jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2022

Omnifarious opportunities or Overlord: OpenAI

Skynet took just 25 days* to become self-aware...

Who knows. Last week Spartacus had a talk with ChatGPT : We've Come a Long Way [LINK]. This is Open AI's Generative Pretrained Transformer (ChatGTP...you'll have to wait now because it got to over a million users in about a day, with almost zero media coverage!). 

Have a read, the chat is very complicated, we're way beyond Delphi and Sophia. 

Despite the reservations and limitations that Spartacus mentions in the conclusions, it sounds mind-blowingly good. 
"Also, with how fast these deep learning neural networks are improving, and their potential for sudden and hugely disruptive innovation across a wide variety of industries, all I can say is, buckle up. Things are about to get very, very weird." 
More at Epoch Times from Hans Mahncke [LINK] who was 'blown away' by it. 

By the way...Artificial Intelligence in fiction has been around for about 150 years! Funnily enough on the Wiki page (yeah, yeah, I know) on the 'Implausibility'..."Engineers and scientists have taken an interest in the way AI is presented in fiction. In films like the 2014 Ex Machina or 2015 Chappie, a single isolated genius becomes the first to successfully build an artificial general intelligence; scientists in the real world deem this to be unlikely."...erm, Open AI is Elon Musk's baby [late edit: Link added]

[Apologies: sign-up or £$€ may be required for some of the links.]

* Very later edit: this was in Terminator 2: Judgment Day

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2022

Overcrowding or overreacting III: observing oncoming oneirodynia...

...we've been here before. Do [Are] my visions of future nightmares akin to The Camp of the Saints [PDF book link] overegging the pudding? Well, is anyone surprised about the newly released ONS data on ethic groups in England and Wales? Bear in mind this is the actual divulged information given to census representatives or filled out on the forms/online; I am sure it is all 100% accurate and the reality, no extras hiding, no unknowns** {sarc off}.
Census 2021 info is finally coming out...yes, 'finally': in case you hadn't noticed we are 30 days from 2023...why the delay? One snippet [in London] "36.8% of people identified as “White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British” in 2021 – down from 44.9% in 2011."...under 37%, that isn't very high is it, even for a 'metropolis'? 

More: "As part of the 'White' ethnic group, 74.4% of the population in England and Wales identified their ethnic group as 'English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British'".

  • 87.5% in 2001
  • 80.5% in 2011
  • 74.4% in 2021

This isn't prejudice; it isn't racist and now it isn't a conspiracy theory either. Yet another one becoming fact; think that's 25-nil now. 

** And we also know that anything up to a million or more are unknown, that is confirmed by government personnel, and the current polemic of the English Channel taxi/RN/RNLI people-trafficking service is a trickle in comparison. Hence weak politicians cries for an amnesty etc (to stop/hide the headache).

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2022

Omnivore order...

Well what a surprise...not. "Red meat is not a health risk. New study slams years of shoddy research"...[LINK] both parts of that title deserve looking at, the shoddy research becoming more and more of a problem in every field of science. 

  • Studies have been linking red meat consumption to health problems like heart disease, stroke, and cancer for years, but these invariably suffer from methodological limitations. 
  • In an unprecedented effort, health scientists at the University of Washington scrutinized decades of research on red meat consumption and its links to various health outcomes, introducing a new way to assess health risks in the process. 
  • They only found weak evidence that unprocessed red meat consumption is linked to colorectal cancer, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes, and ischemic heart disease, and no link at all between eating red meat and stroke."

More HERE with both sides of the argument ("Red meat causes heart disease. Except when it doesn’t?" link pre-pandemic) from the same Big Think.

More here, very good 'both-sided' article and comments: No Chris (Carmichael, Founder & Head Coach of CTS) we won't: Will We Ever Stop Arguing About Red Meat? [LINK]

Ows opines: eat what you fucking like, just don't overdo it, and do some exercise (walk). 

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2022

Oops. Oh-oh...

No hiding now: hundreds of thousands have died: will there be an accounting? Excess deaths are through the roof and no one is on telly every night telling the people. Why not? Because it isn't a virus anymore, and errr... just maybe it's the solution they provided that is the problem? 

Joel Smalley, whose Metatron Substack is Dead Man Talking, writes (and The Daily Sceptic also carries) that Sweden Wins! Sweden Wins! Country That Refused Lockdown and Kept Schools Open Has Lowest Pandemic Mortality in the World.
Just if you think Joel is 'hiding the real numbers by doing it by total excess deaths then:
"The somewhat less meaningful COVID death tally (per million population) does not have the same relative magnitude since different countries use different methods for recording what is and what isn’t a COVID death, on top of the fact, of course, that it’s a Pyrrhic victory to mitigate COVID deaths at the expense of higher excess non-COVID deaths."

Also, just if you start to think 'Hey, New Zealand and Australia were right to have full-on totalitarian jackboot lockdowns, look how well they doing!'...erm, it's been getting a lot worse there since these figures were compiled (excess death-wise).

The whole piece is worth a read especially the conclusions, and Joel's final comment:
"It might just be me but I don’t think stupid politicians, greedy pharmaceutical companies and academics whose careers depend on pharma funding are the best people for the job."

Not entirely unrelated immediate update:
Only last month I mentioned that "They have done more to grow worldwide vaccine hesitancy in the last 30 months than in the previous 60 years or more" and lo and behold eugyppius brings us this:
"To the surprise of nobody, it turns out that the campaign to increase vaccine uptake via social exclusion, threats, lies and firings has reduced public confidence in vaccination across the board
And links to the new paper: "Is vaccine confidence an unexpected victim of the COVID-19 pandemic?"

yes yes, only several million of us thinking that but FFS, whooda thunk it? Amusingly (probably to enable publishing?) the publishers wrote "Paradoxically, despite the success of COVID-19 vaccination campaigns, vaccine confidence has significantly declined since the onset of the pandemic" [facepalm]

Update: as an afterthought really; no need to go into a rerun of the tit-for-tat 'Norway is better than Sweden' that we had to endure from the naysayers during the pandemic, desperate to avoid naughty Sweden looking good: 2019 deaths were a big factor in 2020 COVID deaths...in fact they were in the UK too, a good part of our Spring 2020 death surge was those that hadn't dies the previous winter...all water under the bridge. God forbid we overreacted?

