain? Moslem women. The unemployment rate - and therefore poverty, disadvantage, poor health, disease, deprivation and exclusion - amongst Moslem women is sky-high."...

Interestingly - from the Telegraph link in Raedwald's post - the poll findings were almost along Brexit lines: "The only age group to oppose a ban was the 18-24-year-olds, while all others were in favour, with the oldest 65+ group backing the prohibition by an overwhelming 78 per cent to 12".  Yet another reason to keep those under 25 years old from being allowed to vote. :-)

martes, 30 de agosto de 2016

Opsablepsic opsimath...

There has been some misguided polemic (again) over the issue of Imperial or Metric measures;  now re-ignited. It is hard to explain and harder to convince people but to me, Imperial has always seemed more logical and easier to grasp, somehow based on ancient knowledge: look at the clock (time: 24 hours, 60 minutes, and 60 seconds), look at circular measurements (360 degrees, 60 minutes, and 60 seconds and that translated into all air and nautical directional movement)...how good to realise that it IS and obviously so when one stops for a second to think about it. Reading the comments on The Spectator (and the predictable "Like most things about Europe, the response is not really about Europe, but values, and so if your group identity is that of the modern urban social liberal then ‘returning to the imperial system’ is clearly a return to the dark ages or racism and rations..." ["Is it really that hard to understand the difference between allowing something and the nation "returning" to it?" Mark Wallace]...I think we SHOULD return to it.) I was led by AWoLsco's comment to this AMAZING read: from Ernest P. Moyer back in 2002: "Something Strange Happened On The Way To The Parthenon or The Origin of the Royal Egyptian Cubit". That may sound long winded and boring but give it a try.

All the 'modern', liberal, trendy anti-British dickwads thinking we're so backward when what they are rejecting is based on the very earth itself, so logical as to defy anyone who claims that metric is superior. The English inch is supreme it's equivalent 'introduced to mankind' and used before the Greeks, pre Babylonian, pre the Egyptians of 6,000 BC...

"All linear measures were originally based on the definition of the number of units in the radius of the earth.


All circular measures were originally based on the definition of the number of units in the circumference of the earth."

Opsablepsic opsimath...

There has been some misguided polemic (again) over the issue of Imperial or Metric measures;  now re-ignited. It is hard to explain and harder to convince people but to me, Imperial has always seemed more logical and easier to grasp, somehow based on ancient knowledge: look at the clock (time: 24 hours, 60 minutes, and 60 seconds), look at circular measurements (360 degrees, 60 minutes, and 60 seconds and that translated into all air and nautical directional movement)...how good to realise that it IS and obviously so when one stops for a second to think about it. Reading the comments on The Spectator (and the predictable "Like most things about Europe, the response is not really about Europe, but values, and so if your group identity is that of the modern urban social liberal then ‘returning to the imperial system’ is clearly a return to the dark ages or racism and rations..." ["Is it really that hard to understand the difference between allowing something and the nation "returning" to it?" Mark Wallace]...I think we SHOULD return to it.) I was led by AWoLsco's comment to this AMAZING read: from Ernest P. Moyer back in 2002: "Something Strange Happened On The Way To The Parthenon or The Origin of the Royal Egyptian Cubit". That may sound long winded and boring but give it a try. All the 'modern', liberal, trendy anti-British dickwads thinking we're so backward when what they are rejecting is based on the very earth itself, so logical as to defy anyone who claims that metric is superior. The English inch is supreme it's equivalent 'introduced to mankind' and used before the Greeks, pre Babylonian, pre the Egyptians of 6,000 BC...
"All linear measures were originally based on the definition of the number of units in the radius of the earth. Conversely, All circular measures were originally based on the definition of the number of units in the circumference of the earth."

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2016


Presumably it's Death Row?


Presumably it's Death Row?

domingo, 10 de julio de 2016

Overt omissions, obvious outrage II...

Following on from yesterday's post about the BBC's shockingly wrong headline and article "Why do US police keep killing unarmed black men?" Alan at Biased BBC has come up with an interesting find: "At least one of the Blacks who murdered the police officers in Dallas had links to Black Power groups….by coincidence in June the BBC was promoting their agenda": the BBC did a programme on the killers and their gun club just last month: "On the ground with America's Black Power soldiers". And again the goading of blacks into killing by repeated and continual lies:

"But there’s more: if you are a black man aged 15-34 you're nine times more likely to be killed than anyone else. Yet African Americans make up just 12% of the US population. Whatever way you look at it, police are clearly killing disproportionately large numbers of African Americans - particularly young black men."

No explanation, no reasoning, none of the actual facts as to WHY... I hope the authorities are looking closely at the BBC footage and will be giving the reporters and cameramen extended questioning. 

