domingo, 30 de junio de 2013

Omnipresent oppressors...

[edit] "In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

Oppression from left and right. We know that many on the Left are notorious Fascists (whilst claiming to fight Fascism); is it really a mystery why they happily and openly hold hands with many that are really 'ultra-right'? The answer, says James Bloodworth, writing in the Independent Voices, ("Why is the left so blinkered to Islamic extremism?") "lies in the fact that many Islamists exhibit a pathological anti-Americanism that is quite attractive to a certain type of degenerated progressive". Very probable; James links to The One Law for All Campaign's report [pdf link] which focuses on the most conspicuous - but by no means all - examples of the pro-Islamist Left in Britain.

"Any principled point of view must oppose all forms of fascism, including Islamic fascism and side with the countless people, many of whom are Muslim, who are fighting and challenging Islamism here in Europe as well as the Middle East, North Africa and across the world."

Now, however, the oppression and quashing of free speech, comes from the 'right' as well: earlier this week...was it an over zealous civil servant or mandarin that denied Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer entry to Great Britain? If so I can forgive Theresa May; if not she must fall from her once lofty position in my esteem (I'm sure she'll be upset) to join other extremist hate-monger apologists like slime-ball liar and cheating thief [too many sleaze examples for individual links] who should be in gaol Keith Vaz and lying terrorist-loving hypocrite Tony Lloyd (a 'Sheriff' no less!). To openly assist those that would do us harm they are surely part of the problem. I agree with Paul Austin Murphy:

"This is both very strange and disturbing case for the UK. Two activists who have spent their lives fighting against Islamist hate have themselves been called 'purveyors of hate' and therefore banned from entering the UK. Yet the UK has allowed numerous Islamists and even known jihadists into the country. On top of all that. The ones who are already here have been provided with copious state benefits, the best 'human rights lawyers' available, large houses, 24-hour security and God knows what else."...

..."So it seems that according to the Government, as well as to the Leftist whores-of-Islam, that Islamic violence and Islamism in the UK is OK; but criticising Islamic violence and Islamism is certainly not OK."


Update 30th June: reminded of the George Orwell quote in the top edit from "Truth is now Hate Speech in David Cameron’s Britain", by Paul Weston [Link, GoV]

Omnipresent oppressors...

[edit] "In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

Oppression from left and right. We know that many on the Left are notorious Fascists (whilst claiming to fight Fascism); is it really a mystery why they happily and openly hold hands with many that are really 'ultra-right'? The answer, says James Bloodworth, writing in the Independent Voices, ("Why is the left so blinkered to Islamic extremism?") "lies in the fact that many Islamists exhibit a pathological anti-Americanism that is quite attractive to a certain type of degenerated progressive". Very probable; James links to The One Law for All Campaign's report [pdf link] which focuses on the most conspicuous - but by no means all - examples of the pro-Islamist Left in Britain.
"Any principled point of view must oppose all forms of fascism, including Islamic fascism and side with the countless people, many of whom are Muslim, who are fighting and challenging Islamism here in Europe as well as the Middle East, North Africa and across the world."
Now, however, the oppression and quashing of free speech, comes from the 'right' as well: earlier this week...was it an over zealous civil servant or mandarin that denied Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer entry to Great Britain? If so I can forgive Theresa May; if not she must fall from her once lofty position in my esteem (I'm sure she'll be upset) to join other extremist hate-monger apologists like slime-ball liar and cheating thief [too many sleaze examples for individual links] who should be in gaol Keith Vaz and lying terrorist-loving hypocrite Tony Lloyd (a 'Sheriff' no less!). To openly assist those that would do us harm they are surely part of the problem. I agree with Paul Austin Murphy:
"This is both very strange and disturbing case for the UK. Two activists who have spent their lives fighting against Islamist hate have themselves been called 'purveyors of hate' and therefore banned from entering the UK. Yet the UK has allowed numerous Islamists and even known jihadists into the country. On top of all that. The ones who are already here have been provided with copious state benefits, the best 'human rights lawyers' available, large houses, 24-hour security and God knows what else."...
..."So it seems that according to the Government, as well as to the Leftist whores-of-Islam, that Islamic violence and Islamism in the UK is OK; but criticising Islamic violence and Islamism is certainly not OK."
Update 30th June: reminded of the George Orwell quote in the top edit from "Truth is now Hate Speech in David Cameron’s Britain", by Paul Weston [Link, GoV]

sábado, 29 de junio de 2013

Obeisance often overlooked...

[Edited: 'dead' video/image removed]
Today is Armed Forces Day: "Today, thousands of people across the country celebrated the men and women of the Armed Forces, past and present, at more than 300 events to mark the fifth annual Armed Forces Day."  I'm a long way off in a hot land but top marks to Cranmer for pointing out that "[Armed Forces Day] will be overlooked by millions who are oblivious, and ignored by millions more who will be aware of it but completely detached from it". His excellent post ends so well:

"Remembrance Sunday is to commemorate the dead: Armed Forces Day is to appreciate the living. Thank them while you can."

Obeisance often overlooked...