[edited for typos]

viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2022

Objects of odium, ostracised...

Following the earlier overture things have heated up. The push back now has it's own push back: Melissa Healy at the LA Times muses that "It's as if [the non-covid-jabbed are] no longer hazardous to the rest of us. Or are they?" It's as if...? ...WTF? Really? [Hat-tip: The Naked Emperor

Melissa writes: "For almost two years, COVID-19 vaccine holdouts have been the objects of earnest pleading and financial inducements, of social-media shaming and truth campaigns. They’ve missed weddings, birthday celebrations and recitals, and even forfeited high-stakes athletic competitions. Until last month, they were barred from entering the United States and more than 100 other countries.

Now the unvaccinated are suddenly back in the mix.

I - an object - am still barred Melissa. Pharma profits need maintaining.  But of course she has an 'expert' or two to boost the ridiculous pap she has written. Amazing how moronic some experts are becoming too. 

BOB's artwork may seem a bit OTT but it isn't. The comparisons to Nazi Germany batted about may also seem OTT but they aren't: what happened is exactly how 'it' starts. Gina was right

The power was wielded by many 'normal' people, they now want forgive and forget: as Laura puts it so well: Just say no...

"... the people who told you were non-essential, that your children would kill your elderly parents or grandparents, that you had to save your country's pathetic and useless socialized medical system by locking you in your house, that you and your children had to take several dangerous ("safe and effective") injections that you didn't want or need and lied about every detail about it, the same people who taped up park benches, forced masks on toddlers, kicked autistic children off of planes, imprisoned frail and vulnerable senior citizens and disabled humans with sick and contagious covid patients in their respective nursing homes and homes for the developmentally disabled in order for them to die en masse, the ones who dragged pregnant women getting fresh air from park benches, kept people from getting regular medical care and disease treatment, refused organ transplants to the unvaccinated, forced old and sick people to die alone behind plastic barriers in hospitals, ripped families apart and destroyed friendships, businesses and economies, yes those people want an amnesty. Well screw that." 
"The people who enacted these policies are anti-human psychopaths who do not deserve mercy. Have you seen any real apologies for their behaviour? I saw one on Twitter and the new Premier of Alberta is making a good start of it. But mostly what I see is deeply sinister and shameless humans who just want forgiveness and absolution without doing any of the requisite moral and spiritual work i.e. sincerely apologizing, repenting and vowing never again to repeat their evil ways."
"Absolutely and positively no".

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2022

Ostler's obscurantist optimistic overture...

Poor Emily. I really do think she was an honest convert now seeking to stop a tsunami of hate. But she stuck her head above the parapet and is reaping the whirlwind. I think the bad cat was the first to pick up on it, "emily oster's no good, really bad, terrible idea" [LINK] then Igor: "Wow. The Atlantic has a front-page article (archive link) by Prof. Emily Oster, asking for 'Pandemic Amnesty'". But Mary Harrington at Unherd has a great take on 'The tyranny of a Covid amnesty'. 
 Nor is having expertise or evidence on your side much of a defence. 
Read the comments. 

Luckily for me I realise many may not even know what I'm talking about because they do not inhabit the various bubbles that are screeching (with reason IMHO) about Emily Oster, in The Atlantic, who suggested a 'pandemic amnesty'. 

As per Eugyppius "I don’t know much about the American pandemic pundits, but I gather that Brown University economist and “parenting guru” Emily Oster is far from the worst of them.". 

Very far from the worst and I bet there are many hoping the idea catches on...it won't.  The Naked Emperor today shows a few more of the scumbags...of the many...they were wrong, knowingly. They helped totalitarianism, they were 'the concentration camp guards' but with less of an excuse than those Nazi enablers. They demonised and in some cases drove to death many people. They will not be forgotten; they will not be forgiven. They are evil. They are Legion.

...they are known. 

Update: I am totally in agreement with - and have many things in common - with what Gary says [Coronababble] [hat-tip: Daily Sceptic] "One thing is for sure: We must never forget what the political leaders and public health specialists inflicted upon us. Whether the reason was weakness, groupthink, conflict of interest or unadulterated corruption, the miscreants must all be held to account and pay a price for terrorising the people they are meant to serve."

sábado, 22 de octubre de 2022

Overdosing obnubilation...

[edited after 5 p.m. (two links added)] This is the daily deaths from COVID as per Worldometers. More data HERE from Covidgraph. All based on official world statistics. About 2.5 million deaths in the first 12 months and pushing 6.5 million now, two and a half years down the road. 

Of course we KNOW that in 2020 many if not MOST of the 'COVID' deaths were no such thing. That the jabs were not even necessary. Plus more people are dying now and we even managed in the UK to knock 10 years off the average age of death in the vaccine rollout, non discriminatory death shot

This makes it even more odd that earlier this year the Lancet published 'Global impact of the first year of COVID-19 vaccination [previous link or PDF] trying to claim that "COVID-19 vaccination has substantially altered the course of the pandemic, saving tens of millions of lives globally.". 

It seems odd because all the data would seem to suggest the exact opposite. Deaths during 'the vaccination period' seem double to when the worst strain of SARS CoV 2 was having its way; deaths dropped off immediately when the boosters were discovered to do nothing. [edit: i.e. when the sheeple decided not to get the boosters].

Not so odd when you realise it is just an estimation and mathematical model (noooo!) and funded by the whole list of interested parties to making the covid jabs look good.

That 'Interpretation' is unbelievable: the inadequate access to Covid jabs i.e. they didn't get them,  probably saved the lives millions of people in those low-income countries. The sinister final sentence the obvious goal of those that funded this 'paper'. They have done more to grow worldwide vaccine hesitancy in the last 30 months than in the previous 60 years or more. 

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2022

Odd overt overestimation offered ocracy overreach...

