[Link to Euro News article and image]* |
Everything that is going on is based on dodgy models, wrong input and blinkered observation of data. We knew this when they started taking Prof Panic's advice; amazingly, that link is 18 months ago! How time flies when you're enjoying yourself!) but now they are openly admitting their shit-fest [Spectator]
"if you tweak one assumption (on severity) then — suddenly — no need for lockdown".
We knew this last year but hey. As per Reg's comment there: Fucking scandalous.
At last some MSM 'names' are beginning to question the narrative: "...this raises serious questions not just about Sage but about the quality of the advice used to make UK lockdown decisions."
Another LYING politician is Sadiq Khan, "The really bad news is those in hospital - the vast, vast majority are unvaccinated that's why it is so important to get both the vaccines and the booster jab.". Lies, the data proves him to be wilfully misleading or just fucking lying. COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report [UK GOV Week 50 pdf] has this:
By 12 December 2021, the overall vaccine uptake in England for dose 1 was 67.9% and for dose 2 was 62.2%. Overall vaccine uptake in England in people with at least 3 doses was 31.4%.
Hmmmm, not quite the numbers you expected? Is Khan admitting that if you haven't had the booster you are considered unvaccinated?
I am quite interested in the Danish data which concurs with what I think is happening in the UK:
* re image: don't get me wrong, I know gene sequencing is complicated, costly and time consuming so many countries just won't/can't do it....but really? Also please note: "This article and its accompanying graphics are being regularly updated by our team of journalists. The last update was on December 16."
"Omicron - which continues to appear significantly less dangerous though more transmissible than earlier variants of Covid - has been used as a cover for vaccine failure."
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