domingo, 5 de noviembre de 2023

Obfuscation, oblivescence, obnubilation, obscurantism...

Call it what you will. But Remember Remember the 5th of Ows input, just a bunch of great quotes from V for Vendetta

"Since mankind's dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility over our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves. By doing so, they took our power. By doing nothing, we gave it away. We've seen where their way leads, through camps and wars, towards the slaughterhouse.

"Where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission." 

"How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense." 
"Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it." 
"Equality and freedom are not luxuries to lightly cast aside. Without them, order cannot long endure before approaching depths beyond imagining." 

"No. This is only the land of take-what-you-want. Anarchy means 'without leaders', not 'without order'. With anarchy comes an age or ordnung, of true order, which is to say voluntary order... this age of ordung will begin when the mad and incoherent cycle of verwirrung that these bulletins reveal has run its course... This is not anarchy, Eve. This is chaos."

Update: early hours (before 2 a.m. on 6th November in UK...but I'm not there, still 5th November here. not telling you where, but been in 4 LatAm countries in the past 3 weeks: age-old readers of Owsblog, [all 3 or 4 or you hahaha] will know that hasn't changed for 20 odd years). Anyhoo, by complete coincidence A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR, who writes the Substack 'The Forgotten Side of Medicineposted today that [he] Would Like To Take This Day To Honor A Masterpiece, yes, the aforementioned megamovie V for Vendetta: "How my favorite movie foreshadowed the beginning and end of COVID-19" [sic: yank spelling not typos]. 

And this should be the first quote; just fill in the blank re 'this country'...
And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?

miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2023

Orinoco oil output III...

By way of celebration of the easing of sanctions on Venezuela last week (albeit temporarily for the present) here's an interesting blog from Latinometrics Substack today: Venezuela's Oil Potential and its History [LINK]. Some facts from the article: "Venezuela owns 18% of all of the world's oil"..."By 1950, Venezuela was the world’s 4th-wealthiest nation per capita." Unbelievable, right?

...and the image below shows how they are keeping most of their oil in the ground, not what they'd like to do!

And here's where I repeat a post from 5 years ago:

Hazard a guess at these two countries: 

The first country "is one of the region’s oldest and strongest democracies.
"It boasts a stronger social safety net than any of its neighbours and is making progress on its promise to deliver free health care and higher education to all its citizens. It is a model of social mobility and a magnet for immigrants from across Latin America and Europe.
"The press is free, and the political system is open; opposing parties compete fiercely in elections and regularly alternate power peacefully. It sidestepped the wave of military juntas that mired some Latin American countries in dictatorship. Thanks to a long political alliance and deep trade and investment ties with the United States, it serves as the Latin American headquarters for a slew of multinational corporations. It has the best infrastructure in South America. It is still unmistakably a developing country, with its share of corruption, injustice, and dysfunction, but it is well ahead of other poor countries by almost any measure... 

"The second country is one of Latin America’s most impoverished nations and its newest dictatorship. Its schools lie half deserted. The health system has been devastated by decades of underinvestment, corruption, and neglect; long-vanquished diseases, such as malaria and measles, have returned. Only a tiny elite can afford enough to eat. An epidemic of violence has made it one of the most murderous countries in the world. [sic]
"It is the source of Latin America’s largest refugee migration in a generation, with millions of citizens fleeing in the last few years alone. Hardly anyone (aside from other autocratic governments) recognizes its sham elections, and the small portion of the media not under direct state control still follows the official line for fear of reprisals. By the end of 2018, its economy will have shrunk by about half in the last five years. It is a major cocaine-trafficking hub, and key power brokers in its political elite have been indicted in the United States on drug charges. Prices double every 25 days. The main airport is largely deserted, used by just a handful of holdout airlines bringing few passengers to and from the outside world." 

The two countries? Answer: these two countries are in fact the same country: Venezuela. Forty years is a long time
(Highlight with cursor to see answer). 