Title edited 18/10/22. Mainly a grammatical correction. "COVID-19 Much Less Deadly Than Previously Thought, Major Study Finds"...no? Say it ain't so...The Daily Sceptic's Will Jones points to THIS study - in the non-elderly (u70) - which was led by Dr. John Ioannidis [BIO]. John was the guy that said this would be like a flu epidemic and that perhaps we should rein in a bit of the hysteria (I paraphrase of course) ...he said this in Feb/March 2020 [LINKA fiasco in the making?] .

Some of us listened, some of us thought the Diamond Princess or USS Roosevelt situations would have made good (though not perfect) indications of what to expect: back then, before the first UK lockdown "Projecting the Diamond Princess mortality rate onto the age structure of the U.S. population, the death rate among people infected with Covid-19 would be 0.125%.". 

Turns out it wasn't even near that for the under 50s: "A further breakdown by age group found that the average IFR was 0.0003% at 0-19 years, 0.003% at 20-29 years, 0.011% at 30-39 years, 0.035% at 40-49 years, 0.129% at 50-59 years, and 0.501% at 60-69 years.

That said, the average (mean) age of death - certainly in the UK - for COVID-19 has been lower than that of flu and pneumonia throughout the pandemic...[UK ONS]. HOWEVER, 

"In summer 2021, the mean age of death fell to 73 years"!! 
hmmm...what had happening to the older cohorts in Q1 and 2 of that year? Let me guess...do you remember? I do, they were queuing up for an experimental jab that they had been lied to about. 

THIS October Opener (2020) would have been the far better course.

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2022

Obama's overreaching oar...

Blogpost title referring to Obama (all posts) infamously (IMHO :-) ) sticking his overreaching oar into purely UK matters...now Creepy Joe has done the same (in what many call Obama's third term):

Friday: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre says:
"And, you know, we’ve been very clear — like, we won’t comment on the UK government’s — their dem- — their own domestic policies or internal decision-making... [...] 
"So, not something that we’re going to comment on.

But anything specifically that’s related to their domestic policies or domestic decisions, we’re just not going to comment on that.

Saturday: cue Sleepy/Creepy Joe/Brandon doing exactly what she said they wouldn't do: commenting on domestic policies (reported today in UK).

You may claim it's international because err...because the mini-budget caused worldwide ructions...really? Of course part of it could be THIS,** [OECD tax database] doing what TPTB don't want you to do; that could explain the IMF's strange intervention and now Creepy Joe. "The Biden administration wants to raise the U.S. corporate tax rate to 28%, so it has proposed a global minimum of 21% – double the rate on the current GILTI tax." 

Of course none of it is anything to do with trillions in debt, derivative failures, failing banks, looming crash, years of quantative easing, lockdown lunacy etc...

**Source: 145cm.net/finance

miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2022

Ongoing omnigatherum of our ocracy's obscurantism...

...from the Naked Emperor's Substack: the "anti-science" 'infinite list'...[LINK
"Almost three years ago science entered a new dark age."
Well worth a read; feel free to subscribe, just the 'Today's Must Reads' makes it worth it (varied subjects, not just COVID related).

"Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford University and co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration, seems to agree. He has been compiling a list of the examples of anti-science we have unfortunately become used to.

Here's the current tail-end of the list:

39. Ignoring immunity after covid recovery is anti-science; 
40. Vaccine mandates have demolished public trust and are anti-science; 
41. Pausing childhood vaccination programs and tuberculosis treatment in poor countries because of fear of covid led to many unnecessary deaths and is anti-science; 
42. Ignoring legitimate vaccine injury is anti-science; 
43. Declaring oneself to be The Science itself is anti-science;

Update 19:19 p.m
.: Igor now tells us of more unbelievable anti-science: "If someone asked me three years ago, whether it is possible that the FDA would approve a children’s vaccine with ZERO testing on children, I would of course laugh the question off as ludicrous. Now it is reality. Even worse, schools and camps may start requiring it." [FDA News Release] [Pfizer Press release]. 

As per Igor's Substack, the grand total for adult bivalent booster testing of using 8 (eight) mice wasn't even reached [update update!: "uncomfortably scant data", "critical lack of information", "we {Pfizer} are not going to be transparent to the American public"...just some of the comments from Dr. Paul Offit, one of the not-consulted a voting members of the FDA panel that approves vaccines talking about the new Covid boosters!]

Adults: eight mice, no advisors consulted
Children: no mice, no testing, no advisors consulted...FFS!

Not unbelievable, just plain old sinister and evil. 

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2022

Oblast...oh, blast!

See image (left). Russian control of Ukraine as of September 2022..."US officials closely watching sham referendums in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine and preparing to act" [LINK]... 'preparing to act'? LOL. Seriously? 
The referendum on September 23-27 in the Donbass and southern Kherson and Zaporozhye regions of Ukraine on their accession to Russian Federation is, prima facie, an exercise of the right of self-determination by the native population who reject the Western-backed regime change in Kiev in 2014 and the ascendancy of extreme nationalist forces with neo-Nazi leanings in the power structure.

[LINK] ) 'MK Bhadrakumar is a former diplomat. He was India’s ambassador to Uzbekistan and Turkey. The views are personal') 

Before you condemn, remember the Kosovo precedent. This is the same, 100%. No ifs, no buts. But it's "them": the baddies, right?...and IF the votes go the Russian way (they will) any action is then not helping the poor saintly (ahem) Ukrainians but an attack on sovereign Russia:
“In the event of a threat to the territorial integrity of our country and to defend Russia and our people, we will certainly make use of all weapon systems available to us. This is not a bluff.” ['bad' Vlad]
I concur. That, the course of the war, the Ukrainian "gains", and the map above, are EXACTLY what I told my military serving number-two son - to the letter - back in end-Feb/beginning-March this year. Exactly, precisely, TO-THE-LETTER. If fat Span Ows, England-loving, loud, overweight, brash, stubborn, impatient, non-Putin-loving but also non Mr Bean Zelensky-loving average 'man-in-the-street' (general gob-shite "know-all") "knew" this back a few days into the Russian invasion, what of our political class?