[Edited: 'dead' video/image removed] Today is Armed Forces Day: "Today, thousands of people across the country celebrated the men and women of the Armed Forces, past and present, at more than 300 events to mark the fifth annual Armed Forces Day."  I'm a long way off in a hot land but top marks to Cranmer for pointing out that "[Armed Forces Day] will be overlooked by millions who are oblivious, and ignored by millions more who will be aware of it but completely detached from it". His excellent post ends so well:
"Remembrance Sunday is to commemorate the dead: Armed Forces Day is to appreciate the living. Thank them while you can."

Obeisance often overlooked...

Today is Armed Forces Day: "Today, thousands of people across the country celebrated the men and women of the Armed Forces, past and present, at more than 300 events to mark the fifth annual Armed Forces Day."  I'm a long way off in a hot land but top marks to Cranmer for pointing out that "[Armed Forces Day] will be overlooked by millions who are oblivious, and ignored by millions more who will be aware of it but completely detached from it". His excellent post ends so well:
"Remembrance Sunday is to commemorate the dead: Armed Forces Day is to appreciate the living. Thank them while you can."

lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

Options on opiates II...

Some interesting ingredients in this cough medicine manufactured in Baltimore in 1888 (image from Classic Pics).  We now know this cocktail would do far more than cure your cough! No worries though, if you got addicted to the alcohol or morphine they would use cocaine to treat the addiction, it's no joke, he said...a real Freudian slip, of course at the time it was a new 'wonder drug' but he had a habit of being wrong about cocaine:

"The treatment of morphine addiction with coca does not, therefore, result merely in the exchange of one kind of addiction for another – it does not turn the morphine addict into a coquero; the use of coca is only temporary… I am rather inclined to assume that coca has a directly antagonistic effect on morphine…" [Link]

Options on opiates II...

Some interesting ingredients in this cough medicine manufactured in Baltimore in 1888 (image from Classic Pics).  We now know this cocktail would do far more than cure your cough! No worries though, if you got addicted to the alcohol or morphine they would use cocaine to treat the addiction, it's no joke, he said...a real Freudian slip, of course at the time it was a new 'wonder drug' but he had a habit of being wrong about cocaine:
"The treatment of morphine addiction with coca does not, therefore, result merely in the exchange of one kind of addiction for another – it does not turn the morphine addict into a coquero; the use of coca is only temporary… I am rather inclined to assume that coca has a directly antagonistic effect on morphine…" [Link]

jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

Obama obdormition...

My failure to know what's good for me had me watching the news again yesterday, only to start - within 30 seconds - shouting at the TV. As Cranmer so aptly puts it of Obama's Berlin speech: "Ich bin eine Katastrophe". Obama has form though (Jan, Feb); the more people say what a good speaker he is the more I cannot stand what he says or how he says it. Previously I've called it cringe-worthy pap and banal piffle, convinced his speech-writers are taking the piss; Nile Gardiner calls it "pure mush, another clichéd “citizens of the world” polemic with little substance." Most of the German press weren't much more impressed (scroll down to "German commentators on Thursday, however, seemed largely immune to the charm offensive".

Obama obdormition...

My failure to know what's good for me had me watching the news again yesterday, only to start - within 30 seconds - shouting at the TV. As Cranmer so aptly puts it of Obama's Berlin speech: "Ich bin eine Katastrophe". Obama has form though (Jan, Feb); the more people say what a good speaker he is the more I cannot stand what he says or how he says it. Previously I've called it cringe-worthy pap and banal piffle, convinced his speech-writers are taking the piss; Nile Gardiner calls it "pure mush, another clichéd “citizens of the world” polemic with little substance." Most of the German press weren't much more impressed (scroll down to "German commentators on Thursday, however, seemed largely immune to the charm offensive".

Obama obdormition...

My failure to know what's good for me had me watching the news again yesterday, only to start - within 30 seconds - shouting at the TV. As Cranmer so aptly puts it of Obama's Berlin speech: "Ich bin eine Katastrophe". Obama has form though (Jan, Feb); the more people say what a good speaker he is the more I cannot stand what he says or how he says it. Previously I've called it cringe-worthy pap and banal piffle, convinced his speech-writers are taking the piss; Nile Gardiner calls it "pure mush, another clichéd “citizens of the world” polemic with little substance." Most of the German press weren't much more impressed (scroll down to "German commentators on Thursday, however, seemed largely immune to the charm offensive".

lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

Olisbos or ollapods' ophelimic officinal option...

From angina to vagina: this Friday, the drug sildenafil citrate, better known as Viagra, loses its UK patent; the 15 years are up, and that's not the only thing! (OK, OK!). The first oral cure for impotence will suddenly have a lot of competition. It certainly works but was it the sexual be-all-and-end-all that people think? No, not really, as Miss Cox (nice name for a sex therapist) says, "Suddenly, men thought anything could be solved by a pill...If only that were true." Charlie Cooper's article in yesterday's Independent makes interesting reading, if you had the paper copy you'd also see the ad for a free tablet...or was that from PC World?

ophelimity: n. - the ability to please (not necessarily sexually)

ollapod: n. - pharmacist

officinal: adj. - used in medicine; stocked by pharmacists; n. such drug.

olisbos: n. - a dildo (readers of Owsblog may remember this word)

As so often, Owsblog obscure words from Luciferous Logolepsy.