Read the rest of the article HERE. 'Venezuela’s Suicide. Lessons From a Failed State.' By Moisés Naím and Francisco Toro at Foreign Affairs Magazine.

Orinoco Belt info, world's largest reserves isn't a joke. 

viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2023

Opiate outrage...

Well, the image below tells it's own story, and it's a horror story. In only two decades look how the leading cause of death has changed in the USA (by age and state). At the beginning of the century only the cesspool of a Federal capitol had anything other than the 'innocent' traffic accident deaths for ages UP TO 17; now suicide, homicide ad cancer (WTF!...surely not you know what?) is gaining ground. That is horrific. Then look at 18-44 year olds, oh my God! Suicide and substance abuse/addiction (presumably leading to many of the suicides!) 

Major massive epidemic that seems far worse than anyone imagines. And guess what? this week Suella Braverman (UK Home Secretary) admitted it was 'inevitable' the same would come to Britain. If you actually get to live more than 45 years then cause of death becomes more 'settled' and predictable.  

Hat-tip: Naked Emperor's Must reads today.

sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2023

Obmutescent, obedible, omphaloskeptic ovines...

Silent, docile navel-gazing sheep (OK, not sure sheep can do that easily!). We are become...nothing. 

All very depressing. The Naked Emperor's latest "A Picture is worth a Thousand Words": Or a survey result...yes, polls are notoriously more shite then ever but this definitely rings true, and in such a short time (2016-22):

Look at the wording, "definitely should...". We are lost. 
'To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life.' Robert Louis Stevenson

lunes, 24 de julio de 2023

Ongoing ocean observations II...

Source: Ocean Clean-up Paper: Science (Advances) Hat-tip: bad cat 
"and this is why i find the issues raised by so many of the self-described “greens” today who have been so subsumed and outright eaten by the “anthropogenic global warming” story so problematic:

 because they have become the enemies of actual environmentalism and ecology by setting their goals and demands in opposition to that which actually supports the environment. 

and this has become absurd and malformed to the point of being truly dangerous and counterproductive."

domingo, 18 de junio de 2023

Ocean observation of opaque octopus...

...or more accurately glass octopus. Ah nostalgia! Saw this Massimo* tweet and immediately thought of Paul (nearly 13 years ago!).

Massimo links to the Schmidt Ocean Institute with the story, photos and videos: 

"scientists made two rare sightings of a glass octopus, a nearly transparent species whose only visible features are its optic nerve, eyeballs and digestive tract. Before this expedition, there has been limited live footage of the glass octopus, forcing scientists to learn about the animal by studying specimens found in the gut contents of predators.

* proof that Twitter isn't only a raging troll infested bear-pit free-for-all.

sábado, 10 de junio de 2023

Older opium outlook...

Image from RFI (France)
Interesting insights into the Afghanistan government's (AKA The Taliban) successful ban on opium production. William Byrd [Link to article] writing at The United States Institute of Peace [About] says "The ban is not a counter-narcotics victory and will have negative economic and humanitarian consequences, potentially leading to a refugee crisis.

This isn't the first time; the previous successful ban was in 2000/01 (and we all know what happened just afterwards and Helmand is 'by far Afghanistan's largest opium-producing province'...complete coincidence though). 

Banning opium production sounds like it is a noble cause right, especially as "Unlike the Taliban's previous opium ban, the current ban encompasses trade and processing of opiates, not just poppy cultivation." BUT the cultivated and harvest bumper crop from last year is not only exempted from destruction but also the trade of it can carry on. That said it does mean they are aware that bankrupting much of the rural population isn't a good thing either, so again, they've learnt from last time! 

Also, the noble cause is further tainted by the possibility that it is an economic ruse to restrict supply to allow the market price to rise and they can cash in on their large stock (super simplified and not wholly accurate, as discussed in links below). 