Hard to compute? Just think of the bidets (wonderful spell check) Bidens and Clintons (and by extension the Obamas) as crime families: they are; Ukraine is a massive money-laundering opportunity (it is); suddenly it all makes sense. 

Literally 5 minutes 'surfing' tells you all you need to know...BUT, if you don't want to know, well... LOOK! A squirrel!

You'll never guess the last time I used that squirrel pic [OMG]. Hopefully the links all are still active: 'A Twitter fest! #MemoDay (read in full on Axios: involves FBI, DOJ, Democrat Party probably Hillary Clinton, possible Obama. Bigger than Watergate)'

 ...well, you didn't think Obama was good, in ANY way, did you? I mean...what? There is so much...and not just outside the USA. So much

lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2022

Ocean oscillations...

Not written about Pakistan directly before, except if you include all the problems with a certain community then I have mentioned it indirectly (mostly not good) a few times and for quite a while

Today, I only write this after watching rugby union at the weekend...bear with me...The BT Sport commentator remarked about their charity efforts for the Pakistan floods. I must admit I hadn't heard a thing (having been in the Americas for most of the last few months) so I looked it up.

That image is from the Wiki page and what struck me more is that in the first four paragraphs of that page they mention climate change nine (9) times**. After that it isn't repeated until the references at the foot of the page, almost like they were focussing and iterating...trying to convey a message? Here's the first paragraph:

In the sidebar they at least mention other causes: "Poor urban planning, Heavy monsoon rains, climate change". The first two they have got correct. The main text in the 'Impact' section goes on to say these are the worst floods since 2010. Which, in turn, were comparable to the floods of 1988, 1995, and 1997...oh. The monsoon rain that fell in 2010 was the highest since 1994 (another year...they missed 1992) which made it the second highest since 1961 (the 50 years recorded then 1961-2011). 

Hmmmm, see where I'm going with this? Seems the Pakistani Government would try to sort this out... oh they did, back in the 70s after the floods of 1973 and 1976. Difficult though, that Indus thing (big river apparently) starts in a gorge starting in the Himalayas (big snowy mountain range apparently).


These floods happen all the time; in fact you could probably time them, literally. I wouldn't mind betting there's a boy and a girl involved. These climate patterns often lead to 'a cascade of global impacts' [LINK], El Niño–La Niña oscillation, part of  "the intricate relationship between the ocean and the atmosphere" led in 2010 to unusually intense monsoon rains; in fact every flood year mentioned above coincides with La Niña, which "impacts the global climate and disrupts normal weather patterns, which can lead to intense storms in some places and droughts in others". That last sentence was from the Wiki page, they were happy to say that back then (cue Lefty editing) but today it is all about climate CHANGE. No it ISN'T; these are climate events that have happened for hundreds of years! Probably for ever. 

** nine, the same number of MPs that attended a debate in parliament on the abuse, trafficking, rape,drug, gang-rape Pakistani 'grooming' scandal earlier this month

sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2022

'One-off offer' offing offspring...

After this week's encouraging conservative (almost Conservative!) mini-budget PM Truss continues the good start she has made. Two real issues she needs to sort: the English Channel organised human trafficking and the crazy continuation of vaccinations jabs against SARS CoV 2 to stop COVID.

The worrying rise in excess deaths in many age groups and many countries continues; HART wrote to the new British PM. The 'group of highly qualified UK doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists and other academic experts' - amongst others - have oft raised concerns re excess non-covid deaths 'and the need for this to be urgently and thoroughly investigated'. "There is still a total lack of long-term safety data and the worrying rise in excess non-Covid deaths in young males aged 15-19 years has yet to be explained." ...

..."In short, the balance of benefit and risk, used to support the rollout of mRNA vaccines to the elderly and vulnerable in 2021, is totally inappropriate and inapplicable for children in 2022." 

Now, the latest UK Gov data shows a 22% rise in deaths of 5-9 year-olds. Obviously "...major ethical concerns remain" [LINK]
More than one year on, it is of extreme concern that so many warning signals have been blithely ignored.

Last year's minutes of JCVI meetings [PDF]

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2022

One's obit...

Inside Westminster Abbey: 'This was history - solemn, spectacular and intense' [BBC]

Hopefully together again and as happy as it is obvious they were...

Update 22:44 with obit: sorry I have no words; been welling up every time I think of it; I know it is eleven days since Her Majesty passed but I think His Grace does her justice: [LINK] "The curtain has fallen on the second Great Elizabethan Age."

sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2022

Obfuscation over origins II...

Really this blogpost was meant to be the first Obfuscaion over origins not the second (II), it is just that yesterday I began with the blog title but then got side-tracked and ended up not posting on the origins of SARS CoV 2 but on the massive failure of the response to the virus. 

Back to the opaque origins: A couple of days back eugyppius posted "Every day there is more evidence that the SARS-2 outbreak began months before the earliest documented Wuhan infections. Why does nobody care?" 
"But, nobody wants to dig up further evidence on when and where SARS-2 entered humans – perhaps because everybody knows that more chronological clarity would do anything but support the case for natural origins."
eugyppius pointed to a recent Italian study on pre-pandemic SARS-2 infections in Lombardy. Resulting from the retesting of archival samples of suspected measles cases (a similar symptom for coronavirus and measles is skin rashes). Their analyses produced 13 positive cases for SARS-2 RNA; 
 "Eleven of these samples were collected before anybody declared a pandemic. Four of the eleven also had anti-SARS-2 antibodies – including the earliest sample, taken from an eight-month-old infant on 12 September 2019. None of these patients had any relevant travel history.
In a follow-up post yesterday eugyppius writes that "Since we’re talking about the origins and early history of the SARS-2 outbreak, it’s worth having a look at Jonathan Engler’s intriguing analysis of the all-cause mortality data out of northern Italy in the earliest days of the outbreak." yes it is worth it it and I'd also suggest subscribing to eugyppius's Substack*: a plague chronicle worth following. 

