sábado, 29 de enero de 2022

Oblectation over opinion of one oldie's obnoxious obstreperousness...

...one of two things ruling the internet this weekend, and it isn't Truck Fudeau. No, as you can tell by the blog-post title (you couldn't?) it's the Neil Young/Spotify/Joe Rogan thing. Surfing away I landed at Riggery Pokery and enjoyed the succinct turn of phrase on the arrogance of certainty; nothing like a good rant; indeed I enjoyed the frisson but no skin orgasm...but I did laugh a lot. 
I don’t particularly want to single out Neil Young here, he’s far from being the only one - but he has rather raised his wrinkly buggeration of a visage above the parapet. He is representative of a very worrying trend that has emerged. Where has this rising trend of fascist fuckwittery come from? 
"Who the holy fuck is Neil Young to determine what I can, and cannot, listen to?
Arrogant shite."

"You supercilious wanker."

There's a lot more. :-)

Also a shout out too to Sophia in the comments: "In other news, my husband thought up with a new cologne yesterday that I think many of us would like to get our hands on. It's called "'Leave Me the Fu' Cologne."

Update 30th Jan: LOL, "Just when you thought Neil Young’s ill-conceived boycott of Spotify over Joe Rogan was fizzling out, Prince Harry and Meghan step in to keep it fizzling a little longer..." [The Daily Skeptic].

And more good reading on the generational aspect of the Young/Rogan spat and Covid HERE: The Needle and the Damage Done from Christopher Roach: "Far from being a cesspool of disinformation, the mainstream media are slowly catching up with the skeptics." [sic]

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