The article sheds more light on the whole situation and is definitely worth a read, with many references and info from David Mansfield reports at Alcis, ("Truly Unprecedented") and the Chapter 'Repositioning a Pariah Regime' from Mansfield's book A State Built on Sand is excellent [PDF

The war/s, COVID crises and intermittently closed borders cause -and have caused- much hardship over the years (you don't say) and 'although numerous eradication programmes have been underway for several years' (from picture link), Afghanistan has continued to be the world's main producer of opium (over 80% of total), so any ban is very likely to be temporary...ahem.

jueves, 8 de junio de 2023

Ocean observation; orarian oblectation...

Today is
World Ocean Day, something I fully support* [Ocean Conservancy]. "If you are lucky enough to be an orarian (coastal dweller) I hope you appreciate your circumstances; if you are lucky or rich enough to ever get into outer-space and you look down at The Earth, most of what you see will be the blue of water: over 70% of the planet's surface is covered by ocean and it is because of this that the Earth is sometimes called "the water planet" - less than three-tenths (maths was always a strong point) of our globe is covered with land." just looked at that from my Our Ocean in 2006. Hope it's still true ;-) 

Another interesting stat: How much water is there on the planet? Less than 3% of that is freshwater. Of that, nearly 70% is in ice caps, glaciers, and permanent snow, and 30% sits in ground water.

Of course the oceans aren't just water: there is the very bad, and the good: Obambulating
"95% to 98% of the biomass in the ocean is in microbes, which produce about half of the oxygen on the planet."
There are more than 1030 viruses on Earth and the oceans, An Ocean of Viruses. "The sheer number of viruses and their intimate relationship with microbial life suggest that viruses play a critical role in the planet’s biosphere."
"Ocean viruses may turn over as much as 150 gigatons of carbon per year... "
Good info from NASA: "The story of oceans is the story of life. Oceans define our home planet, covering the majority of Earth’s surface and driving the water cycle that dominates our land and atmosphere. But more profound still, the story of our oceans envelops our home in a far larger context that reaches deep into the universe and places us in a rich family of ocean worlds that span our solar system and beyond." (well, it is NASA!)

* unlike many other 'name Days' and despite the fact that the climate change hysteria has affected ALL such institutions and charities. Also World Water Day, World Toilet Day and World Water Monitoring Day are up there and worth a mention. 

miércoles, 7 de junio de 2023

Overtly Orwellian overreaction...

Scott Atlas is one of a small group that has been consistantly correct throughout the whole 'COVID era'. America's COVID Response Was Based on Lies [Newsweek]: 

"The tragic failure of reckless, unprecedented lockdowns that were contrary to established pandemic science, and the added massive harms of those policies on children, the elderly, and lower-income families, are indisputable and well-documented in numerous[ ]studies. This was the biggest, the most tragic, and the most unethical breakdown of public health leadership in modern history."

And there were far better ways [October 2020]:
"As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection." 
Like I wrote back then regarding the scam and casedemic: There is NO doubt about this. We are being lied to. Crimes have been committed.

Back to Scott Atlas: he writes that him nor other heroes trying to change the craziness by providing facts, data and alternative actions should be so naïve as to expect a direct apology from critics at their employers (Stanford University in his case) or from the government and academic public health officials but I think that is exactly what they should expect, and get, very loud and very clear. 

This madness must never be allowed to happen again and as the famous truism goes, admitting you have a problem is the first step to fixing it': Acceptance MUST happen to enable recovery. Without acceptance from TPTB and many lower done, there will be no real recovery. 

From back then too: 
Image by Steve Bright (here on Twitter)

sábado, 3 de junio de 2023

Outing official opiniasters: omissions, obfuscation or obscurantism...

BBC = Ministry of Truth. Irony lost on BBC

...or indeed all of the above! The UK's state broadcaster (Auntie, The Beeb, the BBC) "says its new Verify service will subject its own journalism to more rigorous fact-checking. But a far less neutral agenda appears to be concealed beneath this lofty aspiration". Laughable to anyone who cares to even scratch the surface. 