Some snippets from Engler's article below: 

"Both the lack of excess deaths overall and the lack of clusters of excess deaths are in fact totally unexpected in light of the evidence — now supported by papers studying antibodies and PCR testing data AND symptoms — of significant presence of Sars-Cov-2 in February (and earlier, in fact). "
How could an apparently highly contagious and lethal virus have spread throughout the region so much that case growth was apparently actually slowing in most areas by the end of February, without leaving any signal of increased deaths in its wake?
 "On the assumption that healthcare is organised by province, the conclusion can only be that it was the manner in which healthcare was delivered which was relevant to the death rate, not the spread of a virus, which would of course have no respect for provincial boundaries."
The fact that assumptions derived from the data from Lombardy — including estimates of the case and infection fatality rates — formed the basis of policies implemented first in the UK, and thereafter rippling across the world, makes this a question which should be addressed with some urgency. 

This is especially the case since these policies are now being recognised as having caused catastrophic long-lasting harm to much of the world’s population with little or no discernible benefit. 
I'll leave you with eugyppius's eye-opening and worrying conclusion, chiming with what many have thought for the whole COVID era, that political actions led directly to thousands of deaths: 

"Lockdowns were accompanied by a rapid collapse in influenza infections in many countries, followed almost immediately by a rise in SARS-2 mortality. It’s worth asking whether the flu and other common respiratory viruses are actually protective against novel pathogens because of interference effects, and whether our panic measures didn’t, in most cases, simply reduce the competition SARS-2 faced from other viruses. I also cling to my theory that, before Omicron, SARS-2 was an attendant-borne pathogen, which thrived particularly in healthcare environments. Emergency measures, including mass testing, had the effect of hoovering up as many SARS-2 patients as possible and putting them in environments where attendants could mediate transmission – precisely where SARS-2 does most of its killing."

* I subscribe to several allowing access across the platform. 

viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2022

Obfuscation over origins...

...of SARS-CoV-2. With credit and hat-tip to The Naked Emperor. The Lancet Commission have released their document "on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic"...ahem, anyone could tell them what not to do, i.e. what all the governments did, against their own decades-old, reliable, well thought-out, considered plans; they decided to panic and spit the dummy...as we all now know, to most people's detriment. 

Anyhooo...back to the Lancet and their "comprehensive investigation, analysis and response to COVID-19". The gist of the Lancet's recommendations I will leave for you to read on the Naked Emperor's Substack or reading the original document at [Lancet Journals website] or download and peruse at your own leisure [PDF]. The Executive Summary is enough...but not for the reasons they hope you'll believe: everyone knows for instance that the numbers of reported deaths and estimated deaths are complete hogwash. HOWEVER, regarding the image below:

The left hand side of the graphic is correct, basically a complete clusterfuck. An intentional complete and utter clusterfuck; a complete 'failure of rationality'. Anyone with even remotely functioning mental faculties now trusts the government less than before; they distrust the "Science" because real science wasn't even considered; an 'expert' (IYI) agenda 'science' was the norm. The only 'solidarity' and 'cooperation' was the patently crazy 'new' science of forget/ignore everything we know and become power-crazed rabid fuckwits whilst scaring the population to become headless chickens. The only internationally recognised health practise/protocol was "stay at home"...literally 'do nothing'. Known effective preventative measures not only ignored but trashed and ridiculed (and patently fraudulent, rushed out fake trials of "science" used to negate decades of success) previously world-leading virologists, epidemiologists, doctors etc., not only silenced but made pariahs...since proven 100% correct...minor rant over

The right-hand side of the graphic...well, there lies the real MASSIVE lie: the excess deaths I have already mentioned. Rubbish stats, a weaponised coronavirus killed a load of old people...harsh, but that is what happened. Most of the deaths could have been prevented if political intervention didn't happen...yes, you read that correctly. I'll go further: can anyone prove the vaccines COVID jabs saved a single life? Anywhere? The numbers coming out now suggest the opposite...yes, you read that correctly too. 

So, "Years of setbacks in the SDG progress"? No. As planned. Dozens of 'Western', 'advanced' countries (read highly COVID vaccinated) countries suffering way over average excess mortality figures (10% higher on average), all age groups except very old (dying anyway or dead from whatever-they-had-before-made-worse-by-the-spike-protein) or the very young (not vaccinated). Compounded by high infertility and massively higher stillbirths/failed pregnancies. Compare those advanced nations to the non-advanced/not so educated/not so vaccinated under-developed nations whose young fighting-fit non-vaccinated males are heading your way...as planned. 

A conspiracy theory too far? I'm winning about 20 nil so far. You see the trafficking across the English Channel - aided and abetted by UK Border Farce (oops), the Royal Navy, UK tax-payer funded private companies, and the [once beloved now lost] charity RNLI - but that's a drop in the ocean

viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2022

Observing or outing obvious official obscurantism...

Another great post by Steve Kirsch, the Ivermectin video [IVERMECTIN The Truth] from Plandemic Series (100% censored. 0% debunked). It should be seen by all. 

Some have known for the whole 'COVID period', literally, that it works, but if TPTB admitted it they could not have used their dangerous experimental vaccines under emergency powers; worse they falsified trials and lied to try to show that Ivermectin (amongst other proven treatments) didn't work and their lazy, bought, evil, lick-spittle tame media broadcast not the good news that there was an easily available cheap cure but that is didn't work and was dangerous.

Those officials and those media mouthpieces who prevented and discouraged proven medical help are murderers, they are known, the internet doesn't forget. They cannot claim they didn't know because like I said, in less than 15 minutes anyone could have found the truth. Everything in the video can be easily proven by anyone with 15 minutes to spare! (15 minutes to watch, 15 minutes to verify various points.)


domingo, 28 de agosto de 2022

Outrage over ominous observations II...

And more of the same; the blog titles should probably be prefaced with "Where is the [outrage]...". The previous post was the UK; this one is Germany. From the incredible Substack site eugyppius: a plague chronicle, (not for the first time) the latest article: 
Exhaustive study of German mortality data finds excess deaths tightly correlated with mass vaccination [LINK]

From the abstract that Eugyppius links to: 
In 2020, the observed number of deaths was close to the expected number with respect to the empirical standard deviation. By contrast, in 2021, the observed number of deaths was two empirical standard deviations above the expected number. The high excess mortality in 2021 was almost entirely due to an increase in deaths in the age groups between 15 and 79 and started to accumulate only from April 2021 onwards. A similar mortality pattern was observed for stillbirths with an increase of about 11 percent in the second quarter of the year 2021.