Overt omissions, obvious outrage II...

Following on from yesterday's post about the BBC's shockingly wrong headline and article "Why do US police keep killing unarmed black men?" Alan at Biased BBC has come up with an interesting find: "At least one of the Blacks who murdered the police officers in Dallas had links to Black Power groups….by coincidence in June the BBC was promoting their agenda": the BBC did a programme on the killers and their gun club just last month: "On the ground with America's Black Power soldiers". And again the goading of blacks into killing by repeated and continual lies:
"But there’s more: if you are a black man aged 15-34 you're nine times more likely to be killed than anyone else. Yet African Americans make up just 12% of the US population. Whatever way you look at it, police are clearly killing disproportionately large numbers of African Americans - particularly young black men."
No explanation, no reasoning, none of the actual facts as to WHY... I hope the authorities are looking closely at the BBC footage and will be giving the reporters and cameramen extended questioning. 

viernes, 8 de julio de 2016

Overt omissions, obvious outrage...

The headline in that image shocked me, seriously. I have waffled on about BBC bias for over 2 decades but still they manage to amaze me with their unbelievably crass reporting. The image isn't from the news today about last night's Dallas police murders but I saw the link to it just as I was wondering why - the news of the worse police killings since 9/11 - the whole thing seem overtly anti-police (but has since been updated and toned down and now even including info about the horribly high number of police that are killed in the line of duty). However, imagine my surprise when I see the link "Why do US police keep killing unarmed black men?" [Link] I thought WTF? and followed the link to see that, indeed, I hadn't misread. The BBC did indeed have the headline "Why do US police keep killing unarmed black men?". In all their interviews they fail to get near the real issue.

Reports now from the Dallas Police Chief say that "[the now dead suspect] was upset about the recent police shootings"... "The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated that he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers." Now why would he want to do that? Maybe because he reads the BBC and much of the rest of the polemic creating media or listens to Obama or those overt racist, anti-police lefties like Black Lives Matter (yes, racist) that keep stoking the flames of the outright lie that there is some US Cop anti-black intentional killing spree. And it is lie. A big fat funded by lefty billionaires lie. The STATS speak for themselves and tell another story. Some of those five stats (previous link) are from HERE, pdf: The Danger of the 'Black Lives Matter' Movement by Heather Mac Donald. "In Los Angeles, blacks between the ages of 20 and 24 die at a rate 20 to 30 times the national mean. Who is killing them? Not the police, and not white civilians, but other blacks." Another snippet with New York as an example:

"Standard anti-cop ideology, whether emanating from the ACLU or the academy, holds that law enforcement actions are racist if they don’t mirror population data. New York City illustrates why that expectation is so misguided. Blacks make up 23 percent of New York City’s population, but they commit 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime, according to victims and witnesses. Add Hispanic shootings and you account for 98 percent of all illegal gunfire in the city. Whites are 33 percent of the city’s population, but they commit fewer than two percent of all shootings, four percent of all robberies, and five percent of all violent crime. These disparities mean that virtually every time the police in New York are called out on a gun run—meaning that someone has just been shot—they are being summoned to minority neighborhoods looking for minority suspects."

Let me repeat that last bit: These disparities mean that virtually every time the police in New York are called out on a gun run—meaning that someone has just been shot—they are being summoned to minority neighborhoods looking for minority suspects.  More crime in those neighborhoods means much more police presence.  Much higher percentage of violent crime in those areas means more police presence. When you add to the mix that 'blacks of all ages commit homicide at eight times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined' it's a recipe for disaster.

This reflects the reality in the UK too with the constant railing against the UK police 'sus' then stop-and-search activities, always saying how they were racist etc...then you look at crime figures and suddenly it's clear and obvious...except to [mainly] lefty [mainly] dimwits.

In the USA police officers are being hunted and killed (dozens of incidents this year) and are being ambushed like last night (while policing an anti-police rally!) precisely because the main stream media (and many politicians) are constantly anti-police, hinting of racist cops, intentional beating, police brutality etc even when all the facts suggest the police weren't at fault. I know the police aren't always innocent but FFS, this constant false narrative shit has got to stop sometime. Something else Dallas Police Chief said was tragic: "We don't feel much support most days. Let's not make today most days". And finally, repeating a line from Daily Wire: Anti-police rhetoric has deadly consequences. And - an irony missed by BLM - not just for the Police.

Update (21:15 BST): another shooting: Bristol, Tennessee: "he was angry about police violence against African-Americans"... 

Overt omissions, obvious outrage...