"The BBC isn’t exposing disinformation. It's peddling it" writes Jonathan Cook; he's 100% correct. 
 "Why the BBC is launching its Verify service is all too clear. Trust in the establishment media, and the BBC in particular, has hit an all-time low. That itself poses a threat to the broadcaster’s Reithian [*] purpose: to impress a national consensus on the public mind that serves the British state." 
[*] Lord Reith, founder of the BBC:

'They [the government] know they can trust us not to be really impartial.' (C. Stuart, ed., 'The Reith Diaries', 1975)
[Media Lens Twitter LINK]

lunes, 29 de mayo de 2023

Opulent opus omnifying our oneirodynia...

Spiritual war [BOB]
'Spiritual war' an A3 framed print of which will soon on its way to yours truly. A masterpiece "most influenced by Bruegel’s ‘The Fall of the Rebel Angels’, which was originally thought to have been painted by Bosch. So obviously, there’s a lot of him in there too." [Twitter]
Original artwork: £125,000.00

Original artwork painted on 300gsm Saunders Waterford watercolour paper and rendered in Indian ink and watercolours.

Measures 470mm x 330mm on 510mm x 360mm paper.

From BOB. [Website]

For more information and to arrange a direct payment please email

sábado, 20 de mayo de 2023

Outed Obama (re)outed...

Well well. "In response to new sanctions by the Biden administration" [Human Events] Russia has banned ex POTUS Barack Obama (among 500 Americans banned from going to Russia, LINK: AP). This is:
"On the heels of the release of the Durham Report showing Obama’s involvement in election interference and the Russian collusion hoax in 2016, Russia has banned the disgraced president from entering the country."
[@Amuse Twitter]. 

Had to laugh. The Durham report shows what we knew back in 2016 and was just part of Outgoing Obama's outrageous outrecuidance...him and Hillary were up to their eyeballs in sleaze and corruption and international and intentional murder of US citizens. As usual, Russia's official response to Biden's sanctions - although not "pretty damn sassy" like their response to Obama's lame duck shenanigans, is with more reason. Why? Because the Obama administration, Clinton and the DNC's direct involvement in Russian collusion has brought the world to the failing situation it is now in, they stole the 2020 election; if The Donald had become POTUS 46 do you really think we'd be where we are today?

Update: Always worth a read Mark Steyn told us too, also back in 2016 and reviewed last year: "As I think most persons paying attention now realize, the investigation into foreign interference with the 2016 election was created as a cover for domestic interference with the 2016 election."

jueves, 18 de mayo de 2023


Well it was obvious before the first day of the first lockdown that the idea of 'lockdowns' (prison riot term) would kill more than the virus. Now the data is showing it loud and clear: not just the murder rate (image below) but also drug use, suicide, road deaths (yes! weird huh?) suicide, fertility down more than before, pregnancy issue, stllbirth not just the 'straight-forward' vax deaths and clear heart problems on the increase, but almost everything is worse.

Source PLC on Twitter (@Humble_Analysis)
Hat-Tip: The Naked Emperor Substack.

sábado, 13 de mayo de 2023

Open obloquy obfuscating ovines...

Disgracefully misleading the sheeple: almost every single line in the following US Gov COVID jab info is wrong - and demonstrably so. Evil abounds: DEMONStrably...

Source: CDC government website 
"The fact the CDC continues to recommend these modified mRNA injections for infants as young as six months old, pregnant and breastfeeding women, when there is a preponderance of evidence, which shows they are neither safe nor effective, is profoundly troubling. This report discusses the potential reason why this government agency’s position has been so resolute and delves into what the public really needs to know!..." 
Source and hat-tip: Sonia Elijah investigates "The CDC's catastrophic failures: What the public needs to know". Always worth a read and subscribe to the Substack if you wish. 