Something must have happened in April 2021 that led to a sudden and sustained increase in mortality in the age groups below 80 years, although no such effects on mortality had been observed during the COVID-19 pandemic so far. 
Getting too big to hide. The politicians know it must come out and anyone involved is resigning, trembling or sorting out escape routes. Some are even digging their holes even deeper. Anyone pushing for more jabs and/or jabs for children is overtly calling for a massively increased chance of death of those jabbed...that goes beyond manslaughter...

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2022

Outrage over ominous observations...

Repeating what I wrote a few weeks ago: "Sorry for the lack of posting but the Substack warriors (Steve Kirsch, Igor Chudov, The Naked Emporer and the bad cat amongst others) are saying everything I could possibly say: the fact that almost no politicians or the MSM are still not catching on is very sinister indeed..."

...warriors, nay, Superheroes! All have highlighted, for months, what is slowly leaking out everywhere; however, most media are still blaming it on the effect of lockdowns - admittedly this lunacy is partly to blame - as predicted in Q1 2020 - and is directly responsible for thousands of deaths - but the real killer is still not being admitted; the pandemic as such, the real bad excess deaths, was over in May 2020, was already on its way out before that. The so-called 'second wave' coincided with the usual winter rise and was augmented - no doubt - mainly lockdown 'victims' scared of the NHS and turned away by GP/medical centre Gestapo tactics - although a large chunk unfortunately coincided exactly with the vaccine rollout; with the peak of deaths around the last week of January 2021, those "aged 70 and over, and clinically extremely vulnerable individuals" began being vaccinated on 18th January 2021. Just as well those two weeks aren't counted as vaccine deaths but COVID deaths...amazing coincidence though, ahem... Anyhooo... look at this: We're at pandemic levels of death. Why is no one talking about it? "It doesn't make sense".  In the image below it is easy to see that the excess due to COVID is nicely cancelled out by the negative until mid April (that's a story in itself n'est-ce pas?) 

After that...WTF?!! And we can't just say it is the UK, or Astra Zeneca, this is happening everywhere. I've been in eight different countries this year and there are similar trends if you look. Why is hardly anyone looking? And those who know really know that the deaths in the younger age groups are diverging from any 2, 3, 5, 8, 10 year averages. More people are dying young so it can't be the oldies popping their clogs earlier as the excuse...what single thing has happened to very old, old, middle aged and young alike? What single reason could there possibly be? And I'll tell you, it ain't lockdowns; crazy totalitarian evil shit might fuck people up mentally but it doesn't kill healthy young people (apart from suicides that is, but that's a whole other story of avoidable deaths caused by government actions, not COVID).

Going back to a BOB classic (despite it being fairly new!)

sábado, 30 de julio de 2022

Outspoken: outing oncoming ogre...

In my previous post I mentioned the reason I wasn't posting much; I referred to the Substack warriors: I named those I read regularly and to those I add Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf [you can read but will require subscription if you want continued access] in whose latest article reveals she is seeing an act of war. And she is right: she is fighting against the machine, they all are; against the Blob, the Deep State, the NWO; she is one of the good guys, the Rebel Alliance. From this day to the ending of the world, But those in it shall be remembered, those few, those happy few, that band of brothers...[paraphrasing but credit to the Bard].  Acts of War that need exposing: Facing the Beast, [LINK] "Can We Really Confront the Biggest Crime in Human History?". [Edit p.m. I missed a paragraph somehow] The first 25 or so paragraphs of Facing the Beast are about a near-miss with a bear, as an intro it works. The rest will leave you gob-smacked; below is just a few snippets from the first section of a very long and informative article: all sourced.
When I saw the eighteen months’ worth of sudden deaths, slow deaths, encephalies, strokes, heart attacks, pericarditis, myocarditis, Guillain Barre, Bell’s palsy, MS, blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, blue-green breast milk, spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, neonatal seizures, neonatal multi-organ system failure, liver damage, kidney damage, suppressed lactation, suppressed sperm count, disrupted menses, all detailed the Pfizer documents; [...] I knew I was seeing not just medicine gone wrong on a massive scale, but rather that I was seeing an act of war. 

When I saw the doubling of neonatal deaths in country after country, the rise of 34% above normal in stillbirths and spontaneous abortions for vaccinated versus unvaccinated mothers; [...] when I saw the rise of 40 per cent in death rates and the shocking rise in cases of disability in the West... I knew I was not seeing just medicine gone wrong on a massive scale, but that I was witnessing an act of war.

IMHO, yes, we are. Excess non-COVID mortality significantly higher, correlated for age group and vaccine roll-out, not 'coincidence' any more.  Fertility - male and female - down, significantly; not due to fear and lockdowns but only since the vaccine roll-out. And the evidence is mounting at a rate that makes it very hard to keep ignoring. The media and politicians will run out of crises, diversions, distractions.

Now the farmer protests, all over Europe and elsewhere (the BBC seem not to have noticed, just as they failed to notice previous violent disturbances e.g. Yellow Jackets in France, dozens of weekends in a row...BBC...tumbleweed. The agenda advances and is accelerating and the sheeple still do not notice...

Wake up, it is almost too late; it may already be too late. 

Outspoken: outing oncoming ogre...