The headline in that image shocked me, seriously. I have waffled on about BBC bias for over 2 decades but still they manage to amaze me with their unbelievably crass reporting. The image isn't from the news today about last night's Dallas police murders but I saw the link to it just as I was wondering why - the news of the worse police killings since 9/11 - the whole thing seem overtly anti-police (but has since been updated and toned down and now even including info about the horribly high number of police that are killed in the line of duty). However, imagine my surprise when I see the link "Why do US police keep killing unarmed black men?" [Link] I thought WTF? and followed the link to see that, indeed, I hadn't misread. The BBC did indeed have the headline "Why do US police keep killing unarmed black men?". In all their interviews they fail to get near the real issue. Reports now from the Dallas Police Chief say that "[the now dead suspect] was upset about the recent police shootings"... "The suspect said he was upset at white people. The suspect stated that he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers." Now why would he want to do that? Maybe because he reads the BBC and much of the rest of the polemic creating media or listens to Obama or those overt racist, anti-police lefties like Black Lives Matter (yes, racist) that keep stoking the flames of the outright lie that there is some US Cop anti-black intentional killing spree. And it is lie. A big fat funded by lefty billionaires lie. The STATS speak for themselves and tell another story. Some of those five stats (previous link) are from HERE, pdf: The Danger of the 'Black Lives Matter' Movement by Heather Mac Donald. "In Los Angeles, blacks between the ages of 20 and 24 die at a rate 20 to 30 times the national mean. Who is killing them? Not the police, and not white civilians, but other blacks." Another snippet with New York as an example:
"Standard anti-cop ideology, whether emanating from the ACLU or the academy, holds that law enforcement actions are racist if they don’t mirror population data. New York City illustrates why that expectation is so misguided. Blacks make up 23 percent of New York City’s population, but they commit 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime, according to victims and witnesses. Add Hispanic shootings and you account for 98 percent of all illegal gunfire in the city. Whites are 33 percent of the city’s population, but they commit fewer than two percent of all shootings, four percent of all robberies, and five percent of all violent crime. These disparities mean that virtually every time the police in New York are called out on a gun run—meaning that someone has just been shot—they are being summoned to minority neighborhoods looking for minority suspects."
Let me repeat that last bit: These disparities mean that virtually every time the police in New York are called out on a gun run—meaning that someone has just been shot—they are being summoned to minority neighborhoods looking for minority suspects.  More crime in those neighborhoods means much more police presence.  Much higher percentage of violent crime in those areas means more police presence. When you add to the mix that 'blacks of all ages commit homicide at eight times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined' it's a recipe for disaster.

This reflects the reality in the UK too with the constant railing against the UK police 'sus' then stop-and-search activities, always saying how they were racist etc...then you look at crime figures and suddenly it's clear and obvious...except to [mainly] lefty [mainly] dimwits.

In the USA police officers are being hunted and killed (dozens of incidents this year) and are being ambushed like last night (while policing an anti-police rally!) precisely because the main stream media (and many politicians) are constantly anti-police, hinting of racist cops, intentional beating, police brutality etc even when all the facts suggest the police weren't at fault. I know the police aren't always innocent but FFS, this constant false narrative shit has got to stop sometime. Something else Dallas Police Chief said was tragic: "We don't feel much support most days. Let's not make today most days". And finally, repeating a line from Daily Wire: Anti-police rhetoric has deadly consequences. And - an irony missed by BLM - not just for the Police.

Update (21:15 BST): another shooting: Bristol, Tennessee: "he was angry about police violence against African-Americans"... 

jueves, 7 de julio de 2016

Odious ogre officially outed II...

Yes, the II in the blog post title because the first (Odious ogre officially outed; only oblocutor O'Donnell obnubilates...) was back in 2011. Arch vampire and actor supreme* Blair, the destroyer of the UK with his decade or more of damage - continued by the Brownstuff - that was New Labour, is castigated but unpunished. Decried but not even a slapped wrist in the offing. A non apology and with the gall to say - with the evidence of the gross failure now spread worldwide [11th anniversary today] - he would do it all again.

Funnily enough back then it was hardly reported, I wrote: "A reader contributes...

If you can't understand the title it means that at last Blair is being outed over the Iraq War lies and the intentional misleading of parliament. The smoking gun is in view, the evidence is now before the Chilcott Inquiry: big news but not particularly interesting to the MSM apparently because hardly anyone seems to be giving 'sufficient' coverage or column inches that the former Attorney General Lord Goldsmith's evidence deserves. I guess these days any day is "a good day to bury bad news". 

One who did report it [Stephen Glover that day's Daily Mail] ""At last, the damning evidence that should bury Blair for his lies over Iraq".

Unfortunately, Cabinet Secretary Sir Gus O’Donnell has banned the Inquiry from releasing records of secret talks between Tony Blair and President George W. Bush...