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023

Overtly odd overreaction overview...

Three years ago today. Looking back to my first post after having returned from abroad (got back on 1st day of the first lockdown). [LINK now added

I had already told colleagues, customers and friends, loudly and repeatedly, that BJ and the UK would never lock down because it was so obviously stupid and would have a terrible effect on everything (economy, health etc). I also said that lockdowns would kill - certainly in less well-off countries - far more than this virus (which we already knew wasn't that deadly, yes, in March 2020 we knew that).

Cartoon by JOSH [donate link]

Notice the link and comment at the bottom:
BOOM "Inaccurate Virus Models Are Panicking Officials Into Ill-Advised Lockdowns"...we sort of suspected the same thing here in the UK. Could almost be Climate Change on steroids!

That was based on this article and interview: "A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data", By John P.A. Ioannidis March 17, 2020. The Diamond Princess told us everything. 

With much more data now we know that in the UK (and NY as a prime example in the USA) the actions taken caused a large percentage of the 'COVID' deaths; the majority of care-home deaths. 

Of course the figures are skewed (and impossible now to ever get a true number). They lied, thousands died.

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2023

Olid oligarchic oneirodynia...

"America's deadliest war - and it has not ended yet, by a long shot." Ethical Skeptic on Twitter.

Read the whole thread, then read the other threads. The wall is slowly crumbling but the speed is unbelievably slow. Someone has to pay for this shit. 

[Update 23/03/23: follow up TES thread HERE]

sábado, 4 de marzo de 2023

Oncoming oppression III...

...or is it IV, or XV?! *

Image credit Imperial War Museums [LINK]
Ministerio de Propaganda

If you tolerate this, Then your children will be next [MSP Lyrics] ...but it's already too late, your children - or at the latest their children - will be dead or slaves. Not about WWIII the West is trying to start, not about Madrid (Spanish Civil War) but certainly involving multiple equivalents of the Ministerio de Propaganda

What am I on about? Just yesterday YouGov (yeah yeah, know who they are and what they are...and polls suck, but hey-ho) released a poll; it coincides with the highly suspicious controlled release of Government Tweets during the pandemic, nudging us towards blaming just a few crass 'incompetents' for two years of of totalitarian oppression and gross negligence that caused multiple thousands of deaths (probably millions worldwide, and certainly more than any virus).

The poll: "In hindsight, thinking about the government's handling of the Covid‑19 outbreak, do you think their approach was generally...?"

Now, one would think, especially now with all the information that is openly being reported [facts that many - mostly unjabbed - had, by complete coincidence, or magic, or something, knew years ago] would mean that anybody even remotely lucid would say, with absolutely no doubt whatsoever, that the government's handling was absolutely and utterly bat-shit (see what I did there?) crazy; high-handed jack-booted face-punchingly fucked up crazy...'d be wrong. Thirty seven percent (37%!!!) of all adults thought the government wasn't strict enough. 

There are several break-downs of the full numbers: gender, age, region, politics and social grade.  For the most part it is similarly split: in 'Politics' no surprise the lefty liberal fuckwits wanted harder lockdown, as did Remainers. In gender, males were slightly higher than females in 'Too strict', and fewer males were 'Don't knows'; similar to females in the lower social grade: they too were higher 'Too strict' and fewer 'Don't knows'. 

BUT, the major tell, the point of this post, and the highest number throughout the poll: in the Age section (see table below): over half (51%) of 18-24 year olds thought the government's approach was 'Not strict enough'. We're fucked. They are doomed.


* Previous posts: Oncoming oppression, Oncoming oppression II although - rather embarrassingly - I note I used those same two titles before: the first in 2008 and 2009, and the second in 2011: several pages of Oppression posts HERE, no surprise that many are in last last three years.

martes, 21 de febrero de 2023

Obsigning overflowing obsequies...