In my previous post I mentioned the reason I wasn't posting much; I referred to the Substack warriors: I named those I read regularly and to those I add Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf [you can read but will require subscription if you want continued access] in whose latest article reveals she is seeing an act of war. And she is right: she is fighting against the machine, they all are; against the Blob, the Deep State, the NWO; she is one of the good guys, the Rebel Alliance. From this day to the ending of the world, But those in it shall be remembered, those few, those happy few, that band of brothers...[paraphrasing but credit to the Bard] Acts of War that need exposing: Facing the Beast, [LINK] "Can We Really Confront the Biggest Crime in Human History?". [Edit p.m. I missed a paragraph somehow] The first 25 or so paragraphs of Facing the Beast are about a near-miss with a bear, as an intro it works. The rest will leave you gob-smacked; below is just a few snippets from the first section of a very long and informative article: all sourced.
When I saw the eighteen months’ worth of sudden deaths, slow deaths, encephalies, strokes, heart attacks, pericarditis, myocarditis, Guillain Barre, Bell’s palsy, MS, blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, blue-green breast milk, spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, neonatal seizures, neonatal multi-organ system failure, liver damage, kidney damage, suppressed lactation, suppressed sperm count, disrupted menses, all detailed the Pfizer documents; [...] I knew I was seeing not just medicine gone wrong on a massive scale, but rather that I was seeing an act of war. 
When I saw the doubling of neonatal deaths in country after country, the rise of 34% above normal in stillbirths and spontaneous abortions for vaccinated versus unvaccinated mothers; [...] when I saw the rise of 40 per cent in death rates and the shocking rise in cases of disability in the West... I knew I was not seeing just medicine gone wrong on a massive scale, but that I was witnessing an act of war.
IMHO, yes, we are. Excess non-COVID mortality significantly higher, correlated for age group and vaccine roll-out, not 'coincidence' any more.  Fertility - male and female - down, significantly; not due to fear and lockdowns but only since the vaccine roll-out. And the evidence is mounting at a rate that makes it very hard to keep ignoring. The media and politicians will run out of crises, diversions, distractions.

Now the farmer protests, all over Europe and elsewhere (the BBC seem not to have noticed, just as they failed to notice previous violent disturbances e.g. Yellow Jackets in France, dozens of weekends in a row...BBC...tumbleweed. The agenda advances and is accelerating and the sheeple still do not notice...

Wake up, it is almost too late; it may already be too late. 

viernes, 15 de julio de 2022

Observing Online order...

Sorry for the lack of posting but the Substack warriors (Steve Kirsch, Igor Chudov, The Naked Emporer and the bad cat amongst others) are saying everything I could possibly say: the fact that almost no politicians or the MSM are still not catching on is very sinsiter indeed...

Anyhoo, just popped in to reblog this posted on Samizdata: Sic transit gloria mundi...

Observing Online order...

Sorry for the lack of posting but the Substack warriors (Steve Kirsch, Igor Chudov, The Naked Emporer and the bad cat amongst others) are saying everything I could possibly say: the fact that almost no politicians or the MSM are still not catching on is very sinsiter indeed... Anyhoo, just popped in to reblog this posted on Samizdata: Sic transit gloria mundi...

sábado, 2 de abril de 2022

Obmutescent over outrageous 'overhead' oblivescence, or obscurantism?...

Withholding data, denying knowledge...or maybe they just forgot. Why are no governments checking/investigating/anything (!!) re the growing MOUNTAIN of evidence of Covid jab deaths? 

My maths may be wrong but thanks to pimaCanyon for the analogy that follows. pimaCanyon commenting on The Naked Emperor's recent post 'The missing number in the Pfizer report to calculate death and adverse event rates.' ("All is revealed"). "Using the hidden number, we can work out that the fatality rate of the Pfizer vaccine was 0.0000097%. This might seem like a small number but that represents 1 death in every 103,199 shots or approximately 10 deaths per million injections." 

OK so far? Also remember that this is based on doses presumed injected (who knows how many are in storage worldwide). Also based on reported deaths to the various vaccine injury databases [EUDRAVigilance (EU), the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme (UK) and VAERS (US) etc.] which, are VERY underestimated (admittedly with the Covid jabs this may not be the case...they mostly come at night...mostly). And yet another 'also', many/most countries haven't released any data/do not record such. Australia does btw: "more side effects than ALL drugs combined since 1971...". Not funny. 

Anyhow: back to the point: these very underestimated numbers: 10 in a million. How many aeroplanes are in the air? Quite a lot. How many people are flying each day (old numbers, but lots; pre-pandemic six million people flew somewhere everyday). As everyone knows, flying is one of the safest ways to travel (again, old data but holds true), fatalities falling

So, six million people fly somewhere everyday: imagine that jab number, 10 in a million, dying: 60 (SIXTY) people every day. Imagine a three-quarters full Embraer 190 (not the plane in the image; sorry Embraer guys, it's just the aeroplane I use the most!) crashing and killing all passengers...every day...EVERY DAY. 

Do you think there would be some sort of worry? A wee fret? A hushed whisper of concern? A small investigation? One or two questions asked? Do you? Well that is what is happening with the Covid jabs. And remember that is a massive underestimation. 

Update: Will Jones at the Daily Sceptic has a lot more info and links HERE: "How Many People Have Died From the Covid Vaccines?" ... 
..."There’s a lot of smoke here rising from what appears to be a considerable amount of fire. While it’s not possible with the data publicly available to quantify precisely the number of people the vaccines are sending to an early grave, what data there are indicate the number is not small, and may be very large – in the tens of thousands in the U.K. Certainly more than enough to be ringing alarm bells that ought long ago to have triggered drug suspensions, urgent investigations, proper controlled studies and detailed reports. That very little of this appears to be happening – and that the authorities continue to repeat the mantra that the vaccines are safe as they roll them out to ever younger age groups – is disturbing, to say the least."
VERY disturbing! We've been saying for a while and now it is becoming so obvious as to be ridiculous: SOMETHING IS WRONG!

Obmutescent over outrageous 'overhead' oblivescence, or obscurantism?...

Withholding data, denying knowledge...or maybe they just forgot. Why are no governments checking/investigating/anything (!!) re the growing MOUNTAIN of evidence of Covid jab deaths? 

My maths may be wrong but thanks to pimaCanyon for the analogy that follows. pimaCanyon commenting on The Naked Emperor's recent post 'The missing number in the Pfizer report to calculate death and adverse event rates.' ("All is revealed"). "Using the hidden number, we can work out that the fatality rate of the Pfizer vaccine was 0.0000097%. This might seem like a small number but that represents 1 death in every 103,199 shots or approximately 10 deaths per million injections." 