Apart from the seeming lack of interest in giving Blair his comeuppance I also note that nobody seems to be mentioning Gordon Brown either; cunts. It is as though he has been airbrushed from history and all the problems the UK faces are now the evil Coalition's fault.

Yes, as usual BBC were being very coy because  back then they were still in crush-Coalition mode; the lack of coverage was overshadowed by what became a non-story; two days after the Blair news I wrote about the Guardian and BBC 'overreaction' to the Coulson hacking 'scandal' and how "Incredibly, on their UK News page there are 5 MORE articles (only the main story is as per the Home News page)...and note how the Blair news (and everything else!) is demoted... ...and somewhat appropriate following Peter Sisson's comments:
"In the later stages of my career, I lost count of the number of times I asked a producer for a brief on a story, only to be handed a copy of The Guardian and told 'it's all in there'"

Of course very different today...ahem.

The image above is cut from The National newspaper reproduced on the BBC: HERE. 'Shamed', 'Damned', 'defiant to the end', a 'monster' and a 'weapon of mass deception' among the other headlines (Scottish newspapers).

* just a reminder to those who may think yesterday's performance was genuine; well, the performance was genuine as befitting one of such lying talent, the emotions shown were not. 

Odious ogre officially outed II...

Yes, the II in the blog post title because the first (Odious ogre officially outed; only oblocutor O'Donnell obnubilates...) was back in 2011. Arch vampire and actor supreme* Blair, the destroyer of the UK with his decade or more of damage - continued by the Brownstuff - that was New Labour, is castigated but unpunished. Decried but not even a slapped wrist in the offing. A non apology and with the gall to say - with the evidence of the gross failure now spread worldwide [11th anniversary today] - he would do it all again.

Funnily enough back then it was hardly reported, I wrote: "A reader contributes... If you can't understand the title it means that at last Blair is being outed over the Iraq War lies and the intentional misleading of parliament. The smoking gun is in view, the evidence is now before the Chilcott Inquiry: big news but not particularly interesting to the MSM apparently because hardly anyone seems to be giving 'sufficient' coverage or column inches that the former Attorney General Lord Goldsmith's evidence deserves. I guess these days any day is "a good day to bury bad news". 

One who did report it [Stephen Glover that day's Daily Mail] ""At last, the damning evidence that should bury Blair for his lies over Iraq". Unfortunately, Cabinet Secretary Sir Gus O’Donnell has banned the Inquiry from releasing records of secret talks between Tony Blair and President George W. Bush... Apart from the seeming lack of interest in giving Blair his comeuppance I also note that nobody seems to be mentioning Gordon Brown either; cunts. It is as though he has been airbrushed from history and all the problems the UK faces are now the evil Coalition's fault."

Yes, as usual BBC were being very coy because  back then they were still in crush-Coalition mode; the lack of coverage was overshadowed by what became a non-story; two days after the Blair news I wrote about the Guardian and BBC 'overreaction' to the Coulson hacking 'scandal' and how "Incredibly, on their UK News page there are 5 MORE articles (only the main story is as per the Home News page)...and note how the Blair news (and everything else!) is demoted... ...and somewhat appropriate following Peter Sisson's comments: "In the later stages of my career, I lost count of the number of times I asked a producer for a brief on a story, only to be handed a copy of The Guardian and told 'it's all in there'". Of course very different today...ahem.

The image above is cut from The National newspaper reproduced on the BBC: HERE. 'Shamed', 'Damned', 'defiant to the end', a 'monster' and a 'weapon of mass deception' among the other headlines (Scottish newspapers).

* just a reminder to those who may think yesterday's performance was genuine; well, the performance was genuine as befitting one of such lying talent, the emotions shown were not. 

lunes, 4 de julio de 2016

Outing Osborne & other obscurantists...

From Dan Hannan: 'Extraordinary'...Germany's Federal Minister of Finance 'admits he only threatened to exclude us from the market because George Osborne asked him to'! Also, "Another line added to the truth & reconciliation table..." From 'Liberal Leaver' Roland Smith @whitewednesday on Twitter. Also author of the Liberal case for Leave: "a global, outward-looking and ambitiously positive" Brexit vision. The other line being Nigel Farage resigning as leader of UKIP today, totally at odds with what Remain threatened.

Outing Osborne & other obscurantists...

From Dan Hannan: 'Extraordinary'...Germany's Federal Minister of Finance 'admits he only threatened to exclude us from the market because George Osborne asked him to'! Also, "Another line added to the truth & reconciliation table..." From 'Liberal Leaver' Roland Smith @whitewednesday on Twitter. Also author of the Liberal case for Leave: "a global, outward-looking and ambitiously positive" Brexit vision. The other line being Nigel Farage resigning as leader of UKIP today, totally at odds with what Remain threatened.