"Excess mortality in the EU in December 2022 soared to +19% of the average number of deaths for the same period in 2016-2019...". Seen before but The Naked Emperor’s Newsletter just reminded me.

The missing gaps will be reported soon: "Data for Sweden and Italy will be published at the end of February and mid-March, respectively", from Eurostat's own Statistics Explained page

For context "the excess mortality rate was +30% in December 2020 and +24% in December 2021"...but why are so many people still dying? 

It certainly can't be a coronavirus and with all the deaths from the panic that pushed us into the first lockdown [link added 21/02: hastening death, creating fear, getting the numbers to allow totalitarianism measures], plus the winter of 2020 you'd think - to put it very bluntly - the very weak, vulnerable and near-death would all have been taken, no? Yet all through the last two years we're still seeing scary numbers from everywhere: 

...same in the UK (even Owen gets it but not for all the right reasons!)

...same in Australia ("In 2022, there were 144,650 deaths that occurred by 30 September and were registered by 30 November, which is 19,986 (16.0%) more than the historical average"

...same in New Zealand ("New Zealand has recorded the largest increase in the number of registered deaths since the 1918 influenza pandemic, new data from Stats NZ shows"...wondered why Jacinda legged it?). 

How is it possible that this isn't the biggest media story ever? We had daily updates when they wanted you scared; now crickets and tumbleweed: they're scared you'll find out.

domingo, 19 de febrero de 2023

Oriental's ocean obligation...

Visualized: Ocean Plastic Waste Pollution By Country [LINK: Visual Capitalist

"Millions of metric tons of plastic are produced worldwide every year. While half of this plastic waste is recycled, incinerated, or discarded into landfills, a significant portion of what remains eventually ends up in our oceans.

Where does all of this plastic come from? 

In this graphic, Louis Lugas Wicaksono used data from a research paper by Lourens J.J. Meijer and team to highlight the top 10 countries emitting plastic pollutants in the waters surrounding them." [Link to research

Spoiler: Brazil is the only country not in Asia to make it to this top 10 list.

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2023

'Octagonal object': overt obfuscation...

"U.S. military brings down flying object over Lake Huron near Canadian border"...[Reuters]

WTF is going on. Nothing then four separate 'UFO's in a week? One not so unidentified was a Chinese balloon; what will this 'octagonal object' be? It doesn't matter: it is just to distract you; take your pick: Ukraine farce, Epstein list, Biden crimes, COVID jab murders, Jan 6th truth...[adding from Clown Basket: the major chemical spill/train derailment in Ohio and US navy bombing Nordstream I...] so many things to not report on... 

...oooh, look over there, a squirrel!

Update: UK version of things not to report on: Ukraine farce, Epstein list, net Zero energy hikes, hostile rape-intent fighting-age-only flow of immigration, [soon to become] gang-rape 'groomers', drag/trans/gender mental health issues, COVID jab murders, Sunak digital ID ties/oncoming CBDC, Brexit bretrayal...

sábado, 28 de enero de 2023

Obmutescent over obsolete obstetrics...

...well, not obsolete yet but we're heading that way. 

As David Bell says on Twitter reviewing the bad cat's latest Substack: "Since 9 months after mid-2021, birth rates have widely fallen. If only something consistent had happened then, like a change in climate or a monetizable virus outbreak, the media would be able to discuss it. Even public health agencies might."
bad cattitude: "the timing of the inflections both for commencement and for leveling off at low rates once vaccination was widespread are striking and (as laid out in the link above) there is strong a prior reason rooted in clinical studies to suspect durable fertility suppression from mRNA vaccines." [sic]

"...but the trends seem widespread and no one is having a good 2022."

jueves, 19 de enero de 2023

Outstanding oration...

Well worth seven minutes of your time; if you haven't already begun to think like this you should start pretty soon.

From Mikki Willis of PlandemicSeriesOfficial, Our Birthright...[Video link]