OK so far? Also remember that this is based on doses presumed injected (who knows how many are in storage worldwide). Also based on reported deaths to the various vaccine injury databases [EUDRAVigilance (EU), the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme (UK) and VAERS (US) etc.] which, are VERY underestimated (admittedly with the Covid jabs this may not be the case...they mostly come at night...mostly). And yet another 'also', many/most countries haven't released any data/do not record such. Australia does btw: "more side effects than ALL drugs combined since 1971...". Not funny. 

Anyhow: back to the point: these very underestimated numbers: 10 in a million. How many aeroplanes are in the air? Quite a lot. How many people are flying each day (old numbers, but lots; pre-pandemic six million people flew somewhere everyday). As everyone knows, flying is one of the safest ways to travel (again, old data but holds true), fatalities falling

So, six million people fly somewhere everyday: imagine that jab number, 10 in a million, dying: 60 (SIXTY) people every day. Imagine a three-quarters full Embraer 190 (not the plane in the image; sorry Embraer guys, it's just the aeroplane I use the most!) crashing and killing all passengers...every day...EVERY DAY. 

Do you think there would be some sort of worry? A wee fret? A hushed whisper of concern? A small investigation? One or two questions asked? Do you? Well that is what is happening with the Covid jabs. And remember that is a massive underestimation. 

Update: Will Jones at the Daily Sceptic has a lot more info and links HERE: "How Many People Have Died From the Covid Vaccines?" ... 
..."There’s a lot of smoke here rising from what appears to be a considerable amount of fire. While it’s not possible with the data publicly available to quantify precisely the number of people the vaccines are sending to an early grave, what data there are indicate the number is not small, and may be very large – in the tens of thousands in the U.K. Certainly more than enough to be ringing alarm bells that ought long ago to have triggered drug suspensions, urgent investigations, proper controlled studies and detailed reports. That very little of this appears to be happening – and that the authorities continue to repeat the mantra that the vaccines are safe as they roll them out to ever younger age groups – is disturbing, to say the least."
VERY disturbing! We've been saying for a while and now it is becoming so obvious as to be ridiculous: SOMETHING IS WRONG!

jueves, 31 de marzo de 2022

Our ocracy's obvious omissions...

"...nothing would be more fatal than for the Government of States to get in the hands of experts. Expert knowledge is limited knowledge, and the unlimited ignorance of the plain man who knows where it hurts is a safer guide than any rigorous direction of a specialized character." 

― Winston Churchill

the Together Declaration reminds us that we "have until April 7 to respond to the Government's draft Terms of Reference for the Covid-19 Inquiry. It is so important that we complete this as currently there are very obvious omissions in the scope." [my emphasis]

The Terms of Reference for the UK Covid Inquiry - where you can contribute as individual or organisation - is HERE. Avoid a whitewash

If any help is needed to fill in the survey visit the TOGETHER WEBPAGE "which aims to simplify the process for you and offer some guidance on points to raise.

TPTB are trying to leave it all behind, hoping we'll forget. Never forget that SARS CoV 2 didn't do this; Covid didn't do this; unelected megalomaniac lackeys, numerous has-beens, arch jobsworths, IYIs, "experts", champagne socialists and bad politicians did this.

Update 03:25 BST: I have just submitted my response and received their acknowledgement.

Our ocracy's obvious omissions...

"...nothing would be more fatal than for the Government of States to get in the hands of experts. Expert knowledge is limited knowledge, and the unlimited ignorance of the plain man who knows where it hurts is a safer guide than any rigorous direction of a specialized character." 
― Winston Churchill
CALL TO ACTION: COMPLETE SURVEY FOR PUBLIC INQUIRY the Together Declaration reminds us that we "have until April 7 to respond to the Government's draft Terms of Reference for the Covid-19 Inquiry. It is so important that we complete this as currently there are very obvious omissions in the scope." [my emphasis]
The Terms of Reference for the UK Covid Inquiry - where you can contribute as individual or organisation - is HERE. Avoid a whitewash

If any help is needed to fill in the survey visit the TOGETHER WEBPAGE "which aims to simplify the process for you and offer some guidance on points to raise.

TPTB are trying to leave it all behind, hoping we'll forget. Never forget that SARS CoV 2 didn't do this; Covid didn't do this; unelected megalomaniac lackeys, numerous has-beens, arch jobsworths, IYIs, "experts", champagne socialists and bad politicians did this.

Update 03:25 BST: I have just submitted my response and received their acknowledgement.

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2022

Offensive Oscar outrage or odious objicients II...

Indeed, the II in the blog-post title is because this is the second time. The second time on this particular subject but far from only the second time Oscar organisation is in the news. In 2019 I wrote "Another 'backlash', another hoo-ha; would anyone - apart from from those taking part and their guests - actually remember the Oscars was on if there wasn't this annual pre-event outrage at something?". Well, did you know/remember? Do you care? *

In 2016: the first time, I wrote "Once again the natives are getting restless. Oops, can I say that? Another whitewash; another blackout..." but not literally this time because two of my favourite actors are nominated. Not my favourite black actors, just favourite actors (by the way, they're not white). But like then, I again say look at the graph in the image (as always, click to enlarge); admittedly this is a few years ago now but it shows black actors (you know I mean male AND female when I say that, right?) are OVER represented in the winners**. 

What say YOU to that Mr. Frederick Gooding Jr. and Dr. Ronald E. Moore?  'The Oscars Are Still So White' [FFS]. And lucky the Latino, Asian and 'Other' ethnicities aren't so weak and paranoid as to want 'equality'. You'd hope so BUT the further we go down the woke rabbit hole the more you know the winners will probably not be there on merit. So sad, so stupid, so racist!

Bearing in mind that since 2020 The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is bending over backwards (no word of a lie I read that linked site as 'Virtue' the first time I read it) to make sure it ticks as many boxes as possible. What happens with hot [update: ***] star talent like Ariana DeBose, do they get to tick three boxes? 

* Sadly, and the first time I can recall it being this bad, of the 12 films represented in the four 'bill-topping' categories (best actor, best supporting, best actress, best supporting) I have only heard of TWO of them!
**  Heaven forbid - maybe they deserved it!