Olisbos or ollapods' ophelimic officinal option...

From angina to vagina: this Friday, the drug sildenafil citrate, better known as Viagra, loses its UK patent; the 15 years are up, and that's not the only thing! (OK, OK!). The first oral cure for impotence will suddenly have a lot of competition. It certainly works but was it the sexual be-all-and-end-all that people think? No, not really, as Miss Cox (nice name for a sex therapist) says, "Suddenly, men thought anything could be solved by a pill...If only that were true." Charlie Cooper's article in yesterday's Independent makes interesting reading, if you had the paper copy you'd also see the ad for a free tablet...or was that from PC World?

ophelimity: n. - the ability to please (not necessarily sexually)
ollapod: n. - pharmacist
officinal: adj. - used in medicine; stocked by pharmacists; n. such drug.
olisbos: n. - a dildo (readers of Owsblog may remember this word)
As so often, Owsblog obscure words from Luciferous Logolepsy.

sábado, 15 de junio de 2013

Overly optimistic IV...

Peter Spence at City A.M. replies to Will Hutton's overly optimistic alternative history Guardian article. Both are good and although we all can laugh at the latter, what he writes, albeit hypothetical, may have changed everything and saved us from the 'Credit Crunch'; I doubt it though because the straws loading the camel's back began in earnest in the late nineties. Anyhoo, what I hadn't seen before - and what is very very interesting - was the image left (click to enlarge, it's worth it) that accompanies the City A.M. piece, which shows a number of hypothetical monetary unions and how well their economies could be joined in a union: some are logically good fits but such random groups as economies of countries beginning with the letter "M" and all countries on earth along the latitude line 5th parallel north had more in common than the first 12 members of the euro! What set out to unite will ultimately divide, QED. 

Overly optimistic IV...

Peter Spence at City A.M. replies to Will Hutton's overly optimistic alternative history Guardian article. Both are good and although we all can laugh at the latter, what he writes, albeit hypothetical, may have changed everything and saved us from the 'Credit Crunch'; I doubt it though because the straws loading the camel's back began in earnest in the late nineties. Anyhoo, what I hadn't seen before - and what is very very interesting - was the image left (click to enlarge, it's worth it) that accompanies the City A.M. piece, which shows a number of hypothetical monetary unions and how well their economies could be joined in a union: some are logically good fits but such random groups as economies of countries beginning with the letter "M" and all countries on earth along the latitude line 5th parallel north had more in common than the first 12 members of the euro! What set out to unite will ultimately divide, QED. 

jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

Obama omissions...

There are so many Obama administration 'scandals' at the moment that if it were still President G.W. Bush the BBC would have little time to cover anything else. However, "'there’s absolutely no buck stopping anywhere near President Obama’s desk' when it comes to accepting responsibility over the many scandals plaguing his administration'. The American Thinker today has a good article on Hillary's 'infamous' line "What difference, at this point, does it make". What should worry us is that "The message that Obama’s wave of scandals projects to the world is that the United States is becoming increasingly unstable" [Danny de Gracia, WT]. That said, some aren't scandals: some are what has and will always go on; others are simple opportunism; some are incompetence but some are scandals, red in tooth and claw, worse some say than Watergate...but you wouldn't know it from most reporting. One that stands out for me (in light of my post after Woolwich) and one the British public know more about thanks to the Guardian, is a little more serious. The cartoon left (click to enlarge) says it all: protection from terrorism is the excuse given yet in the current world we live in there is one section that seems to be posing much more of a threat, we learn that in all the surveillance of  just about everyone, mosques have been off-limits; it is worth pointing out that one of the Boston bombers 'made extremist outbursts' during worship at his mosque. Heal thyselves!

Obama omissions...

There are so many Obama administration 'scandals' at the moment that if it were still President G.W. Bush the BBC would have little time to cover anything else. However, "'there’s absolutely no buck stopping anywhere near President Obama’s desk' when it comes to accepting responsibility over the many scandals plaguing his administration'. The American Thinker today has a good article on Hillary's 'infamous' line "What difference, at this point, does it make". What should worry us is that "The message that Obama’s wave of scandals projects to the world is that the United States is becoming increasingly unstable" [Danny de Gracia, WT]. That said, some aren't scandals: some are what has and will always go on; others are simple opportunism; some are incompetence but some are scandals, red in tooth and claw, worse some say than Watergate...but you wouldn't know it from most reporting. One that stands out for me (in light of my post after Woolwich) and one the British public know more about thanks to the Guardian, is a little more serious. The cartoon left (click to enlarge) says it all: protection from terrorism is the excuse given yet in the current world we live in there is one section that seems to be posing much more of a threat, we learn that in all the surveillance of  just about everyone, mosques have been off-limits; it is worth pointing out that one of the Boston bombers 'made extremist outbursts' during worship at his mosque. Heal thyselves!